
I decided to go for quite a general question for my dream week. I am going to ask "what will aid my spiritual path?

Really I would love for you to dream about anything in this area, what will help me with this path? In the past the suggestions from this have been great for the future :)

I decided to include a focus image that the lovely Linnie made for me. It's a spiritual mandala that she created for me that she feels represents my "soul". I thought it would be a great trigger image for this question! I do feel it represents my soul and future spiritual path :)


thanks for dreaming for me this week :heart:

I just love that mandala Linnie did for you. I recall you posting it before too on A.T. :)

Anywho....I did dream a few times, but not sure the last 2 dreams were for your question, though I concentrated on you and the question you posted and the mandala as I was going to sleep.

The first dream, I dreamed that I was with a group of people and I was giving them things that I owned. Food, and other items that they needed. I recall a man coming up to me and asking me why I was giving away so much of my things and I said, "they need it. I'm sharing with them because they are in need of it" and he looked at me and said, "yes. You are very giving." It all seemed very normal and this man seemed like he was a person who was in charge--like my boss or something at the time. This was pretty much all in the dream, save that the people I was giving things to seemed to be very happy that I was helping them and they were all very appreciative too. I also recall that the "I" in the dream was feeling very good with myself--not doing this to get any type of reward, but a feeling of fulfillment perhaps.

When I awoke the next morning, I still had that feeling too. I thought it seemed very apt for you, because I sense you are a very giving person anyway, Daniel. So I think that to aid your spiritual gift and to help you along your path, remember to share your gifts with others. It is a great way to help you move right along and develop even further.

Then, the 2nd night, I don't recall dreaming at all. I might have had a dream, but I woke up not recalling any.

The 3rd night, I recall dreaming again about being in a home unknown to me in real life, but in the dream it felt like I did 'know' this home. It was quite small and my daughter and her children lived here, but I don't recall my son in law living there. Also living there was my niece and her baby (again not her hubby) and then a few other women--one older then myself, but in real life unknown to me. She seemed to be somewhat the head of this home--as if it were HER home and she was just allowing the other women and children to be here with her. There were also 3 dogs living here--and one of the dogs was my granddog. (real life granddog).

Anyway, they were hoping to move to a new and bigger home to live again together--and to do so, were holding a garage sale and planned to sell everything in this home. Furniture, dishes and all! I recall sitting in the living room and talkiing to my daughter and niece while the other women were busy with house work. A car drove up into their driveway and a young lady about the same age as my daughter and niece got out of her car, and reached into the back of her car for her 'things'. I recall she was an attractive girl, with long pretty red hair--and when I saw her I exclaimed, "Oh! I know that girl! what is she doing here? We go to the same beautician" (yeah, wierd, I know) I don't recall what my niece said, but she seemed excited to see 'she' had arrived and apparently in the dream she knew her.

Next, I recall walking into the kitchen, and the kids and the dogs were all running around, and the two other (unknown to me in life) women who lived here were in there cooking, along with the newly arrived red head. One of the dogs--a middle sized pooch that was light brown in color, had apparently gotten into the trash can and pulled it over, spilling the trash on the floor and rolling in it. The older woman grabbed him and went to wash him in the bathroom to clean him up, whilte the rest of us were cleaning up the garbage. Then, I was returning to the living room to my daughter and niece. As soon as I walked out of the kitchen, a group of women were coming through the door to look at what was for sale as they were interested in buying things. I recall my daughter and the older woman who owned the home exclaiming, "Oh good! a lot of people! We'll surely sell everything!" I reminded them that the furniture was large and these women walked here, they didn't drive in with a truck to haul the furniture away. (again--an odd part of the dream). It sort of deflated their excitement, but I felt I had to remind them of the reality of the situation. This was all I could recall of my dream.

My last dream happened the next night after this one above. It again had myself and my daughter and this time the son in law in the dream in my own home. My home in real life is a fixer upper and still in the process of being remodeled. It is driving me crazy in real life because I had hoped it would be all done by now--but it is not. :(

Anyway, my sil was on a ladder and painting or something, and my hubby was sitting in a chair in the living room watching television while my daughter and I talked.

I walk into the living room where the sil was painting and told him I had more jobs for him if he was interested and I would be very happy to pay him for doing these jobs. My husband jumped up and was quite upset with that, because he felt we did enough and sunk enough money into 'this money pit'. :laugh: which, in real life is about his feelings of it anymore, and NOT mine, though I didn't want to buy a fixer upper to begin with.

oh, also, while hub was exclaiming his upset with my planning on more remodeling to be done and money to be spent on these projects, the sil and our daughter just kept looking back and forth from hub to me and then with each other--sort of at a loss for words.

