Why isn't this person really talking to me?


It's about someone with a possible romantic undertone, and it seems like he is into me, but he just kind of drops off and doesn't say anything. So I feel odd always being the one to pick things back up.

I got the Ace of Swords and Page of Swords as the answer to this question. And my goodness is that confusing as these are THE communication cards. Could it be that I am just too honest and that is off putting? That's a possibility, but it just seems to me that isn't exactly what these cards are trying to say.

I was honestly expecting some other cards that indicate a lack of interest or being wrapped up in something else. So I am pretty confused to get the two cards that are most associated with direct communication when that is exactly what is lacking haha.


It's about someone with a possible romantic undertone, and it seems like he is into me, but he just kind of drops off and doesn't say anything. So I feel odd always being the one to pick things back up.

I got the Ace of Swords and Page of Swords as the answer to this question. And my goodness is that confusing as these are THE communication cards. Could it be that I am just too honest and that is off putting? That's a possibility, but it just seems to me that isn't exactly what these cards are trying to say.

I was honestly expecting some other cards that indicate a lack of interest or being wrapped up in something else. So I am pretty confused to get the two cards that are most associated with direct communication when that is exactly what is lacking haha.

Maybe that's why they're not speaking with you. You say the cards are about direct communication? Maybe you need to be more open and direct with them.

Maybe when you talk they think you're being single minded and only stick to one topic or one side of the story.

I wonder if the cards are telling you to be more direct with them also about why they aren't talking to you message them and cut through the b.s ?

Sorry sweet siren if, it didn't mean to come across as blunt.




I actually am a pretty direct person. I enjoy conversation and I enjoy getting to know people. I've been very honest with him, and nothing has even come up for me to be harsh about. If anything, these cards say to me, "He doesn't say much because you're you." Haha


New Way of Thinking

Hi Sweet Siren!
I loved what Awkward Turtle had to say regarding the communication that may be lacking in this situation. I will say that you might be called to tell him exactly what you are feeling and that you be more direct about your expectations moving forward. Swords also represent thoughts and the thought-process. Could it be that you are being represented by the Ace because this is a challenge that is going to change the way you look at yourself and others around you? Could the page represent a difference in the maturity levels that exist between the two of you (you being an Ace with the extreme potential for thought and communication; he is the page that is trying to learn to communicate and is trying to keep up with you?) Sometime we have to make hard decisions and set very clear boundaries for ourselves. Although there may be potential for a romantic relationship, the real question is how hard do you want to work to make someone else rise to where you are now? I say this because I have acquaintances that have spent much of their time trying to get relationships to work when they are the only ones that are actually doing anything to manifest the relationship. Just a thought!


Hi Sweet Siren!
I loved what Awkward Turtle had to say regarding the communication that may be lacking in this situation. I will say that you might be called to tell him exactly what you are feeling and that you be more direct about your expectations moving forward. Swords also represent thoughts and the thought-process. Could it be that you are being represented by the Ace because this is a challenge that is going to change the way you look at yourself and others around you? Could the page represent a difference in the maturity levels that exist between the two of you (you being an Ace with the extreme potential for thought and communication; he is the page that is trying to learn to communicate and is trying to keep up with you?) Sometime we have to make hard decisions and set very clear boundaries for ourselves. Although there may be potential for a romantic relationship, the real question is how hard do you want to work to make someone else rise to where you are now? I say this because I have acquaintances that have spent much of their time trying to get relationships to work when they are the only ones that are actually doing anything to manifest the relationship. Just a thought!

That is an aspect of the Ace that I forgot about, it can represent a cognitive shift. Thank you for reminding me! The tarot could not be answering my question exactly, but rather picking up on the overall energy. I think there is something about the way I perceive the world that needs to shift in order to reach him. I don't think he is lacking in communication skills.

I won't go much into detail, but he's a mutual friend that I hadn't been around in a while. I heard that he was going through a weird time so I shot him a message (page of swords lol). But since you mentioned that, I am reminded of his overall energy and why he stuck out in my mind. He just feels so different in the best way possible, if that makes any sense. I do think he is the kind of person that if we were to get closer would make me see things differently just because of that strange place he embodies. It is strange to me because we probably are so incredibly different. And it takes patience to learn that different doesn't always have negative connotations and it doesn't mean that you can't connect. You just have to find a new way.

I'm still not totally sure if this perspective answers my question, but I do like that you pointed out that aspect of the ace because it dies ring true to the situation at hand. Thank you.

And of course, it takes two to tango. I can't be the only one who is showing an interest to learn more. And that's what I think is so funny about these cards, I just think they are describing me more than they are answering my question lol


Pages are typically to the point. Especially with the PoS. I would say the thought occurs to him he should speak up more, but for him, it would be biting off more than he can chew. Likely he is intimidated by your constant spark and he's letting you lead the relationship... less likely, he is dealing with some form of social anxiety.

The latter might be the case if you do most of the talking and he does a whole lot of listening. It's probably got 0 to do with you.

I can definitely relate as I'm a bit intense on the communication front. Especially with matters of intellect. It doesn't necessarily mean in any form that i am more intellectual or smarter than the people around me. It's more that communication for me IS my natural state (it is after all my field of work)... some people don't share appreciation for the art of crafting the word or getting across ideas. They prefer to be a bit of a bystander who would rather like to focus on more basic ways of getting ideas across... (Page of Swords)

I think the cards in this case are placing a focus on the disparity between you and them in terms of how you approach communication (Edit because that didn't make sense before)... Ace of Swords is likely representing your earnest interest in getting involved in not ONLY communication, but relating to others on a more intellectual level.

