The Tarot in Jewelry~22 interpretations


Actually I finished a few more...(hope to get pics up!)

And sold two of them...
Death and Magician have new owners already. I may try and recreate them...or I may just start selling the rest. I haven't decided yet!


OMG!!! Chronata, these are so WONDERFUL...I LOVE THEM!

...especially the hanged man... (as I see so many others have said first) but I would like to be
next in line for him, just in case, and I am ready to pay NOW...

Please post the status on that little guy?

These are are so fantastic! :):thumbsup:

What about earrings to match? ...oh and bracelets?...I want a whole set of the hanged man! :laugh:

:heart: Lyn


Oh Chronata! i am in love with the Death one:

Please think of me, when/if you decide to sell it. [If no one else has dibs, of course!] :D i really love that one so much!!!! It would go so well with my Crone Theme i have been collecting.

ETA: Oh Drat! sniff, sniff...i see that Death already has a new owner...

Hugs and Blessings,
MG xxx


I have been selling them for $25

So if you really want one, let me know by PM...I'll also PM the folks who called "dibs"

And I can recreate most of them...even Death!

I'll try and get pics up of the Emperor, Empress, Justice, and the Sun

(but you will have to bear with me...I have two awful deadlines right now for the end of the of which is rewriting an entire show in the next two days!


LOL - I love that you can "recreate Death"! :grin:

If you can recreate the Star, I would love to have one for my Chronata collection!


Chronata, those are wonderful!

I would love love love to be considered when you sell either the Moon, or Temperance! Temperance just calls to me.

Paypal button is at the ready. (Though I do consider The Empress to be "My" anxiously waiting for that one.)


These are absolutely fantastic!!!

I love the Hanged Man and the Magician with his suit symbols!

I think these would really be a great hit!


I love the star, the priestess and the moon - and especially the Magician and the Hanged Man - because looking at them, you KNOW it has to do with tarot - the others it could go either way, might be tarot, might not....which is good, because they would appeal to non-tarot people as well....but they are all beautiful!

You are very talented - you really should open up an Etsy shop and try to sell these. I don't wear necklaces very often, and if I do, I wear very small or delicate ones - I have a sort of large chest size, and I find necklaces to not be flattering on me....but maybe if the necklaces sell well you will consider making tarot earrings?

Lady Morgaine


I have never seen anything like this. Absolutly beautiful.

I like the star the best. So delicate and shines like the card does in a reading!


Chronata - you are UNDERCHARGING as usual.

I am not in the running as I am allergic to metal anyway. :( But $25 is PEANUTS for a class piece of jewellery. Silly Chronata ! *picks her up and shakes her a bit*