So, I'm not really sure if that dream is for you either--or if it is. If it is for you, it can be just using information that I could readily identify with that will also answer your question. This last dream makes me feel like it might be telling you that you should not put too much stock in financial rewards for your gifts--as it is something you cannot really put a price tag on. But of course, it is really for you to decide what it means for your question.


Dream for Danieljuk

Hi, there! I do have a dream from a few days ago, but I didn't have a few extra minutes to write it up and give my interpretation until now. Here is my dream for you:

I am waiting at for a train in a place like an airport where there are often those little computer-driven trains these days. I am with my friend from work, S., who is a very solid person. She is intelligent, fun-loving, self-confident, good-looking, and very loyal to family and friends. So in the dream she represents to me a sort of ideal person. She is dressed in a beautiful blue silk shirt with white stars. We are also with her husband and daughter.

When the train comes S. and I hop in and without hesitation she goes immediately into the front of the car. Suddenly I don't see her husband and daughter. She looks around and then shrugs with a smile, saying that they'll take the next car and we'll all get there together. She is not concerned but when she notices that I am, she tells me not to worry; we are all moving in the right direction.

To begin with, the train station is a place of choice - you can choose either to 'get on board' or not. It is a place of busy comings and goings and also a place where one gets to touch many other people, albeit only in a very small way. I believe that this relates to your focus at the time - a feeling as though your spiritual journey is actually only now actually beginning but you maybe still have choices to make as to whether or not to take this train. :)

My friend "S" represents a very secure and self-confident person. In the dream she is a symbol of the part of you that is ready to 'take the next train' even if it's not obvious where it's going, who's driving, or whether or not her loved ones are actually 'on board' with it. She went to the front of the car with no hesitation. I believe this is the important part of the message for you. There is nothing for you 'to do', just 'be' and approach it with the self-confidence that you may very well have shown in many past lives (did we not touch on that for you in past dream teams - your past lives in spiritual settings?)

Anyway, I digress. Another interesting detail was the shirt my friend was wearing. It seemed so familiar to me when I was recalling the dream, and suddeny I remembered the crown of stars that the Empress wears in the classic RWS. Her head is 'in the stars' - the crown chakra, as it were, connecting with the heavens. But also, this imagery brought to mind the canopy over the chariot. The charioteer 'makes his own sky'- literally, the sky is the limit and you can go as far as you think you can - so dream big!

Overall I think this is a sign for you to move forward in your spiritual pursuits with more confidence. Know that you are safe and protected, even when you can't see the evidence. Take it on faith! Yes, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and yes, it IS a train, but don't worry! It's the train you've been waiting for.

I'm not sure this gives you any practical advice other than an admonition to trust that everything is exactly the way it's supposed to be. :heart: Always nice to dream with you!


thanks for all your wonderful dreams :heart:'s
going through them with interpretation and feedback now. I have to go out at lunchtime but I think I can do them all before noon EST time :)


: )

Ok, to start I was floating over this very pretty garden. It was misty and surrounded by like rock walls. A voice was talking to me, stressing the important of trees receiving light. I said, "ummm...ok" (lol real wordy response, I know)

Then I was somewhere else and everyone was talking about trees: how great they are, trees in groups, just trees in general. Pine trees I think were important.

Ok, next thing I remember there is a miniature octopus and I am trying to put pants on it.

The dreams ended with being in the woods and a house is burning down and there are a bunch of people watching it burn down. Its not like a scary dream or sad. Everyone is just there, standing and watching.

Loved the manadala, was the last I looked at before I went to bed. : )

Ok, trees need light...I was hoping for a more specific message to your question. Maybe you're spiritual path just needs continuing nourishment. Light is not something trees stop needing, and they just keep growing taller.
Octopus' have 8 legs....pants only have 2- obviously built for humans. Human pants dont fit an octopus...its not because the octopus is inferior, its actually because its superior...An octopus has super awesome powerful legs-they just arent very tall on land.

The last parts of the dreams seem to reinforce the first message...not sure why that building was on fire but that was technically a light shining in the woods. lol light for life, light to destroy.

