Looking for 3 Guinea Pigs...


That exceede my expectations by a long way Audelia. Made good sense everywhere (except possibly the Janet name, but I'll keep an eye out for her). I'll add what you say to my morning meditation.

:heart: M

Ah! I'm so glad you found it helpful Alta :) I would definitely suggest reading up on the chakras if you can. Interesting enough, a blocked root chakra can also manifest itself as problems in the hips/legs. I'm a Reiki practitioner as well as tarot reader, so I tend to think of things in terms of energy :)

I though the name Janet felt very random alright! I have no idea where it came from, but it's always best to mention just in case it holds some significance. You definitely have one of your grandmothers around you very strongly - I saw her as a shortist, stout woman with a very warm personality and glasses. Very loving, very protective of her family, very understanding. It's always a comfort to know that you have loved ones looking out for you in spirit :)

I wish you all the best with your travels Alta and if you have any more questions feel free to respond here or drop me a PM. Thanks for being a good sport! :)


Okay everyone, I have to pop out for a little while but I'll be back soon to finish the readings :)


I have no questions - so general is fine.

Thank you very much :) Do you have a specific question or would you just like a general reading?


Ah! I'm so glad you found it helpful Alta :) I would definitely suggest reading up on the chakras if you can. Interesting enough, a blocked root chakra can also manifest itself as problems in the hips/legs. I'm a Reiki practitioner as well as tarot reader, so I tend to think of things in terms of energy :)
I can well believe that. Chakras are one of those areas that I meant to read up on but never have.
You definitely have one of your grandmothers around you very strongly - I saw her as a shortist, stout woman with a very warm personality and glasses. Very loving, very protective of her family, very understanding. It's always a comfort to know that you have loved ones looking out for you in spirit :)
I have photographs of both grandmothers and that would definitely be my grandmother Alta. I choose my screen name because of her, it isn't my irl name. I was always sort of sorry that my parents didn't name me Alta after her. Thanks again!


I have no questions - so general is fine.

Hi DownUnder,

Thank you for sitting. I really hope that some of this makes sense to you. As I told Alta, I'm still very much a beginner when it comes to actually doing readings with my clairvoyance. I'm going to tell you everything that I saw when I focussed in on you :)
I found it a little hard to connect to your energy, I'm not sure if I was just tired from the last reading, it just took a little longer. I felt as though guides and spirit were a little reluctant to come through. Do you come from a family of sceptics by any chance?

Two names immediately came through once I established a connection with your energy. I'm not sure if this was the same name or two separate ones, but I got a 'Chris' and a 'Cass' (or 'Cassie').

I got the message that December is (or will be) a very significant month for you, especially when it comes to matter of the heart. I'm seeing December and I'm seeing a beating heart and there's a lot of strong emotion associated with this. This December will be time for you to take care of your own needs and nurture yourself. They're saying that you're a worrier and that you're very good at attending to everyone else's needs and putting everyone else first but ignoring yourself. This is something you need to work on.
The next thing that comes up is the word 'chest.' Do you have problems with your breathing/chest? I want to say asthma. Deep breaths will help you to calm and re-centre yourself.

"The sea is where you belong," is a sentence that comes through along with a flash of a beautiful beach. Salt water and sea air are good for your soul right now. I'm also getting "You were a mermaid in a past life!" but said in a joking tone. Do you love to be beside the sea? Maybe it's time to go for a swim? :)

They're showing me that you're the kind of person who is very heart-centred. You live from your heart very much and you tend to be a lot more sensitive than everyone else, which upsets you sometimes. They're asking you not to be upset - "Don't be afraid to feel. Don't be afraid of your sensitivity. You have a gift."

They are telling me that you are a healer, although I don't know if you're aware of this or not yet. You have a beautiful, gentle energy and you attract people to you. I feel as though you're always on hand to offer a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on, and this is a type of healing whether you're aware of it or not.

They're showing me that you will be called upon to use your healing energy more during 2015.

I see a beautiful smile, gorgeous shining eyes and long hair. I'm also hearing a tinkling, infectious laugh - is this you? :)

A flash comes through of a dog, a golden labrador I think and I hear the name 'Bruno.'

I feel as though 2014 has been a heavy year for you and there have been some obstacles, but the good news is that things will get better. They're telling me that you had necessary transitions to go through "before the main event." Your guides are planning something big for you that will exceed your expectations and I'm being encouraged to tell you "Don't be disheartened. Don't quit right before the miracle."

Balance will be an important theme for you over the next few weeks. Regaining your balance between the physical, the mental and the spiritual. I see a black crystal - I think Obsidian - they're suggesting you carry it with you to protect your energy field.

I get a glimpse of a woman on your father's side of the family, I think she's an aunt. Again I catch a 'C' name (Chris? Cassie? Charlene?) she is a good natured woman and has such spirit. She says very matter-of-factly "I'm with her. I'M the one that's with her."

I'm also being show a neck. A very stiff neck. Do you suffer from this?

