ADEPT LEVEL; 21 Ways . . . Step ONE


Addendum to step one of Dave's

The cards didn't answer the question of "Who am I" in a direct way, more like "What's going on." Thursday was the day we sold our summer cottage which we had acquired in 1973--34 years ago. We had raised our children there in the summers and, recently, our grandchildren. We are now looking at another place north of Cape Cod, in the state of Maine. Also near the shore.

The Fey Queen of Cups pictorially represented the process of watching the essence of what one held floating away. We had been using the cottage less and less as the kids reached teenage years and took up part time jobs and made friends in surrounding towns as they attended regional schools.

The Fey Tower pictured a structure floating away from its foundations, its occupant entirely unconcerned with this change. The ancient birds signified something old being left behind. This seems to have represented the actual "letting go" and signing the sales papers.

The Fey Knight of Pentacles represents our journey today to start our actual search for another place near the sea. The darkened castle represents the cottage we are leaving. The journey on the large rabbit would seem to suggest that several short hops (trips) will occur before we settle on a choice. We have one or two places in mind and know that we can acquire what we have in mind.

Isn't this so "tarot?" We are told the obvious, the needed message, not necessarily what we asked. Last evening I had been tired and the obvious message just wasn't getting through to me, it didn't answer "who I was." Now, in this exercise, without regard for book meanings, the pictures on the cards were explicit in themselves. The Fey is like that for me. In the past, I might have gone back to the Fey book or the standard books to find an answer instead of trusting what I saw. This has been a process of learning and experience, enhanced by our last spring's work with Mary's book. We can trust ourselves to use any of many tools, not be slavish to a more rigid process in approaching the cards. I'll pick up on the next step when I get my assistant (granddaughter, 14 years old) back to draw a card. She is now studying the tarot on a casual basis. Dave

The Fey


I read the book after reading Dave's comments. Closed the door to my room laid out my spread cloth and shuffled my Tarot of Dreams cut them in 3 and spread them out on the floor .

I asked " Who am I now?" I pulled the card of 10 of swords!! egad but Laughed as that is how I feel at this moment with 10 swords sticking out of my back as I am balled up in almost a fetal position.

I am going through some stuff now but a lot of it is in my head as far as worrying and it does feel mentally painful .

So I drew another card and asked who i will be in 6 months 6 of pentacles !! omg I was in such joy!! I know my higher power did not get me this far to just drop me off.

I will add this this after my Tarot Meetup at the end of the month so i can find a partner.


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Step 1 - Name

DECK: Fantastic Menagerie

ACTIVITY 1:3 - Who am I? The Star
My first physical reaction to this card was a huge smile on my face as I said the name of the card. This card is a trusty old friend, with which I did the entire Apprentice Level of 21 Ways!. I inhaled after saying the name of the card and my body moved forward welcoming the Ibis Woman and her companions and felt very relaxed. My first sensory impression was of humor and pleasure. I love this card, and as in the apprentice level I worked hard with this card it was nice to see that I have become more like her inside. This card felt very right at this moment in my life. I feel happy, envigorated, at peace, and on the right path. Life is exactly where it needs to be at this particular moment and I am enjoying it and soaking it in.

Following the direction of the book I repeated this exercise twice more. The second card I drew in answer to the question "who am I?" was The Wheel of Fortune. My first physical reaction was to pause (go still) and squint. I did hold my breath when paused, and did not move. My first sensory impression was confusion. At first I could not place me in relation to this card, then I quickly identified with the owl lady reading the cards for the young goat lady. It was me reading for me. Me looking at my life in retrospect and taking that knowledge to move forward. I am on the upswing of the Wheel at the moment.

The third card I got in response the question "who am I?" was The Chariot. My first physical impression was to smile and lean into the card, while brining the card closer to me for a better look. My breathing did not change. My first sensory impression was inspiration and a sense of achievement. My eyes, from the beginning when I read the name of the card, went straight to the gorgeous pink roses blooming, and how healthy and beautiful they are. It is how I feel about the personal achievements I have made, and how I have blosommed. There are still things to overcome and work on, but there is beauty in achivement and progress.

As I look at all three cards, I see the pattern of positivity. It is very encouraging and uplifting. I am really liking who I am right now and it shows why in the cards!