Maybe you should meditate in the sun or around the trees and dont try and fit yourself in a mold spiritually. You might not fit because you're more "extensive" or just different.

thanks for your lovely dream bleu.
as a person I really love walking in nature. I find it calms me and I have a thing about trees. I have been known to hug them ;) Also about a month ago a friend was teaching me about a meditation where you feel going through the floor, like the roots of a tree. That was all about grounding yourself. I think thought your dream was about nourishment, getting the light. I can see that :) I do need to find my own nourishment and self love in life.

Really interesting thing about your dream, I had a fire dream about a year ago. I was lying in my bed and my entire house caught fire. Things in my room were burning. I calmly walked out of the room, all my family members and pets came out of the house everything in the house burned away. But the dream was not scary or negative in anyway. Everyone was safe. I felt very positive when I woke up from it. I was very confused. I decided to really research fire. It is a symbol of transformation and in the case of my dream it was about a new start. Change had happened. I think it's so interesting about you had a similar type dream theme and it seemed positive. It wasn't a horror or people getting injured.

Houses (I remember from previous dream circles) are symbols of the "self". It's really quite similar to my dream before. Also the Trees can be a symbol of transition. Things are changing and people were talking about that change in the forest I find it very interesting. Finally the octopus. I looked him up on google and it said they can represent dealing with a difficult matter and putting pants on 8 legs is pretty tricky!

as well as my roots meditation I was told about it, I do one which has "floating". both came in your dream. I think from your dream, transformation and transition is happening in my life! But to nourish myself during it (with light, maybe trees and nature and meditation). It's not going to be easy (octopus). People talked about the trees and then there was a forest with a house on fire in it. I liked your part about not fitting the mould and just finding my own way. thanks Bleu :heart:


I always love your readings Mycroft!
as wonderful and using popular culture as ever! :heart:
I love my mandala as well! I think it is going to help my spirituality because it really represents my soul and was made using intuitive artistry really! was so impressed :)


Question : "What will aid my spiritual path?"

Symbol :

Dream :

An 'adventurer' type of man is watching close-circuit TV screens when a figure dressed all in black suddenly appears and starts leaping across one of the screens. At the same moment the figure goes directly behind the man and disappears through a stage curtain. The man is astonished as to how the person could be in two places at the same time, but decides to follow through the curtain. Once through it he finds himself in what appears to be a large lecture theatre, and sees the figure bounding towards another curtain much lower down at the bottom of the room. At the same instant the figure appears from behind him in a wheelchair carrying a large sword. A car then begins to move through the room, which is now packed full of people, and David Tennant is driving, with three female passengers. At first it appears there is no way the car can get through the room, but a ninety degree turn allows the car to find a route which leads it to a large entrance door. There is a very high kerb in front of the door, but the car manages to bounce up it and then comes to rest.

Interpretation :

My dreams often tend to involve cinematic elements, and I think this one may be hinting at scenes in two particular films. In the first segment the 'adventurer' with the leaping black figure and the sword greatly reminded me of this scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3I_Ds2ytz4o although I think it is another scene from the third Raiders movie that is the key here, which I'll return to in a moment. The second segment with the car made me think of the scene in Back To The Future Part 3 where the Doc and Marty are looking at the incomplete train track along which they are going t drive the DeLorean time machine. Marty opines that because the track is not finished they can't use it, but the Doc replies that it's perfect, because it will be complete in 1985 "You're just not thinking fourth dimensionally" he tells Marty.

(Click thumbnails to enlarge)

The fact that the car in my dream was driven by David Tennant who is best known for portraying the Time Lord Doctor Who also makes me think this scene is significant. To return to Raiders, the leaping of the black figures reminded me of the scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where a "Leap of Faith" is required to cross the invisible bridge that confronts Indy as the final hurdle to reaching the holy grail

Both these scenes resonate strongly with this notion of the "Leap of Faith" required to cross an invisible bridge. In Marty's case it is invisible in time, and in Indy's case invisible in space, but they are both required to put their trust in someone else, ie the Doc and Professor Jones, in order to have the courage to make the crossing. It's also worth noting that both these scenes appear near the end of the final part of a trilogy, and that Marty actually looks like Indiana Jones when he makes his 'Leap'.

