Yes/no question

D Sparkles

Hi there

I need to ask a question about an incident that took place this morning. I basically need a yes or no answer as I'm not entirely sure if something happened. My question is about something that happened to me. Nobody else was involved. I don't quite know how to phrase my question or even what spread to do. Any ideas?



Try this out!

I tried this LINK last night...asked 5 questions...some short term and some for confirmation. Also, a few more this arvo when I came home.

Short term questions were ACCURATE as in I asked last night about an EMAIL and COMPLETION of SOMETHING by today.

You may have to cut and paste.... :)

D Sparkles

Thanks soooo much :)

D Sparkles

Ok, so I just tried it. I got two piles of thirteen (without the magician or aces). The thirteenth card of the third pile was ace of wands. The answer to my question will either be yes or no. The incident either happened or it didn't. Should I take the reading to mean no?



Ok, so I just tried it. I got two piles of thirteen (without the magician or aces). The thirteenth card of the third pile was ace of wands. The answer to my question will either be yes or no. The incident either happened or it didn't. Should I take the reading to mean no?


Answer is : No

If ONE ACE and two piles of thirteen...No.
If Ace, Ace, Ace...YES
IF Ace, Ace, Pile of nothing...YES
If Ace, Mag, Pile of nothing...YES

D Sparkles

Thank you :)


Have you tried this?

Hi there

I need to ask a question about an incident that took place this morning. I basically need a yes or no answer as I'm not entirely sure if something happened. My question is about something that happened to me. Nobody else was involved. I don't quite know how to phrase my question or even what spread to do. Any ideas?


Have you seen this thread?

I rather like this one. It's a simple 8 card spread.