Will a new business be successful


I just invested in a new business and thought I would try a simple three cards spread to see if it will successful.

1. The wheel of fortune
2. Ten of wands
3. Eight of pentacles

The Wheel of Fortune: I was hoping to view this as a new begining a time of change and growth and hopefully sucess.

Ten of wands: I drew hard work from this, maybe more work than I realise. But over coming adversity but be careful not to do over do it and get help if need be.

Eight of pentacles: I saw this as applying knowledge already gained and learning new skills too. I saw it as hard work too.

Any thoughts?
I would love this to work so its hard to be objective!



I see this as a high risk venture with no guarantee of success, though the Wheel more often means good luck than bad, it's a toss up. It's going to be a lot of hard work and may really tax you beyond what you are able to bear. You may end up having to drop it. Those 10 wands are reeeeeally heavy.


I could see it as MercyMe sees it; however, on the other hand, I could also see it this way (and I think I sway more in this direction):

The Wheel, being a trump, carries more weight than the other two, and the wheel rolls up and down between good fortune and bad. Not knowing which deck you used, I just picture one in my mind, and there are people on the one I'm picturing. This, to me, says that people may be what will determine success or not. If you get your people to work with you, that may sway your luck to the positive side.

That's where the Ten of Wands comes in, also. I often think of this one as reminding someone not to take all the burdens onto his/her own back just because s/he doesn't know how to or want to delegate responsibilities. If the seeker thinks s/he can and must do it all because it won't or can't get done without her/him...then, yeah this one is gonna crush you.

The Eight of Pentacles, while it can mean learning and putting what one has learned to good use (which speaks to the reading nicely) also makes me feel that there is good possibility of getting to that "Eight" stability and personal achievement.

So, anyway, I think this business can work out for you if you heed what the cards say and delegate some of the load to others who are equally qualified (even if you don't think so :)--and even that could mean outsourcing or something like that.)

But like MercyMe said, this is going to be a lot of hard work for you. I wish you the best with it!


Thank you both for your imput.

I see very much where your thoughts are coming from and have thought that myself. This business has been a really big success in other countries and no one is doing it here. I guess i found that really interesting but the cards have made me feel nervous.

So I asked another question:
(using the aquarian tarot deck on both spreads)

Are the cards telling me i shouldnt go ahead with this business?

The Wheel of Fortune (again!)
Six of swords

Wheel of fortune: good or bad luck?
Strength: inner strenght and presistence to bring success and honor or failure
Six of Swords: a journey towards smoother waters

Maybe a with a bit of luck and a lot of strenght and persistance a new begining? be optimistic here!