Finally they show me an image of you as a child. They say that when you were younger you believed in everything. Did you have imaginary friends as a child? I see a child speaking to fairies in a garden. They're saying "Suspend disbelief. Suspend disbelief. Believe and we will help you. We have never left you. We've always been here and always will be."

I hope this helped DownUnder and that at least some of it resonates with you. Thank you for sitting :)


I would love to sit! Would it be okay to focus upon upcoming love/career/finances? If not, I am grateful to see what can be picked up :) I would be happy to provide full feedback.

Hi Yipee,

Thank you for agreeing to sit for me. As I have been saying to the others, I consider myself just a beginner when it comes to doing readings using Clairvoyance, so I'm going to include absolutely everything that I saw in the hopes that some of it makes sense to you.

The first thing that I feel as I connect in with your energy is that you're a very enthusiastic person. You love to get involved in things. They're showing me that when it comes to your feelings, you find it hard to hide them. You wear your heart on your sleeve and friends and family delight in your overwhelming reactions to things. You're always so enthusiastic :)
I see an image of you in a classroom surrounded by children. Are you a teacher of some kind or do you work with children? I keep hearing the word 'pre-school.' I feel as though you would work really well with children. They're drawn to you because they know that you're not like everyone else. They find it easy to relate to you and connect with you.

Your guides are telling me that you are very much an Indigo adult who has been blessed with exceptional spiritual gifts, although I hear the phrase: 'We can't get her to meditate properly' lol :)

You have a very, very strong sixth sense and they're showing me that you delight in the 'witchy' side of life. An image flashes through of the character Samantha from the old tv show 'Bewitched.' She's wrinkling her nose - is there some connection here?

I focus in on relationships for you and I see an image of two hands holding each other, a wedding ring is really prominent. I feel as though you want a solid, long relationship like the kind that your parents have.

Another image flash of a mirror and the words: "This has got nothing to do with your appearance." I think the message is that when it comes to relationships, do not try and pick out flaws with yourself. You are beautiful and complete exactly as you are, you just haven't met the person who is right for you yet.

This i about to change. They're showing me the image of a man and I'm getting a strong, unusual 'J' name with him. I want to say Jeremy or Jerome. He is tall and dark (they're showing him to me as he's driving a red car) and they're saying you'll know him because you'll have a soul connection with him.

I hear the phrase "cute as a button" and this is how he will see you. Flash of another image and it is you and him and you're cradling a child - a little boy :) It's a peaceful, very happy image surrounded with loving feelings.

I ask when you will meet him and I get the very cryptic answer of "When the poppy blooms." Late spring to early summer is what Google tells me :)

I feel as though you have a very strong connection with your mother and that she is a great support to you through a lot of things.

I'm also shown that you have a strong connection to the angelic realm. Archangel Michael wants you to know that he is very much with you (do you call on him for help?) also you have a beautiful female angel with you too who wishes you would talk to her more.

They're telling me that you have the ability to see angel lights - is this true? Do you sometimes see sparkles or flashes of light out of the corner of your eye? This is lovely. They're telling me that they're constantly with you and they hear everything you say to them. "Tell her she is not alone and she is very, very loved."

They tell me that you will have a son and they have the following message for you: "Do you have any idea how beautiful you are inside and out? Please stop belitting yourself. You have so much to be proud of. You just need a little self-confidence honey."

Such feelings of love from spirit for you Yipee. They're telling me that you've been through a lot and that the universe recognises all the good you have done for others in your life. 2015 is going to be a downright beautiful year for you, of that I have no doubt.

Thank you for sitting :)


Do you come from a family of sceptics by any chance?

Not really...maybe 90% would be open to it, 5% in between ,and 5% against such things due to Religion.

Two names immediately came through once I established a connection with your energy. I'm not sure if this was the same name or two separate ones, but I got a 'Chris' and a 'Cass' (or 'Cassie').

Do not know any Cassies or Cass's at all. Have known a few Chris names.

I got the message that December is (or will be) a very significant month for you, especially when it comes to matter of the heart. I'm seeing December and I'm seeing a beating heart and there's a lot of strong emotion associated with this. This December will be time for you to take care of your own needs and nurture yourself. They're saying that you're a worrier and that you're very good at attending to everyone else's needs and putting everyone else first but ignoring yourself. This is something you need to work on.

Not really a worrier unless there is something to be worried about, but it is true that I do tend to look out for others a bit too much at times when I think they are the underdogs or not treated fairly. Will go to extremes if I think a situation is not right.

As for matters of the "heart" - will have to see what December brings.

The next thing that comes up is the word 'chest.' Do you have problems with your breathing/chest? I want to say asthma. Deep breaths will help you to calm and re-centre yourself.

Not Asthmatic and do not have any chest problems.

"The sea is where you belong," is a sentence that comes through along with a flash of a beautiful beach. Salt water and sea air are good for your soul right now. I'm also getting "You were a mermaid in a past life!" but said in a joking tone. Do you love to be beside the sea? Maybe it's time to go for a swim? :)

Was brought up right by the ocean one part of my childhood, and even when not, was 10 minutes away from a lake or 30 mins from the nearest beach.

