wht does cross cards mean?


I've been doing readings for myself and friends for a while now. But I usually do not do spreads that have a card "cross" another.

Well I was trying a new one on myself and when if came to represent me it was a Hermit and the card crossing me was the 7 of swords. (relationship spread)

Does that mean the crossing cards has an emotional impact or is more of a background type card?

Thank you for any insight,


yeah, I am also not really using spreads, I just pull some cards and let the cards tell the link between them :) BUT I think a card in a crossed position means that it is blocking the card/situation beneath.

Like an outside force which has impact on that card thats being crossed.
Lets see how other see it who use th CC or other spreads with that position :)


Yea, crossed cards can be kind of complicated. I see them as issues facing the querent (either internal or external obstacles that might be impeding their progress), or, depending on the card and the ones around it, as qualities that support the querent. So yes, background issues the the querent may not have been aware of can come up in the form of a crossed card...usually the querent will be aware of whatever the crossed card represents, though. Hope this helps and I didn't just confuse you more. This is just my opinion however, if you think something differently, then by all means go with it :)