see how YOU scry!


I'm seeing more and more schnauser to the right of the ball, near the front.

The older woman on the left is sitting on a "rainbow" cushion. She takes up most of the left side of the ball and I can see the bottom of her shoe (dark brown). The pug is near her leg... I guess my imagination can run wild! :) Wow, it's so interesting what you said, tarotlova about your dog and 22 year old well, as the colour of your hair!! Lots of black hair...and the cat I see is near the top, towards the right.

Your dog is so cute, tarotlova!! :) :heart:

I don't have any pets. Growing up, I didn't have any, either. My father wouldn't allow it.:( When I had a reiki treatment done two years ago, the practitioner asked me if I owned a dog, because she could "see" one in my place...So, I don't know. They're definitely growing on me. And in one of the reading exchanges I participated in, my partner said that she saw a dog, too...maybe an animal is looking out for me? :)


Scrying is like being in a me. There are shapes, but they're not "complete" or "whole." I have to fill in the spaces...make connections between this and that image...and through that, a story begins to develop. It's worked for me in the most recent past and I've only just begun this journey! Sometimes, it makes no sense what I'm seeing and I'll try to get my partner to look at the images with me...and he'll say, "I don't see it." But then, I'll relay the info. to the person I'm reading for...and...voila, " did you do that?!" Truth is, I don't know. I just note what I "see." It's interesting. Fascinating. I can't explain it...and that's why I enjoy doing this!! Thank you, CN!! :heart:


Ah! I can see where you are seeing the woman now sitting on the rainbow 'cushion'. I saw that as the face of a man wearing a crown. :D

Funny how we can all see different things in a picture, isn't it? I hope you'll continue to come back and scry more.

I can see aa dogs face now in the bottom side of the right side of the ball. looking right at the scryer. just part of his face and one ear, it sort of looks like a husky face. :D

I wonder if you have a dog for a power animal, Flames?

My dad was like that too about animals--because being in the military, we were always moving every 2yrs. However, my mom was a HUGE animal lover and would always go right out and get a dog the day Dad would go away for the Navy. He was on a ship and would often be gone for 6-9 mos. By the time he'd come home, we'd all be so attached to the dog, he couldn't say no. :laugh: The last time mom did that, the dog lived for 17 years. Dad got very use to him. ;)


First, I notice that if I stare too long, my vision blurs, and the lines in the ball start wriggling!

The white ring near the top of the right side of the ball looks like an impact crater on a planet or moon. The snowy, crystalline mass under the surface makes me think of the Fortress of Solitude. I see a strange, cartoonish smiling face in the lower right.

It's like I'm underwater in a froze lake. I actually felt my breathing restricting for a moment, as though I was drowning.

Now I can almost feel the cold and the soft touch of snow of a white winter's day. I think of playing in the snow in the yard when I was a child.

Getting too cold. Going to the kitchen to scrounge around for hot chocolate :D


What fun. Thank you for starting this thread.

I see a "garbage pail kid"(I think that is what they are called) kind of cartoony. Hunched over on the left. I see a bald man with a long nose ringing a hand bell on the right third. His hand with the bell is up. I see a near term fetal face in the top towards the left. A helicopter in the middle. A horny toad (I think that is how it is called, not a toad in the mood for love). Ursula the sea witch lounging on a sofa towards the bottom. A pair of upside down so glasses towards the left. The frontal view of an elephant on the right.

I saw a lot more than I thought I would and it was terrific fun. Greatly appreciated!


Thanks so much for letting me scry, CN! It was fun! Hahaha...I see the husky and the 'rainbow' man wearing a crown!! My animal totem seems to be the Owl. It's everywhere and a little uncanny, I might add. :D A while back, it was the Falcon. But, I wouldn't be surprised if I have a dog for a power animal, too. :) See you soon...

Have a good night, everyone! :)


hi :)

I see a young girl, hairstyle is more like Dora the explorer, but this girl looks more Asian. I see a couple of kids in there. Another kid I see a little clear, is a male one, maybe 2 yrs old. Lol, I swear I saw a monkey. Also, see some kind of tower.


Hello Celtic Noodle


I want to participate, I see an animal face like an eagle tilted looking down the beak is in an inclination and the eye is close, above of the bald eagle is an structure like the stone age, or something like forming an "L", and there is some sort of square above of this L.

I saw the bald eagle like this.



Can't say I've ever done this before.

- Black/ultrasound colored cherub/angel baby with a glowing halo singing.
- Gay pride Christmas stocking.
- I see a younger guy sitting with his back to me facing a computer screen. He's wearing a beanie hat with long tassels that hang down from the sides. Feels a little hippie-ish.
- Baby angel holding a French horn or a toy horse, I can't tell which.
- Old 35mm or disposable camera flash.
- Up-close shot of a horse's face, chewing on grass.
- Frosty the Snowman Christmas cartoon character and a bright 4-pointed star.
- A young girl in a beanie, plump face, 5-8 years old.
- Small Christmas tree with a star.
- Small hand-drawn heart.
- Angel lady -- seems to be "Victorian" or named "Victoria" -- she's close to the baby with the glowing halo.

So celticnoodle, what do I do with this information once I have viewed it?


I see a younger couple in love holding hands.