Would you prefer astrology or tarot ?


I just have a curious question because I dont practice astrology-it's hard for me. If you have to choose one, would you prefer astrology or tarot ?

If you prefer astrology, why ? because if you are at a psychic fair or talk in front of large group of people, can you answer a quick question without knowing the person's birth information ? also, can you predict like what hurricane is going to hit what region ? or will the US engages in war against Iran or North Korea, you dont have Iran or North Korea's birth information, and can tarot answer this question (btw, I am not a tarot expert)?


Some comments, some answers

Astrology requires an event as a basis for a chart. An "event" can be a birth chart for a person or for a country, but it can also be a current event which establishes something new or out of character. Let me give a few examples:

A new person comes into your life tomorrow at 1:15 pm. You don't know your own birth time or any information about this other, new person. You can use the date and time of this meeting to cast a chart and use it as a relationship chart -- into which you can, if you know how, read yourself, read the other person, and read the possible interactions between you both. You can also look at transits and see what is likely to happen in the following days, weeks and months that could influence this meeting.

The infamous "9-11" event was something that was totally new, different, and marked a mind/social shift for the country and for others around the world. The charts were quite telling. However, the chart for this event did not seem to have a tie-in with other events such as the years-earlier garage bombing at the trade center, the attack on the USS Cole, the Madrid train bombings, etc. But, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction a couple of decades back (these two planets can be interpreted as harsh, anti-social, cruel acts) provides a basic pattern to which all of the international terrorist events are clearly tied. Again, you have to know astrology well to do this and easily see it.

So, if you have a base chart, you can do astrology. If not, no astrology as such.

As for the Tarot, ask a question (any question), get an answer. Well, not in every case. Timing and future likelyhood (not just a general possibility) can not generally be obtained thru the Tarot -- but Astrology excells at future prediction. However, within its scope of applicablity, the Tarot is quick and almost universally applicable. That said, there are a few conditions. You have to know how to properly phrase a question, you have to use a spread that reflects the components of the answer you seek.

You asked about answering a question about North Korea. If you know nothing about North Korea's society, political and military structure, the way the populace has adapted their culture to fit the harsh reality of the regime in power, then it might be hard to construct anything more than a simple spread or ask a simple question. On the other hand, since birth times are known for these countries, astrology can answer almost anything about them.

So, each is good for what it does best. Tarot is simpler and quicker to use, astrology is more comprehensive, accurate and future timing capable. You use the tools that best fits. Dave


dadsnook2000 said:
You asked about answering a question about North Korea. If you know nothing about North Korea's society, political and military structure, the way the populace has adapted their culture to fit the harsh reality of the regime in power, then it might be hard to construct anything more than a simple spread or ask a simple question. On the other hand, since birth times are known for these countries, astrology can answer almost anything about them.

But if a specific question was asked about Nth Korea, a really good tarot reader would need no background info on the country or social climate but be able to answer the specific question put to them. As a good reader can, say, give accurate advise on a work situation without knowing the place of employment or the climate there, or indeed anything about it but what the cards show.


what if you....

Hey dadsnook2000,

What if you were at a dinner, and people just ask you a few quick questions and you answer them right away, can you use astrology to answer their questions ? can you quickly draw the chart in that short time for every single person ?

Like you were on Larry King's Show, Oprah, or any talk shows or a radio, the audience just asks you any question, and you have to answer them right away, can you draw the chart up in that short time to answer the question ?

But if you use tarot, you can quickly do a three-card spread to answer the question, right ?


dadsnook2000 said:
So, each is good for what it does best. Tarot is simpler and quicker to use, astrology is more comprehensive, accurate and future timing capable. You use the tools that best fits. Dave

I'm not sure I quite agree that astrology is more comprehensive and accurate. What does anyone else think about the accuracy of tarot vs. astrology????

Isn't some of the accuracy component dependent on the practitioner, not the tool?

A "bad" astrologer isn't going to be as accurate as a really "good" intuitive tarot reader, in my opinion.


Continued comments

First, a really good tarot reader or astrologer knows their limits. Sure, you can ask a question and you can get an answer in either system. Consider this: In using the Tarot, using an appropriate spread can help to lead you to a better and/or more complete and accurate answer. In usting Astrology, using the right chart(s) can lead you to a more complete and accurate answer.

For both disciplines, having an understanding of the querents question and the context supporting that question is also important. A couple of examples might help here:

Will Kim Jong die or be taken out of power in the next year? You can use a three card or a one card spread for this question and get an answer. Or you can create a spread with card positions that address 1) Kim's health, 2) Clash of internal and foriegn policies, 3) Support of his generals, 4) Conditions of the people and peasants, 5) Food supplies, internal and provided by other countries, 6) Natural disasters . . . these and/or other things might be considered. Asking the questions and understanding the answers is a process that helps if you really understand more about the country, the politics, the culture, etc.

The same is true of astrology. You can do a natal chart and transits, then you have one set of possibilities. If you can use progressed charts and solar arc progressions, plus precessed or sidereal solar returns and their daily progressed charts, then you have a better chance of understanding the whole picture. Again, having a contextual understanding is important. Mars and Jupiter in one culture is unlike Mars and Jupiter in another culture.

So, a question is not always a good question, an answer is not always a good answer. Beyond this statement, everyone has their opinions and views and those can't be argued, just stated. Dave


dadsnook2000 said:
Will Kim Jong die or be taken out of power in the next year? You can use a three card or a one card spread for this question and get an answer. Or you can create a spread with card positions that address 1) Kim's health, 2) Clash of internal and foriegn policies, 3) Support of his generals, 4) Conditions of the people and peasants, 5) Food supplies, internal and provided by other countries, 6) Natural disasters . . . these and/or other things might be considered. Asking the questions and understanding the answers is a process that helps if you really understand more about the country, the politics, the culture, etc.


Hmmm.... I think you are still thinking like an astrologer. Why would a Tarot reader need all that info? Apparently one of the best tarot readers historically (who read for the court - cant remember name or country, somewhere in Europe) only ever did a one card reading, about all states of affairs in the country and others. And was considered quiet good at it.

Perhaps another relevent question could be posed: does one need psychic abilities to be an astrologer or is it just a case of observation and understanding of how the various forces fit together?


Not sure . . .

I'm not sure how much intuition is involved for any one person in either approach to understanding life and ourselves. For me it is quite strong some times, perhaps not much in evidence at other times. As far as working with either the Tarot or Astrology, I've seen times when having a solid knowledge about the issues in question has greatly aided me in astrology or the tarot. At other times, I've just gone with what the cards or the chart says, leaving it up to the client to place the words into context.

All I know is that I do a lot of astrological work using a great many techniques, which ones for which issue -- who knows. I always seem to pick the right tools for each question. On another list that I co-moderate I do both deep Tarot spreads/readings to help those who ask -- and I also do a lot of predictive work which is usually quite accurate. Here on AT, I mostly teach and share. I fully believe in demsonstrating what I know so I do mix a lot of helpful specifics in with my teachings.

I try to keep in mind something that a famous theologist once said, "People like the comfort of their opinions but tend to not like the discomfort of their thoughts." So, while I do have opinions, I try to base them upon thoughtful study and lots of work experience. The proof is in the pudding, as they say. Dave