Zener cards?

shemsu sutekh

I've been fascinated by Zener cards ever since I first heard of them. I understand the history behind them and that they are primarily used to test psychic ability. Does anyone know of, or perhaps seen on the web, accounts or descriptions of people using these in divination?

I'd love to hear any thoughts on the subject, because I am dead set on using them in this manner, if there is any way. I love my Tarot and Oracle decks, but there's something about the Zener...I can't put my finger on it but I know there's a way.

Thanks in advance, and if this is in the wrong thread, my apologies.


PS Also, I've seen 1 deck on ebay sold by Witch School, but they say "Witch School" on the back and it's rather distracting, not to mention the symbols are black and grey in the pics. Anyone know where I can buy a deck in color?