ACTIVITY 1:4 - my partner for this exercise was Midnightblue - she lives here in town.

I handed her the deck, let her shuffle, explained the exercise to her. She focused on the question "who am I?" and drew the 10 of swords (not a totally scary card in this deck). She leaned away, then laughed.

When asked why made her laugh she responded that the "crocodile dude" made her laugh, just the picture which she would not describe as herself. She could not tell if the pig on the floor was dead or passed out because there was other food everywhere for the alligator or crocodile dude to eat. She believes that the alligator guy is laughing because he fed the pig the food and made it fat and happy to the point the pig passed out. By the end she was convinced the pig was passed out because there was no blood in the card, and that it was in no danger from the alligator guy.

I had no real expectation of her reaction, so I guess her reaction was just funny to me. Not often someone laughs at the ten of swords and sees it in a positive light. She never did really give me an answer as to how this card could represent her, but the theme of indulgence in food seemed to be what caught her attention about the card, and the crocodile guy pushing the pig dude to the limits of eating.


dadsnook2000 said:
Isn't this so "tarot?" We are told the obvious, the needed message, not necessarily what we asked. Last evening I had been tired and the obvious message just wasn't getting through to me, it didn't answer "who I was." Now, in this exercise, without regard for book meanings, the pictures on the cards were explicit in themselves.
My experience was very similar Dave, and I think Coyote's was not far off this either. For me the first "who am I?" took me to see the strides I have made and how I have gained that Star like peace. But the journey is not over, as the Wheel allows me to reflect back, and use hind sight to continue moving forward in a positive direction. The Chariot allows me to enjoy the sense of victory in my achievements and remind me to not rest on my laurels but to keep growing. Does any of this answer who am I? ... not exactly but through three Majors it shows me that my growth and personal goals of are of highest importance to me, that I do persevere and see progress, and that I can always learn from myself as well as others. Pretty neat.


Step 1

dadsnook2000 said:
** Acitivity 1:3 is to shuffle our chosen deck and ask, "Who am I?" Draw a card, turn it over, say it's name, and self-observe your reactions. These are all noted in more detail in the book. As we learned at the Apprentice Level, these seemingly simple steps are important.

I'm using the Victorian Romantic 4 of Wands.
I drew this card yesterday and was a bit shocked. My head sort of jerked back, like "wha?". Then I took a closer look at it and the only thing I could conclude was that I walk to the beat of my own drum? I never thought much of the 4 of wands, not something that was for me, so I guess i never really thought highly of it. It's not one of the "deeper" cards. So this draw left me puzzled.

Dadsnook2000 said:
** Have another person draw a card for the same question. Note their reactions. Explore those reactions and thoughts.

Today I had my mom pick out a card from the VR. I informed her to get centered, quite, comfortable, then let me know when ready. So I got the call, she shuffled, and picked, that's right, the 4 of Wands!
To which I said (I know I shouldn't have) "you've got to be kidding me"
Needless to say, I'm not a professional tarot reader.
Her reaction was trying to make out the card action...first the bird caught her eye, then the girl in pink hitting what she thought-the bird, not the drum, lol!
In reference to the question of "who am I", she said, well I can be entertaining, a spectacle, loud, and happy.
I thought a rather good answer.


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Dave completes step one.

Activity 1:4. This part of the exercise involves having another person draw a card and observing their reactions. My daughter, Kaitlin, drew the Fey Seven of Chalices.

This card's focus is a very large cup, not quite on the ground, which has a huge dark purple snake-dragon type creature arching out of the cup. This creature has small stem-mushroom-shaped things protruding from its head and body. Dark drops of liquid are being shed from its body. A Fey with a great-coat and top hat has fallen on his but, apparently in surprise, before the floating cup and creature. His clothes are a lighter purple than the snake-dragon creature. This Fey appears to be the same Fey as in the Hermit card. (The Hermit is equally unusual in appearance). A strange glow highlights the scene on the card.

This card has to do with how we react emotionally to the real and the unreal things we encounter in life.

My daughter sat very still as she pulled the card, turned it over and stared at it. Nothing was said for almost a minute, no change in her expression other than the "just looking at the card" pose. Afterward, she asked, "What does it mean, what is it?"

