Wilhelm I Ching Numerology


Where can I find Richard Wilhelm's explanation of I Ching numerology?

Lien Shan

Nowhere, because he didn't explain that the hexagrams are numbers. He only translated The Ten Wings:
You find the numerology of the Book of Change in the 8th wing (Shuo Kua)


Okay, I've already found some basic information online which referred to Wilhelm, but want to read the source, thanks!

Lien Shan

Wilhelm mentions in his I Ching translation, that the original names of Earth and Heaven were the wet
and the dry. This information is the key to understanding the numerology of the Book of Changes.

The wet is yielding and the dry is firm.
The wet is dark and the the dry is light.
The wet is 2 and the dry 3.

The eight trigram numbers from 2 to 9 are pictures of the eight phases of the moon.
The four waxing phases have a wet line above. The four descending phases have a dry line above.

Ø .Ø OOO Ø .Ø OOO Ø .Ø OOO Ø .Ø OOO ..... 2 or 3
Ø .Ø OOO Ø .Ø OOO OOO Ø .Ø OOO Ø .Ø ..... 0 or 4
Ø .Ø OOO OOO Ø .Ø Ø .Ø OOO OOO Ø .Ø ..... 0 or 2

. 2 ... 3 ... 4 .... 5 ... 6 ... 7 .... 8 .... 9

The counting of a trigram method is simple: The line above is either wet Ø .Ø = 2 or dry OOO = 3
If the middleline is similar = no value If the middleline is different = 4
If the line below is similar = no value If the line below is different = 2

Each of the four wet trigrams (the even numbers) are paired with a dry trigram (the odd numbers):

Ø .Ø OOO ..... The pair 8 and 9 was originally named the Lake of two Knives
OOO Ø .Ø ..... and the Isle of Flame. In the chinese culture the first remained
OOO Ø .Ø ..... a Lake but the second developed to Standing Still / Mountain.

The numbers of change were ØØØ = 2/3 (0) and O .O = 3/2 (1)

The "holy sages" made the line above of the trigrams a changing line:

ØØØ O .O ØØØ O .O ØØØ O .O ØØØ O .O ..... 2 or 3
Ø .Ø OOO Ø .Ø OOO OOO Ø .Ø OOO Ø .Ø ..... 0 or 4
Ø .Ø OOO OOO Ø .Ø Ø .Ø OOO OOO Ø .Ø ..... 0 or 2

. 2 ... 3 ... 4 .... 5 ... 6 ... 7 .... 8 .... 9 ..... counted by colour (Ø = dark and O = light)
. 9 ... 8 ... 7 .... 6 ... 5 ... 4 .... 3 .... 2 ..... counted by shape (two ØO and three ØOØ)

Wilhelm mentions in his I Ching translation, that the first Kua of the orginal Book of Change was Mountain.


Thank you very much for the post. I'll ask any questions if they pop up.