Will we be together.


Hey again I know what ya all think about them spreads but if i can justify them. Ive asked about being together 3 months ago and id like to present this spread now. In the meantime we had an argument and things went downhill thats why i asked cards about it again and i also posted that spread. Ok anyway ive been told before that this relationship wont be easy and it will be a hard work but we know what its like to be blinded by love ;) I had this spread interpreted by a friend of mine before and she told me its a negative one and brings no hope with it. I dont feel it this way so maybe someone could help here too.
There is 7 cards in this spread
1 What he brings into this relationship - 9 swords ( i know he has been hurt few years ago and it is a deep wound)
2 What she expects from this - King of pentacles ( well i think i expect someone to look after me both financially and emotionally , give me security and safety)
3 Is he interested in this - 6 pentacles ( not a love card but its talking in my opinion about balance , taking and giving , so he is interested in a mutual exchange )
4 what is his current emotional situation ? - 4 cups ( he has it all but hes not sure if he even wants it. I read it a spoilt rotten child who is too fussy)
5 should i make the first move - 2 swords ( my mind is a rollercoaster now i dont know myself)
6 What will come out of this situation - ace of pentacles ( a new beggining ? )
7 If yes will it be a full blown relationship or just a fling - The sun ( in my opinion its an confirmation everything will work out just fine )

So Id like to know what some of you think? Like i said im only learning my cards , i feel them myself but i can be a little too optimistic sometimes :D


Hey again I know what ya all think about them spreads but if i can justify them. Ive asked about being together 3 months ago and id like to present this spread now. In the meantime we had an argument and things went downhill thats why i asked cards about it again and i also posted that spread. Ok anyway ive been told before that this relationship wont be easy and it will be a hard work but we know what its like to be blinded by love ;) I had this spread interpreted by a friend of mine before and she told me its a negative one and brings no hope with it. I dont feel it this way so maybe someone could help here too.
There is 7 cards in this spread
1 What he brings into this relationship - 9 swords ( i know he has been hurt few years ago and it is a deep wound)
2 What she expects from this - King of pentacles ( well i think i expect someone to look after me both financially and emotionally , give me security and safety)
3 Is he interested in this - 6 pentacles ( not a love card but its talking in my opinion about balance , taking and giving , so he is interested in a mutual exchange )
4 what is his current emotional situation ? - 4 cups ( he has it all but hes not sure if he even wants it. I read it a spoilt rotten child who is too fussy)
5 should i make the first move - 2 swords ( my mind is a rollercoaster now i dont know myself)
6 What will come out of this situation - ace of pentacles ( a new beggining ? )
7 If yes will it be a full blown relationship or just a fling - The sun ( in my opinion its an confirmation everything will work out just fine )

So Id like to know what some of you think? Like i said im only learning my cards , i feel them myself but i can be a little too optimistic sometimes :D

You're not going to like this, but I think this is a learning relationship to get you ready for the next one :)

9 Swords - breaking free from old thought patterns, an opportunity to learn something new and come through on the other side. You have things to learn about how you think and what you believe and he's hear to bring that to light.

6 Pents - he's learning from you too. He's taking, but I'm not sure how much he's giving in return.

4 Cups - Boredom. Over it. Disengaged. Cold and callous, or almost emotionally manipulative. Makes you feel like you need to go out of your way to please him, and if he's not satisfied it's everyone else's fault - mostly yours.

2 Swords - usually means no. Can mean indecision, but look at how the swords are crossed. It's a Do Not Enter sign.

Ace Pents - Lessons learned. You're building the foundations of the relationship you want, and you have to let go of the idea that it's with this person. It might be, but it might not be. It sets the stage for the next act and moving forward.

The sun - Clarity is brought and light is shined on what needs to be illuminated. Whilst Sun is always good, I feel like almost like clarity after a storm, not necessarily an omen that the relationship is going to last, but that you learn what you need to from it.

Just my two cents.


You're not going to like this, but I think this is a learning relationship to get you ready for the next one :)

9 Swords - breaking free from old thought patterns, an opportunity to learn something new and come through on the other side. You have things to learn about how you think and what you believe and he's hear to bring that to light.

6 Pents - he's learning from you too. He's taking, but I'm not sure how much he's giving in return.

4 Cups - Boredom. Over it. Disengaged. Cold and callous, or almost emotionally manipulative. Makes you feel like you need to go out of your way to please him, and if he's not satisfied it's everyone else's fault - mostly yours.

2 Swords - usually means no. Can mean indecision, but look at how the swords are crossed. It's a Do Not Enter sign.

Ace Pents - Lessons learned. You're building the foundations of the relationship you want, and you have to let go of the idea that it's with this person. It might be, but it might not be. It sets the stage for the next act and moving forward.

The sun - Clarity is brought and light is shined on what needs to be illuminated. Whilst Sun is always good, I feel like almost like clarity after a storm, not necessarily an omen that the relationship is going to last, but that you learn what you need to from it.

Just my two cents.

You are probably very right. Since lately im coming to the same conclusion that the man is simply just not interested anymore. He is super nice and caring when we are together but hes a ghost when he is gone even tho we talk. You are right that he is learning from me too, he told me that himself. Hmm maybe you are right , maybe its time to stop being an idiot and believe in dreams and just move on and try to forget about it ..


Just the 4 of cups i wouldn't agree with. Because boredom might be about right but he shows it the way he is not trying to keep in touch. He told me he is emotionally unavailable and not interested in marriage etc but i think in his case is just too easy for him as im always there for him. And no one ever appreciates what they have until they lose it. Thats how i see him now


Just the 4 of cups i wouldn't agree with. Because boredom might be about right but he shows it the way he is not trying to keep in touch. He told me he is emotionally unavailable and not interested in marriage etc but i think in his case is just too easy for him as im always there for him. And no one ever appreciates what they have until they lose it. Thats how i see him now

The man in the 4 of cups is ignoring the 4th cup. So according to this card it doesnt matter what you do or not doing, he is focused on those 3 cups. And cups are receptive feminine. Could be another woman or just another project of his taking his time and attention from the 4 th cup being offered.

I think the rest of your spread especially the 6 of pentacles indicate an equal exchange. You get to see him when its convinient for him and he gets sex, attention etc.

Cards 5,6,7 2 of swords, ace of pents and sun, may indicate, you will find out what you have been avoiding to acknowledge. Which is likely but not 100% that their could be someone else on his mind or in his life in the background he is still stressing or worrying about as seen in the first card 9 of swords.

I guess it depends on the context of your connection with him etc.


The man in the 4 of cups is ignoring the 4th cup. So according to this card it doesnt matter what you do or not doing, he is focused on those 3 cups. And cups are receptive feminine. Could be another woman or just another project of his taking his time and attention from the 4 th cup being offered.

I think the rest of your spread especially the 6 of pentacles indicate an equal exchange. You get to see him when its convinient for him and he gets sex, attention etc.

Cards 5,6,7 2 of swords, ace of pents and sun, may indicate, you will find out what you have been avoiding to acknowledge. Which is likely but not 100% that their could be someone else on his mind or in his life in the background he is still stressing or worrying about as seen in the first card 9 of swords.

I guess it depends on the context of your connection with him etc.

HI :) I think you are right about your interpretation :) the 4 cups. I know there isnt another woman but he is currently moving to a new house ( as we speak) , to my town to be precise. And also just 3 weeks ago he started a new job and he is working on opening his own practice. I think he is focused 100 % on that he told me few times that i get him too distracted from it. He would be spending time with me instead of working on his own projects I know he was a bit frustrated its not going anywhere for him at the moment.
He worries a lot about me , even when we are together he is constantly convinced i want to get married and settle down ( which is not true) so he tells me he isnt the right man for it. But he indicated many times he has been hurt in the past. He told me he would be happy to be on his own for the rest of his life. But when i asked him why he is like that he said "im not that naive anymore".To me that means a pain from the past still active in his heart. 9 swords pals to me is all about him. Because my past and my ex is completely gone from my head. When in his case i know he was engaged and he was building a house for them , but she cheated on him with their mate and they live together in that house he build. So hes lost not only a woman but his savings, his house. That is a blow and that is the 9 swords for me.


HI :) I think you are right about your interpretation :) the 4 cups. I know there isnt another woman but he is currently moving to a new house ( as we speak) , to my town to be precise. And also just 3 weeks ago he started a new job and he is working on opening his own practice. I think he is focused 100 % on that he told me few times that i get him too distracted from it. He would be spending time with me instead of working on his own projects I know he was a bit frustrated its not going anywhere for him at the moment.
He worries a lot about me , even when we are together he is constantly convinced i want to get married and settle down ( which is not true) so he tells me he isnt the right man for it. But he indicated many times he has been hurt in the past. He told me he would be happy to be on his own for the rest of his life. But when i asked him why he is like that he said "im not that naive anymore".To me that means a pain from the past still active in his heart. 9 swords pals to me is all about him. Because my past and my ex is completely gone from my head. When in his case i know he was engaged and he was building a house for them , but she cheated on him with their mate and they live together in that house he build. So hes lost not only a woman but his savings, his house. That is a blow and that is the 9 swords for me.

So there you have it. No need to stress out. The man has told you and maybe you should respect where he is at emotionally and with what he wants right now in his life. According to your fb he has no room in his life for a relationship, he is focused on his own future. When people are honest like that, their is no game playing. Its truth you may have to accept.


So there you have it. No need to stress out. The man has told you and maybe you should respect where he is at emotionally and with what he wants right now in his life. According to your fb he has no room in his life for a relationship, he is focused on his own future. When people are honest like that, their is no game playing. Its truth you may have to accept.

You re dead right my friend :)
Although im no better because i genuinely dont know what i want from him. I dont know if he could be the one. Maybe yes , maybe not. I feel refreshed by his behaviour because men i used to be with couldnt be so open and honest about their own feelings :) I learned a lot about myself too :) And here maybe one day he will realise what he had hahah :D
Thank you :D