I had watched her very intently during this process. I had turned the lights on full just so she could see what card she picked. Just that steady stare at the card, no lip movement, no body movement, no lowering or raising her hand to look at the card. Nothing.

I don't ever remember watching another person to see how they reacted to the cards. Oh yes, I'm sure I did, but as a general rule I'm looking at the card as it is turned over. Now, my way of working with the cards will change. That is how it has been with the whole set of exercises -- something valuable comes from even the most simple steps. Dave

PS: I had tried to scan these cards but the scanner is acting quirky tonight.


Hi, folks! Lagging behind as usual.

With a dumb question--Are we supposed to pick a "chosen card" for the Adept level? Or just follow the steps and choose as we go?

I will be working on the first step this weekend. I need to get someone to draw a card for me . . .


rachelcat said:
With a dumb question--Are we supposed to pick a "chosen card" for the Adept level? Or just follow the steps and choose as we go?
I would say you could do one of three things: (1) continue working with the card you have been working with; (2) select a new card the same way you selected the card in the Apprentice Level Step 1; (3) Pick a card you want to work with (that is what Coyoteblack and I did - we will be using the Moon card).

To do the Adept Step 1 you will not be working with "your" card, unless of course you draw it in answer to the "Who am I question" or if your querent draws it.

Glad to see you with us!!! I really enjoy this study group and its members.


21 ways adept level step 1

21 ways adept level 1


New card for adept level: The Lady (3)

I shuffled my deck and got the Prince of Cups.

My first reaction was, oh, I got that card in a spread I had just finished for someone else on the reading exchange forum. I was also a bit pleased. I’ had been getting a lot of swords lately and was a bit tired of picking out 3 swords and nine of swords (they were the right one for my situation). My next thoughts were of enjoying myself with this one. I’m going to love, dream, travel get new friends or relationships. I saw this as Happy card. I suppose it also came up because I had just given a lot of readings (to learn) and that’s the helper in me coming out.

I drew one more card: Three of wands.
I must admit my heart was pumping a bit before I drew this one. Was pleased to see this card. The first thing I saw was the path, then the fellow looking outwards. Its will soon be the situation I will be inn. I’m finishing one phase of my life and will be embarking on a new career, but I don’t know what it is. My body just relaxed at this. A sort of satisfaction that the card was good. I see light at the end of the tunnel.

I got another person to draw a card. This was Rebirth (Judgment) in the DruidCraft deck. The person was very passive and at once began to describe the card. I think I scared them a little, perhaps because I was so serious about this lesson. The person felt a bit of “defeat” when I told them I was observing the reaction and that it was passive. But the description the person gave was very good. We had some fun with this.



Better Late than Never!

I'm finally joining in for real. This is the third try for the adept level for me, so I hope it sticks!

1:1 I have chosen the Thoth Emperor. It was the first of the three I drew, and it has the most characters in it, if you count the sheep, and maybe the eagle/s.

1:3 Who am I? 6 of Wands Victory!
I quickly reached for my pen to write it down. I LIKE being 6 of Wands! I returned my attention to the card and leaned in slightly and lifted my chin. Then took a grounding breath. Lifting chin = the victor is noble? Drawn breath as I ponder what does this really mean?

Who am I? 8 of Swords
Made a wry grimace. Then carefully counted swords to be sure I’m right. I was wrong. Originally I thought it was the 7. I feel itchy and scratch the right side of my neck and face. Am I trying to distract myself from an unpleasant card? I learned in mediation that I can just observe an itch go away on its own without scratching, but I didn’t do that this time.

Who am I? Queen of Swords
I made a smaller wry face this time, along with a lifted eyebrow. (The Queen is holding a severed head and is wearing a see-through blouse. Even though I’ve seen it a million times, it’s still kind of eyebrow-raising to think that it’s ME!) Another steadying breath while I think what can this mean.

1:4 (I did this a while back in one of my other tries!)
I asked by son to draw a Baroque Bohemian Cats card. He drew Temperance (which is “my” card). I said “Temperance” in a kind of high voice. He said “clearly” and smiled. He said “mixing wine with water.” The benefit of a Catholic school education. I pointed out that the cat in the card looks like a cat we had, Puss, who also had a half black, half orange face.

On to step 2!