What's the Postman Bringing? Part 12

Luna's Crone

the new world spirit and hopefully The Old English


Am giving my Thoth a rest for a while. Have gone for something completely different, The New Vision Tarot.

Normally Rider Waite and l don't see eye to eye. As it has new perspectives on the images, maybe, just maybe this could be the one.
Here's hoping :)

Miss Divine

I ordered Mystical Wisdom Cards. I already have Gaye Guthrie's self published version of the deck. But the cards are smaller, with big borders and they're really thin and flimsy. Sooo, after seeing how big the artwork is on the US Games version, I just ouldn't resist. :D


Good news: Patricio Diaz Silva's Masonic Tarot! Finally.

Snuffin's The Thoth Companion, Banzhaf's The Crowley Tarot, and The Book of Thoth by The Great Beast 666 himself. Banzhaf's Keywords to come later.

Bad news: since this is on special international order, they would arrive in four to eight weeks. Sigh. I so want to get them on my grubby paws now. Times like these I envy our western brothers (and sisters) for their easy and cheap access on so many good things. I guess I just have to be Zen about it. :)


Had a wild half hour of deck shopping (oops) and Pagan Ways Tarot, Crystal Visions Tarot, and Tarot of the Hidden Realm are on their way :D


My Apokalysis kit won't be here until August, so i ordered just the deck from the Book Depository. Should be here soon!


The Noblet TdM by Joseph Peterson is heading my way. I have a few of the books he has edited, and it seems he took a similar approach to this deck by trying to make things more clear and complete while still respecting the original cards. He includes corrected cards and the cleaned up originals to allow individuals to use what they prefer. They should be here soon, however they are a gift, so it will be another week before I take a look at them.


Tarot de Venice
and another one I can't even remember the name right now! LoL! Bad right?
I got this week my Roots of Asia , tarot de Paris and Revisioned tarot x

Luna's Crone

I am getting the 2nd ed of the world spirit and le tarot noir heheheheheheheh


The Wyrd of Sarah Howard will be coming from wooden-eye, but no idea how long that might take given the distance. :)