Where is Waite's Article "Tarot: A Wheel of Fortune?


The article of November 1909 in the Occult Review--has anyone ever seen it online?

This is the article that is cited and quoted for the first appearance of the Rider Waite cards but I was hoping some kind soul has found it online, text and illustrations?

Thanks in advance. I was asked about it and I have never seen it...I've been looking rather carefully at our standard favorite resources which include Holly Voley's site, sacred text...etc...

I checked online, adepti.com and other references, but it's not been scanned for online reading yet...

Thank you if you can find it out there!



I have it...

though not from an online source. It's included in number 8 of the Golden Dawn Studies Series, entitled "The Golden Dawn Tarot". It's available for less than $10 from Holmes Publishing Group. In the volume are Introductory Notes, and 2 other articles "The Tarot and the Rosy Cross" and "The Truth About the Tarot Trumps".

My copy has just arrived and I haven't begun to read it yet.



Ah Asher, thanks!

I will send a note to someone who asked me if I ever saw that essay by Waite--I said I didn't, I only saw references online.

I'll find the reprint online and let the friendly questioner order a copy...and put it in my own budgeted wish list to buy soon.

Thanks! I appreciate your good references.
