Will I get the Assistant Job?


Expanded Celtic Cross- RWS

Present- Wheel of Fortune-- Question concerns a big change

Crossing-- 8/Pentacles-- New job or apprenticeship

Crowning thoughts-- Justice-- I'm hoping a decision will be made soon and in my favor

Unconscious thoughts--9/Cups-- Really want this to be a dream come true job

Recent Past--6/Pentacles--I just gave my application. Could be getting offered job?

Near future-- Queen of Pentacles-- I think this is the boss. She's a woman around 40 and it's an accounting firm.

My hopes--Knight/Pentacles--Hope that I will be seen as responsible, capable, get job.

Environments Factors--Hierophant-- It's a well-established financial firm. I hope this means they see me as fitting in.

Fears--Hanged Man--I'm afraid it's going no where and I won't hear from anyone.

Outcome--9/Wands-- I won't get it and will be left still standing after losing out on yet another job.

Is it possible that the 9/Wands could be more positive than I see it? do any of the other cards lean that way? Any thoughts are appreciated!


It looks like you are making a change in your career path by applying for this job (Wheel) and they will be able to see that you are lacking experience (8 and Justice). It's "iffy" that you'll get an interview (9 of Wands). It is possible that a Queen of Pentacles in a Hierophant organization will leave no stone unturned though, and she may give you an interview anyway... but I see no indication of landing the job really.

Just my thoughts..


Thank you for your reply, Amanda. I think you're right on about the lack of experience. I just graduated and am running into the conundrum of no one will hire me w/o experience, yet I can't get experience without someone hiring me!!!

Sigh. Oh, well, this isn't meant to be, I suppose. I'll keep at it. I definitely feel like the dude in the 9/W. lol