Whereas Page of Swords probably picked up his Sword off Ebay, is not sure he can even learn to use the thing, but still he likes what it is able to allow him to do. (mostly take selfies of himself holding swords in the bathroom). He may not necessarily have as big of an interest in getting his ideas across beyond more basic levels, and such, he's approaching it from a different point of view than you. Their interest may be more of a passing thing. They maybe hang around you because of your ability to master the suit. If they're male and you're female, there's also the possibility that that sort of upfront communication from a lady can feel a bit intimidating, (edit: though not necessarily in a BAD way as I get to later), especially with it's ability to more or less cut away the cloaks and bull**** reasoning that some people otherwise can get safely away with daily without trouble ... that can be intimidating to the point of feeling demasculating for some. It could be too it depends on the situation... when you're appealing to them for a romantic connection, the Ace of Swords might be the entry point they secretly wish for. Perhaps intellectual stimulation is very appealing to them. The problem is they maybe only engage it from a bystander level...

Another possibility, but not distant. They may also be more the "submissive" type and you calling the shots is far more attractive than them taking control. In this case, the Page of Swords act may just be their way of keeping your interest, remaining intellectually interesting, all the whole hoping you'd be more interested in other types of "tricks" of the mind. After all, intellectual pursuits are wrongly or rightfully, considered to be the primarily the territory of the man (I'm female and I don't agree, but it is what it is), so to have a woman with this "spark" is quite rare... like the sword from Ebay, he may literally not know what to do with you to keep up. (Also your name is SweetSIREN, so there's that :p)

I would consider other cultural/gender bias possibilities because I think that Swords, more than other suits, are highly contrived depending on the regions and local areas of the querent. I have friends now that say I am intense, but that I can just keep the spark more or less going... Ace of Swords can speak to you having longevity in that area, since you are able to start fresh with a topic and branch from there... whereas a Page of Swords is coming in from a different perspective, usually as a bystander, so he may be trying to pick up a skill at a level far beyond his current capabilities... therefore, intimidation factor.

Edit: The other possibility, there are environmental factors and the PoS represents the uphill climb to getting this person to come out of their shell.

Edit2 :)shhh:): BTW, Page of Swords are similar in that they act on a spark... it's just again, the approach is very different. Ace of Swords would have a different goal each time I think, whereas with Page of Swords, it's like using language in a more repetitive way to achieve the same goals... Ace of Swords generally has more of an intellectual approach (active interest), whereas I think Page of Swords is more like viewing it at a basic skill.

BTW, I did not read the other posts.


Maru, I read your response a couple times. The first time, I took in what you saw in the cards. It was pretty refreshing. The second time, I had to laugh because I think you are onto something. He recommended a book to me and I asked him why he liked it. He never responded. That was the last time we texted (about a week ago), and so I think your line of thought about feigning interest in intellectual matters or "sword games" might have some truth in it.

I like how you reiterated the differences in the two cards. An ace IS truth, a page is understanding what it is and how to use it. An ace is the thought, a page is figuring out what to do with it. So I like what you had to say about the possibility that it might occur to him that he needs to speak up more. He's thinking (ace) about how to communicate (page). You also wrote in such a way that I understand the disparity between the two in a real life situation. An ace embodies those qualities- real interest, honest inquiry, fresh insight. A page, however, might not appreciate those things but play with them haphazardly. I think the progression in the court cards when it comes to swords is about the level of awareness when it comes to words and thoughts, how they impact your life and the people around you. How to play with them and when not to. So the ace would represent that sudden burst of awareness, it could symbolize something someone said that cut to the truth or just a sudden insight.


I wrote that just before he texted me again when I least expected it. And I thought you should know you were in the right direction, for sure. He likes the way I speak and what's on my mind and he's trying to tease more of that out of me but isn't sure how because I'm such a dang sword and he's probably a cup, to put it into tarot speak. I think the cards also showed that he is the kind of person that says exactly what is on his mind, even if he doesn't understand that his words might get in the way of what he actually wants (what a page).

I could go on about how interesting these cards are to the situation at hand, but I will leave it at that. Thank you very much for your insightful response. I loved reading it and you were certainly onto something.


It's about someone with a possible romantic undertone, and it seems like he is into me, but he just kind of drops off and doesn't say anything. So I feel odd always being the one to pick things back up.

I got the Ace of Swords and Page of Swords as the answer to this question. And my goodness is that confusing as these are THE communication cards. Could it be that I am just too honest and that is off putting? That's a possibility, but it just seems to me that isn't exactly what these cards are trying to say.

I was honestly expecting some other cards that indicate a lack of interest or being wrapped up in something else. So I am pretty confused to get the two cards that are most associated with direct communication when that is exactly what is lacking haha.

Ace of swords - he cuts communications, directly in a way that is difficult to understand. This ace usually cut and also starts good communications and relationships in a direct way. In this case with the page of swords that is you.
This page is quick minded, clever, and cutting, and since it's in the earliest stage of mastering his suit, you are prompt to say what you want, what you think but harshly, or talk too much. So the case could be that he simply cuts communications with you for any of the previous reasons...