Love the sea! And that is where I am most at home - the beach. :D Have been there about 4 times this week! :thumbsup:

They're showing me that you're the kind of person who is very heart-centred. You live from your heart very much and you tend to be a lot more sensitive than everyone else, which upsets you sometimes. They're asking you not to be upset - "Don't be afraid to feel. Don't be afraid of your sensitivity. You have a gift."

I do not really get upset and definitely not over being sensitive or not. Some Psychic a few years ago told me about me being more "sensitive" as a child and that out of all of us my parents separation affected me the most. Not sure about it being a gift or not as I do no think I am that sensitive now. Not like I was as a child.

They are telling me that you are a healer, although I don't know if you're aware of this or not yet. You have a beautiful, gentle energy and you attract people to you. I feel as though you're always on hand to offer a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on, and this is a type of healing whether you're aware of it or not.

Yes I did know. Am a good listener, but not sure about the shoulder to cry on. I am the kind that would tell a child if s/he had a little fall to - Stand up. It isn't the end of the world.
If a cut or scrape was involved I would be more caring about it, but I am not overly motherly.

They're showing me that you will be called upon to use your healing energy more during 2015.

I hope not. :)

I see a beautiful smile, gorgeous shining eyes and long hair. I'm also hearing a tinkling, infectious laugh - is this you? :)

Smile...yes, not sure about the eyes, long hair yes. Not tinkling laughter more like a fog horn. :D:D:D

A flash comes through of a dog, a golden labrador I think and I hear the name 'Bruno.'

My dad had a legend of a dog, a golden labrador, one of the best hunting dogs in our region. However, his name was not Bruno. The next door neighbor had one too. "G" name.

I feel as though 2014 has been a heavy year for you and there have been some obstacles, but the good news is that things will get better. They're telling me that you had necessary transitions to go through "before the main event." Your guides are planning something big for you that will exceed your expectations and I'm being encouraged to tell you "Don't be disheartened. Don't quit right before the miracle.

Not really heavy, but definitely a lot of hurdles to get through this year fighting for certain things on the behalf of others legally and I suppose for myself in ways too. Been good for me, but I have to stop doing it all for others and focus on myself next year I think. Mind you, it should be done and dusted by then I hope. :)

Balance will be an important theme for you over the next few weeks. Regaining your balance between the physical, the mental and the spiritual. I see a black crystal - I think Obsidian - they're suggesting you carry it with you to protect your energy field.

I have Obsidian somewhere packed away in a box. Will find it or look for a new piece. My "balance" is out of synch I think which is why I have been going to the beach lately.

So, makes sense.

I get a glimpse of a woman on your father's side of the family, I think she's an aunt. Again I catch a 'C' name (Chris? Cassie? Charlene?) she is a good natured woman and has such spirit. She says very matter-of-factly "I'm with her. I'M the one that's with her".

Not sure who the "C" name is, but one other woman (4 years ago) and a 6 year old child told me (and my sisters) who stands with us. There are family we knew on this plane and ancestors we didn't. I think the woman saw about 16 when we attended this circle.

As for the 6 year old, she saw them in a vision around me in a field below a mountain (home area I think) and even told me that some "poked their tongues out and wore strange tribal garments". I knew what she was talking about even though she didn't.

Back to the "C"....no idea. Will ask my mother as she might. :)

I'm also being show a neck. A very stiff neck. Do you suffer from this?


Finally they show me an image of you as a child. They say that when you were younger you believed in everything. Did you have imaginary friends as a child? I see a child speaking to fairies in a garden. They're saying "Suspend disbelief. Suspend disbelief. Believe and we will help you. We have never left you. We've always been here and always will be."

Great imagination.

Yes, I did have an "imaginary play friend" that I would play with for hours on end. My older sister still remembers it all and her name. Interesting really as I have a lot of brothers and sisters so probably not usual. But apparently we were the best of friends and I even made my cousin play with her when we played together! I outgrew her once I started school.

Thanks for the reading. Great job! :thumbsup:

Hope the feedback is constructive and productive enough for you. :)


Hi Audelia :)

Thank you so, so much for writing such a detailed reading! I am at out at the moment, but will give feedback as soon as I arrive home! Should be in 2-3hrs :) It all resonated very well, but I will write more detailed feedback when I return home :)


Thanks for the reading. Great job! :thumbsup:

Hope the feedback is constructive and productive enough for you. :)

Thank you for taking the time to give such detailed feedback DownUnder, I really appreciate it. It's helpful to know what doesn't resonate at all and the few bits that do. I'm still relatively new and I think I need to learn how to 'fine tune' my messages. When I open up I get a barrage and I think a lot slips through that's meant for other people :)

Thank you for being such a great sport though, your feedback was really helpful :)


Hi Audelia :)

Thank you so, so much for writing such a detailed reading! I am at out at the moment, but will give feedback as soon as I arrive home! Should be in 2-3hrs :) It all resonated very well, but I will write more detailed feedback when I return home :)

Thanks Yippee - looking forward to reading your thoughts :)