My conclusion is that a "Leap of Faith" may be required for you to continue your spiritual development Dan. But since there is a higher power directing things you can trust that you will be kept safe while taking it.

amazing dream (my dreams for people tend to be very epic as well! :) )
your write up is also amazing! thought about this a lot! I think this dream is about all aspects of my life that things seem impossible but I need to take a leap of faith that they are actually possible. It's a big message for me in my life but covers spiritual direction as well. when I first came to AT I did tarot but I believed it was randomly happening because of the universe. I am always open minded about other people's beliefs but my spirituality was at an all time low. I think the influence of other people has opened me up to so many other things and my beliefs have changed. I would never have expected my spirituality to go the direction it has gone in and my beliefs to change! so nothing is set in stone and we change as people all the time. in a few years I have found out so much new stuff and so there is also so much I don't know now :)

I also take from your dream the fact that an adventurer guy is sitting watching cctv, he is watching the action but is not part of it until it comes to him and he is the middle for it. my life is quite like that. Watching but not always taking part. The curtain is the unknown (like the high priestess) and you don't know what is behind there. As well as the leap of faith idea, there is also a getting in the action. an immersive adventure experience! You have to actively participate in things to get the full experience!

a lot of things in the dream seem impossible but actually work out, I often have that philosophy about my own life and I have thought that way about my spirituality. After some really amazing psychic and tarot experiences, I now know in spirituality nothing is impossible! I am always surprised! there is a lot to apply to my life here! thanks mycroft, a great one again! :)


I just love that mandala Linnie did for you. I recall you posting it before too on A.T. :)

Anywho....I did dream a few times, but not sure the last 2 dreams were for your question, though I concentrated on you and the question you posted and the mandala as I was going to sleep.

The first dream, I dreamed that I was with a group of people and I was giving them things that I owned. Food, and other items that they needed. I recall a man coming up to me and asking me why I was giving away so much of my things and I said, "they need it. I'm sharing with them because they are in need of it" and he looked at me and said, "yes. You are very giving." It all seemed very normal and this man seemed like he was a person who was in charge--like my boss or something at the time. This was pretty much all in the dream, save that the people I was giving things to seemed to be very happy that I was helping them and they were all very appreciative too. I also recall that the "I" in the dream was feeling very good with myself--not doing this to get any type of reward, but a feeling of fulfillment perhaps.

When I awoke the next morning, I still had that feeling too. I thought it seemed very apt for you, because I sense you are a very giving person anyway, Daniel. So I think that to aid your spiritual gift and to help you along your path, remember to share your gifts with others. It is a great way to help you move right along and develop even further.

Then, the 2nd night, I don't recall dreaming at all. I might have had a dream, but I woke up not recalling any.

The 3rd night, I recall dreaming again about being in a home unknown to me in real life, but in the dream it felt like I did 'know' this home. It was quite small and my daughter and her children lived here, but I don't recall my son in law living there. Also living there was my niece and her baby (again not her hubby) and then a few other women--one older then myself, but in real life unknown to me. She seemed to be somewhat the head of this home--as if it were HER home and she was just allowing the other women and children to be here with her. There were also 3 dogs living here--and one of the dogs was my granddog. (real life granddog).

Anyway, they were hoping to move to a new and bigger home to live again together--and to do so, were holding a garage sale and planned to sell everything in this home. Furniture, dishes and all! I recall sitting in the living room and talkiing to my daughter and niece while the other women were busy with house work. A car drove up into their driveway and a young lady about the same age as my daughter and niece got out of her car, and reached into the back of her car for her 'things'. I recall she was an attractive girl, with long pretty red hair--and when I saw her I exclaimed, "Oh! I know that girl! what is she doing here? We go to the same beautician" (yeah, wierd, I know) I don't recall what my niece said, but she seemed excited to see 'she' had arrived and apparently in the dream she knew her.

Next, I recall walking into the kitchen, and the kids and the dogs were all running around, and the two other (unknown to me in life) women who lived here were in there cooking, along with the newly arrived red head. One of the dogs--a middle sized pooch that was light brown in color, had apparently gotten into the trash can and pulled it over, spilling the trash on the floor and rolling in it. The older woman grabbed him and went to wash him in the bathroom to clean him up, whilte the rest of us were cleaning up the garbage. Then, I was returning to the living room to my daughter and niece. As soon as I walked out of the kitchen, a group of women were coming through the door to look at what was for sale as they were interested in buying things. I recall my daughter and the older woman who owned the home exclaiming, "Oh good! a lot of people! We'll surely sell everything!" I reminded them that the furniture was large and these women walked here, they didn't drive in with a truck to haul the furniture away. (again--an odd part of the dream). It sort of deflated their excitement, but I felt I had to remind them of the reality of the situation. This was all I could recall of my dream.

