Newbie's questions to lenormand readers


You don't need books, trust me. :) Books may come long after you've started reading freely. Just make your stories like kids do. My son doesn't even suspect there are schools of Lenormand, I didn't either when I learned nor did my grandma. All is in the card and in the time you'll spend with them and feel how they respond to you. Good luck!


Thank you Ronia

I am enjoying the cards and putting them together. I know if you have a clear question and know the cards meaning or meanings (like you mentioned the Rider) then it is easier to get a clearer answer.


greatdane, I wanted to contribute to your thread here and add to what I already told you. If my 6 year old son can read Lenormand, I can't believe you can't. Or anyone else for that matter. I've never been able to understand people's troubles with Lenormand, I think they create them themselves. Tarot is different but Lenormand works on a very deep, very basic level with your mind and all you have to do is just go back to your basic knowledge. Go back to the time when Sun meant "play and fun and happy", Anchor meant "harbour and safety", Bear meant "power, strength and authority (king of forest)", Bouquet meant "beauty, mama's gift and party (mam gets a gift for her party)"... There is no way a child can do it and you can't. I'll never promote the books, blogs and courses hysteria because I don't see the point in it. If you have children or grandchildren or nieces, give them the cards, let them play and create stories and you'll see how very simple and genial Lenormand is. Once you've let yourself feel it this way, all will start developing further and you'll add more meanings. There will be cards for which you'll have to explain a little, like I had to tell my son the Rider was bringing messages at those times the cards were created but he guessed correctly same Rider was someone coming for a visit. He did notice the Lily was "beautiful but serious and serene" while the Bouquet was "beautiful and merry"... It's all very very simple, believe me. Let your mind react to those symbols because they are on the cards for a purpose. If we were in Mlle. Lenormend's times, it would be different, but we are not. And most probably her drawings had significant associations too. But in any case, now we have the advantage of relying on centuries old symbolism which speaks directly to our mind. This will bring to you the most traditional meanings of Lenormand you will ever encounter. :) That's how I learned, that's how my grandmother learned, my son is learning this way and so on. You don't need anyone for this.

:heart::) Wow, Ronia!
Your words above make the most sense of ANY words I have ever read posted by anyone else!!!
I believe that you have just brought the 'simplicity' BACK to the Lenoramnd, as it should be!
Oh, the innocence of a child! Sometimes children are wiser than we are! :bugeyed:

Thank you for sharing that, it was so refreshing! Loved it! :heart: I really wish that I would
have read that when I was a newbie and was so confused by all the differing comments at that time.

Also, would love to see your Russian meanings posted here (in English) if you have them?

Again, thank you for sharing your wonderful insight into 'simply' readings the cards! :thumbsup:
:heart: Hugs, Lyn


Lyn, thank you not only for the kind words but most of all, for reading and understanding. It's a rare thing these days. :) I believe children are always the wiser ones. I believe we are born pefect and only later our perfection is spoiled and stained. :) If we allow it. Just my perception.

I did translate Russian and French meanings for AT and here are the links:

Please, keep in mind that these are very basic and, of course, there are many more combos and variations, etc. These were just for a quick illustration. :)


Lyn, thank you not only for the kind words but most of all, for reading and understanding. It's a rare thing these days. :) I believe children are always the wiser ones. I believe we are born pefect and only later our perfection is spoiled and stained. :) If we allow it. Just my perception.

I did translate Russian and French meanings for AT and here are the links:

Please, keep in mind that these are very basic and, of course, there are many more combos and variations, etc. These were just for a quick illustration. :)

:heart::) Ronia, thank you! I look forward to reading your Russian meanings. I think every country,
that has had the Lenormand in their historical background, has valuable information to contribute
to the overall look at this amazingly 'simple' deck of cards. And because of what you wrote here,
I will always remember to look at them through a child's eyes.

Thank you, again!
:heart: Hugs, Lyn


I'm not Russian (just to clarify) so a student too. :) "my" meanings are a completely different and very messy story, a compilation I don't even remember how and when and from where anymore. LOL But I do try to look at them through child's eyes still because it brings me back to the core. :) All the best, Lyn!


katz and goodwin

No offense, but I would NOT recommend this book to anyone. Nothing has been more confusing in my own studies of Lenormand than this.

Until a really good book gets published in English, greatdane, I'd stick to the aforementioned websites.

I am sorry but I have to agree. I bought this book off of amazon and I find it awful. I do not like their symbology nor their methods. I am waiting desperately for Rana George's book to come out in the spring that will be incredible since I have used her class notes to learn to read the Lenormand.


Go with Ronia's advice: Find yourself a small child.


:heart::) LOL, Tag... love that so much! ...And since I don't have a small child, I will use myself! :bugeyed: LOL

After all, I still think I am 16 most of the time anyway! Ha Ha... :party: :laugh:

:heart: Hugs, Lyn
p.s. seriously though, "thinking and reading like a child" is the best advice I have ever heard for a newbie to start with!


Well, this thread has certainly proven MOST

interesting and illuminating! When one is learning about ANYTHING new, I think it's important to look at more than one source of information, whether it's lenormand or any other interest. As usual, this thread has moved around in ways I couldn't have envisioned and proved very helpful in ways I couldn't have imagined.
It's amazing the different perspectives that have been added and I am certainly grateful for all of them. I have found that even with "traditional" readers, often they combine various "schools" or systems, that there isn't just ONE stock absolute meaning for any card, that how one asked or phrases the question (as in tarot) is obviously important.
When I started, I had NO idea of how varied the ideas would be on lenormand. My first thoughts going into it was there was A system with possibly some variations. I knew very little about lenormand readers. Now I have found, thanks to all of you, about the richness and layers of lenormand and how many of you view it. I THANK ALL OF YOU for your posts and pms. I have gotten some GREAT links and enjoyed many, many youtube videos (and still am), listening to readers from all over about their take on the lenormand. It has helped me see how I SEE lenormand. I am not saying I just read the lenormand as any other oracle or discarded the idea of a system, but rather I have seemed to do what many readers, use their thoughts, mind encompassing aspects of many perspectives of what the lenormand system means. Listening to how others combine cards, their meanings, has allowed me to move forward at a quicker pace and understanding, but of course, I'm still and will always be learning through others and my own experience. SO THANKS AGAIN ALL who have added to my newfound knowledge, experience and perspectives about lenormand!