Will my friend move?


This is my friends chart. He lives in Venice. He got an internship there and will stay there until December this year. Do you see him moving far from Italy for a job or even internship of some kind? He would like to work in the USA (preferalbly NYC) and Canada or London. Uranus will cross his fourth house, is this good indication of moving abroad? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/837/pnatalchart.gif/


The chart comes out very small, so I can't read it (literally).

Additionally it's worth pointing out that such a precisely timed forecast can't be done from the natal chart alone, further derived charts, such as a solar returns, are required, or the use of time lord periods (or indeed any derived predictive method)


Okay here is solar revolution, progressions and transiti!



Ruler of his 4th and 9th are both, are both in his 3rd. Just short distance travel?


Solar Return.


Hi, Scorpiogirl.

I've observed that Uranus making contact with the IC, as in your friend's transit chart, is indicative of moving. It's not unusual for there to be a couple of moves, with the first one being a temporary new home and then a more permanent one following. I don't know about moving abroad ~ just moving.


Hi, Scorpiogirl.

I've observed that Uranus making contact with the IC, as in your friend's transit chart, is indicative of moving. It's not unusual for there to be a couple of moves, with the first one being a temporary new home and then a more permanent one following. I don't know about moving abroad ~ just moving.

Yes, and Uranus brings instability too. I think he will probably move several times while Uranus is transititing his fourth house.