My last dream happened the next night after this one above. It again had myself and my daughter and this time the son in law in the dream in my own home. My home in real life is a fixer upper and still in the process of being remodeled. It is driving me crazy in real life because I had hoped it would be all done by now--but it is not. :(

Anyway, my sil was on a ladder and painting or something, and my hubby was sitting in a chair in the living room watching television while my daughter and I talked.

I walk into the living room where the sil was painting and told him I had more jobs for him if he was interested and I would be very happy to pay him for doing these jobs. My husband jumped up and was quite upset with that, because he felt we did enough and sunk enough money into 'this money pit'. :laugh: which, in real life is about his feelings of it anymore, and NOT mine, though I didn't want to buy a fixer upper to begin with.

oh, also, while hub was exclaiming his upset with my planning on more remodeling to be done and money to be spent on these projects, the sil and our daughter just kept looking back and forth from hub to me and then with each other--sort of at a loss for words.

So, I'm not really sure if that dream is for you either--or if it is. If it is for you, it can be just using information that I could readily identify with that will also answer your question. This last dream makes me feel like it might be telling you that you should not put too much stock in financial rewards for your gifts--as it is something you cannot really put a price tag on. But of course, it is really for you to decide what it means for your question.

Hi CN,
I really love it too :)
thanks for your dream!

dream one, I am not sure if it is regarding spirituality or not but I am feeling more and more that I want to give something back to people in some sort of social way. When my health is up to it I will definitely always be volunteering in some way to "give back" in some way. like you say about giving, my personality is really giving and kind but I sometimes do it too much :) however like you say about it in regards to spirituality. give back in some way and share. I do take part in threads for example with help for tarot newbies and the circles at times. perhaps an aspect of my spirituality is giving back to others what I have or what I know and I shouldn't forget that!

in dream two about the house and many people. It's interesting the lack of male presence there, not sure why. In my family at the moment my brother has a young family with his girlfriend and they are staying between the two families at the moment with all their stuff. They are moving out of London to a new house which is quite big. But the new house has a legal issue currently (it was built on disputed land :( ). There is an element of the family pulling together and it's a bit crazy. it is a bit of a squeeze. I am not sure what all the women in the family or how the dogs fit but it might just be a symbol of a busy household. I quite like all the family together anyway.

selling off everything really interested me, because I can be quite material and I would really struggle to sell it all off! I find it hard to part with things ;) but is it really important? hmmm. between the two families with the young family there is a lot of women! more than men but it seemed to be a lot of female family. I am not sure what the red haired woman represents either.

third dream about remodelling. Well my parents bought their house and totally made it over. but my brother and the young family are buying a new house. Everything is done for them. It seems so easy and convenient! perhaps I will come to live with a family in a house we remodel! I know it's really frustrating but my brother has the opposite of it. However I can't help but feel the house is set out, it's hard for them to change things now. I would love to do up a beautiful old house even though I am not good at that sort of work, I would have to employ people all the time :)

so I am not sure about the last house dream but the stress of it and all the family and it's a bit chaotic does fit my life. I feel it could be. This could be about real life but about spirituality. Maybe my spirituality is a bit of a dooer upper :) just keep adding more and more on to it perhaps hehe. I remember from an old dream circle that a run down undecorated house is very much about the self needing a lot of work in some way. I will carry on thinking about this!

thanks CN :heart:


Hi, there! I do have a dream from a few days ago, but I didn't have a few extra minutes to write it up and give my interpretation until now. Here is my dream for you:

I am waiting at for a train in a place like an airport where there are often those little computer-driven trains these days. I am with my friend from work, S., who is a very solid person. She is intelligent, fun-loving, self-confident, good-looking, and very loyal to family and friends. So in the dream she represents to me a sort of ideal person. She is dressed in a beautiful blue silk shirt with white stars. We are also with her husband and daughter.

When the train comes S. and I hop in and without hesitation she goes immediately into the front of the car. Suddenly I don't see her husband and daughter. She looks around and then shrugs with a smile, saying that they'll take the next car and we'll all get there together. She is not concerned but when she notices that I am, she tells me not to worry; we are all moving in the right direction.

