Your Best 5 Card?


I was trolling the index a few days ago and came across a great 5 card spread. Only I didn't write it down. Now I can't find it.

So.... care to share your favorite fiver? General or otherwise... :D



1. Past
2. Present
3. What's blocking you or the underlying energies
4. Advice / what you can do about it
5. Probable outcome

I like Pentacle spreads too:



1. Situation
2. Problem / blockage
3. Advice / what you can do about it
4. What will help you or hinder you / Outside influences
5. Probable outcome.


I do a straight-line five that I like:


and read it this way:

1. Foundation (reason from the past as to why the querent is asking the question now or why the situation has come to light now)
2. Present Situation
3. Hidden Energies (things either unknown at this time or being overlooked)
4. Gate/Obstacle (What is helping or hindering progress--what it is that the querent has to get through or go around to get to the outcome)
5. Outcome

Glass Owl

You may like My Simple Work Life Spread


1. You (as you see yourself in your current work situation)
2. You (as others see you in your current work situation)
3. Your Gift. Quality or skill that you possess that serves you well.
4. Your Goal. Quality or skill that should work on improving or developing.
5. Advice.

And here is one that I came up with awhile back...
Situation Snapshop Spread (5 cards)


1. Refers to the situation, relationship, or other concerns asked about.

2. Negative influence or blockage.

3. Positive influence or assistance.

4. What you can do to improve the situation. (The action card.)

5. Probable outcome based on current circumstances (or direction that the situation/relationship is heading towards based on current circumstances.)


I think that last one was the one I was thinking of but couldn't find.

Thanks to all of you! I'm asking because I want to scale down my quick readings. Now I've got plenty for my arsenal.

Feel free to post more though... :D
