Witching Stones M.A.Madigan


I've never seen these before today, and can't make
out completely what to think, pro and con...

Spiral Nature - Reviews M.A.Madigan


"However, the ‘stones’ themselves are not in fact made of rock or even clay, but plastic. I don’t equate the magickal properties of rock and oil myself. Those with a preference for tradition may like to simply buy the book, as it is available to purchase separately at a fraction f the cost, and simply make one’s own stones. It might be fun for someone who wants to try something a little different."

[from the Pyramid catalogue:] Learn to cast spells on the go—anytime, anywhere! As “Oracle of the Old Ways,” symbol-depicting Witching Stones provide simple and advanced spells for protection, prosperity, and love. Includes 35 stones, velveteen pouch, and Symbols of the Craft companion guidebook, with descriptions and interpretations of each stone, and instructions for using the stones as ritual tools to cast and perform a number of spells. Made in USA.


Witching Stones Kit
Item #: P76554 Price: $29.95 US (In Stock)

...and they want $7.95 shipping!


I have played with these...but I don't own them myself.

The problem I had with them was that there are really almost too many stones to do an acurate stone reading(drop method or lithomancy) and a lot of the meanings seemed similar to me as well.
And it's rather biased towards the Wiccan/Feminine.
Which is alright...but not really very balanced.
The system that the author devised may work better as the symbols/sympathetic components for spell casting, but as an oracle set...not as good, I think.

The fact that they are plastic doesn't bother me...as I have made my own oracle stone sets out polymer clay (which is enough like plastic to qualify)

They might be fun for some people to try...but I didn't gel with this particular stone oracle system very well.

(hey Fulgoar...can I interest you in a hand crafted set of oracle stones by any chance?) :D