Zodiac Star Signs Vs. Only Personality Traits


I have very little experience with this but I'm wondering if, for example, I draw a Court card or a Major, and it stands for a person... How often do you find that the person who it represents is the associating star sign? Or do you find more often than not that the card focuses more/ only represents the persons characteristics/ personality traits and not the zodiac sign/ planet signs? What would be the more reliable interpretation?

I know there are circumstances where my intuition would lead me to the correct answer but I'm wondering because if I was giving a reading and someone wanted to know who this person or that person is, I'd like to be able to provide a close to precise answer.

(Sorry if this is a silly question, I'm still learning.)


I think each and every one of us channels each one of the court cards at some point in time. So I would see the Court card as how that person was acting at the time or in the situation and not worry so much about the zodiac sign and whether or not it matches the person.


Zodiac for "mysteries"

I have very little experience with this but I'm wondering if, for example, I draw a Court card or a Major, and it stands for a person... How often do you find that the person who it represents is the associating star sign?
If you're using the card to signify a person--someone you know or are reading for, like, you're asking about your boyfriend/girlfriend, they can come up in the reading as any court card that suits them personality-wise and in relation to the question and reading. i.e. your boyfriend/girlfriend might be the knight/cups and/or the King/Swords might appear to signify your lawyer, etc.

The thing is, we are many types of people at different points in our lives, and the cards use the courts to make sure you understand what kind of person, not just what zodiac person you may need or want. Putting it another way, if the King/Swords only ever indicated Libras, then how could the cards say to you, "Ask your lawyer" who might be a Scorpio? :confused:

However, the zodiac sign of the courts is very useful if you *don't* know who the cards are referring to. For example, you're going to meet some new people and you want to know who to trust. You get the Queen/Pents. You meet these people and they all seem alike to you--but one of them mentions that they're a Taurus. So this is probably the one.

In other words, the Zodiac signs of the courts are useful if there is some uncertainty about who the person may be. But if you do know who the cards are taking about, then the court card doesn't have to reflect zodiac sign at all and probably won't. It will reflect personality or job or whatever else makes the most sense in the context of the reading.


I take star signs as a possible interpretation, when my intuition is stuck. So, I leave it as a last resort of sorts. Since my default reading is wands=air, swords=fire, and the present deck that I'm reading with paints them as the other way around, I'm in an in-between mindsets when it comes to elemental dignities -- so elements, and systems connected to them like astrology, would be more confusing than clarifying right now for me. :)

The most reliable interpretation of them that I can see, is less the personality and more the persona-- or role that a person plays. I'm a Cancerian, but when asking about my career I've seen myself as the Page of Coins, and when reading about people from my past who I don't get along with I've been represented by the Page of Swords.


I think the cards speak to you in ways that are meaningful to you. If you are strongly immersed in astrology, and often see the world through that paradigm, you are more likely to find astrological associations in the cards. I do a lot of astrology, but the longer I have been reading Tarot, the more I see it and astrology as two distinct ways of exploring the issues in our life. If an astrological association really jumps out at me I pay attention, but as others have said, different situations bring out different facets of people, and how they respond/react to what is happening with/around them. I find it most insightful when I look at the cards as representing where that person is at in the particular situation I am exploring, which has much more complexity at play than their Sun sign or Ascendant.