To begin with, the train station is a place of choice - you can choose either to 'get on board' or not. It is a place of busy comings and goings and also a place where one gets to touch many other people, albeit only in a very small way. I believe that this relates to your focus at the time - a feeling as though your spiritual journey is actually only now actually beginning but you maybe still have choices to make as to whether or not to take this train. :)

My friend "S" represents a very secure and self-confident person. In the dream she is a symbol of the part of you that is ready to 'take the next train' even if it's not obvious where it's going, who's driving, or whether or not her loved ones are actually 'on board' with it. She went to the front of the car with no hesitation. I believe this is the important part of the message for you. There is nothing for you 'to do', just 'be' and approach it with the self-confidence that you may very well have shown in many past lives (did we not touch on that for you in past dream teams - your past lives in spiritual settings?)

Anyway, I digress. Another interesting detail was the shirt my friend was wearing. It seemed so familiar to me when I was recalling the dream, and suddeny I remembered the crown of stars that the Empress wears in the classic RWS. Her head is 'in the stars' - the crown chakra, as it were, connecting with the heavens. But also, this imagery brought to mind the canopy over the chariot. The charioteer 'makes his own sky'- literally, the sky is the limit and you can go as far as you think you can - so dream big!

Overall I think this is a sign for you to move forward in your spiritual pursuits with more confidence. Know that you are safe and protected, even when you can't see the evidence. Take it on faith! Yes, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and yes, it IS a train, but don't worry! It's the train you've been waiting for.

I'm not sure this gives you any practical advice other than an admonition to trust that everything is exactly the way it's supposed to be. :heart: Always nice to dream with you!

Hi Melle,
thanks for your lovely dream as well! your interpretation is so good, it's hard to add to ;)

when I was reading your dream through I immediately thought that S was such a perfect person. I wish I could be her! so perhaps I need to take some of the attributes on! I would be the same as you on the train about leaving the others behind, I would worry! It's not a message really to be here but just be, perhaps that is how you gain those attributes as a person. Don't worry about which train to get or the people in the station or where you go but just see where the train takes you! I sometimes envy people who just do things on the moment. Get on a train. I worry about the consequences or what about this or what about this. Perhaps in my spirituality this is also a barrier. So I should just be and see where my spiritual train takes me. I didn't think I would go from tarot to dreams ;) I remember something about part lives as well!

I loved your interpretation with the empress and chariot and the symbols appeared and you worked it out. perhaps I need to expand my boundaries and dreams and goals!

Recently I did a tarot reading for someone and they didn't see it in their life. I was crushed :( I have recently been really trusting in my skills, how could I be wrong? well it turned out my reading was randomly thrown in by the universe about a family member. It was spot on but for the wrong person. I have to trust more in my spiritual and divination skills and also increase my confidence! I am possibly better than I think I am (this applies to general life as well). But I have to keep pushing myself to harder areas and throw in more challenges :)

thanks Melle, I do need more self confidence and just be and take the spiritual train that comes along and not worry if it is right or not. I could always get a different train if it's going to the wrong place ;) thanks for the great dream :heart:


thanks for all your dreams, I can see them all in my life!
I will take the elements of them to advance my spirituality :)
thanks for a great dream week :heart:


Danieljuk, I'm sure I can speak on the behalf of the Group 1 Dream Team when I say it's a pleasure to dream for you and thank YOU for the detailed feedback!

Now it's my week to receive the benefit of my telepathically dreaming team. I don't have a mandala but I did realize that a number of years ago when I first thought of getting a tattoo at my brother-in-law's shop, his artist drew up some flash for me that does express my spirit very well, so I will attach it here.

My question is about where to put my energy over the next half-year or so in terms of career. My situation is this: I know exactly what I want to be doing in 5 years and I have plans in place to get there. I just need to finesse the timing on some things. In five years I want to be working full-time reading tarot with my editing work as a part-time endeavor. Currently I work full-time at a low-level administrative job (at what we'll call the "O" company) and I do tarot and editing on the side. The job at the "O" company is not horrible but it's beginning to really drag my spirit down. I've begun to look for work at another company but at my age, my heart's not even really in the search process - I had just hoped I could hang on at "O" until I get the tarot biz up and running a little more solidly. Lately, however, I've been feeling I really should find another job for the interim. I'm not sure if this is ego talking or spirit.

So the question is - should I look for work in a new company or hang in there with the "O" company?

Thanks, guys! I'll see you in YOUR dreams. :)



all set for your question Melle and I love your tattoo design :) :thumbsup: