Wings Of Continuum


The spread came about while looking up some information on spiders and their meaning, and one of there meanings deals with infinity because of the shape of their body.
I took the idea of infinity to try and make the shape (although it looks a bit like wings as well) and came up with positions that deal with growth. Growth is a continuous process for us all be it personal or situational. The spread can be applied to Spirituality, or daily life.

Questions, comments, or suggestions are always welcome.


S - Significator - Representation of the situation
1. The Beginning - What created the situation
2. The Remembering - How the Past helps now
3. The Perception Within - How you see things within yourself
4. The Perception Outside - How you see thing outside of yourself, how you view those around you.
5. The Perception you Reject - What you will not acknowledge within yourself
6. The Middle - Where you stand now
7. The Obstacle - The problem you face right now
8. The Lesson to be Gained From the Obstacle - What you can learn
9. The Growth Potential - How you can grow from this problem
10. The Hinderance to Your Growth - What can keep you from growing from this problem
11. The Advice - What you can do to keep yourself from being hindered.
12. The End - What position will you be in if you follow the advice
13. The Message from the Divine Forces - What the God/Goddess/Spirit guides/etc. would like you to know
14. The Rebirth - What to expect from the future/ How your growth can continue forward

Cards 1, 7, 8, & 14 can be read together to give a broad idea of the problem it's beginning, and how it will end
Cards 2, 6, 9, & 13 can be read together to give a broad idea of where you're at spiritually and what you need to know
Cards 3, 5, 10, & 12 can be read together to give a broad idea of how you can change how you see yourself for the better.


binds_fading, i really dig this spread. I think the geometry of it is very powerful, and like the fact that this spread focuses so many cards on the querent, as opposed to the outside influences, and how others view the querent, and how fate or chance will affect the querent. It's more of a problem solving spread than an event revealing spread, and that makes it very practical. It also doesn't have any positions like "querent's feelings" or "hopes and fears". I do like the celtic cross, which has those positions, but there are times when i feel ilke the "feeling" cards and "hopes and fears" cards are a no brainer when you are reading for yourself. The Wings of Continuum spread looks like one that will be very introspective and useful for personal reading, and at this stage in my Tarot studies, I mostly do readings for myself, at least until I feel comfortable enough with card meanings to give readings to others.

Great spread. I really like it. Can't wait to try it out. Looks like a job well done.


Oh! I almost forgot!

I love your addition of the "divine forces" card. This is something I've never seen in another spread. I used to be in good communication with my spirit guide through meditation and dreams, but some incidents in my life have sort of muddled things up and I haven't been able to sense him or contact him for a long time. I am hoping your spread will give me a bit of insight about him. Thanks again for designing such a useful spread.

I do have one question. Do you choose the significator before the spread is laid out, or lay that out as the first card when laying the spread?


I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond.
The spread has been useful for me and I'm glad you feel it's a good introspectrive spread. I personally like looking to myself for answers more so then outside influences if I can.
As for the significator if there's a card that i know that would suit the situation i'm specifically looking at I'll pull that card out. Sometimes if it's just a general reading where i have no real question or leanings to anything i'll just use the first card I pull.
Most people i've met typically pull out the significator card even if it's just a card to represent themselves as a whole.
I hope the spread has been helpful for you. :)