Crystal "Starter Kit"


An odd title I know but I didn't really know how else to phrase it.

I'm EXTREMELY new to crystals, but in the latest tarot book I purchased it was suggested I pick up some crystals to facilitate my reading. I've decided to purchase online as there aren't any places to purchase crystals nearby so I can't really try to get a feel for them and pick intuitively.

I want to purchase some basic and well balanced starters for my crystal collection. So far I've chosen Amethyst, Clear Quartz, and Rose Quartz. Does anyone have any other suggestions to start me off with that I can build on?


Hi, Imf! The crystals you've chosen are just what I would recommend to start with. In particular, chevron amethyst is good for psychic development.

I would also suggest perhaps a citrine, for energy, cheerfulness, and abundance, and maybe a black or dark stone such as obsidian, black tourmaline, or hematite for grounding and to eliminate negativity.

Calcite and bloodstone have so many wonderful qualities, they are definitely on my "top ten" list as well. Calcite speeds up spiritual development and is a powerful energy cleanser, while bloodstone holds a tremendously healing vibration.

Have fun with your collection, and don't forget to clear and program your crystals before you start to work with them!


stone kits has a list and info on a set of 13 stones.

A few years back, I made up my own synthesis of other people's recommendations and came up with a set of 16 stones which can be used with a variety of methods. I use either a 4 quarter circle, or the standard 12 house/zodiac wheel.

clear quartz- querent, heart of the matter ~ enlightenment, solutions, 7th
sunstone- Sun/Leo, God/masc. ~ success, sexual attraction, 3rd
moonstone- Moon/Cancer, Goddess/fem. ~ intuition, awareness
hematite- Mercury/Virgo ~ law, work, habits, travel
banded agate- Mercury/Gemini ~ communication, reasoning
rose quartz- Venus/Libra ~ love, harmony, self-esteem, 4th
dark green aventurine- Venus/Taurus ~ independence, prosperity
leopard jasper- Earth ~ healing, grounding
tree agate- nature spirits ~ clarity, personal power
carnelian- Mars(action)/Aries ~ energy, devotion, joy, 2nd
red jasper- Mars(defense) ~ protection, release
sodalite- Jupiter/Sagittarius ~ truth, opportunity, 5th
black obsidian- Saturn/Capricorn ~ karma, limits, self-control, 1st
unakite- Uranus/Aquarius ~ unexpected, survival
amethyst- Neptune/Pisces ~ creativity, spirituality, dreams, 6th
mahogany obsidian- Pluto/Scorpio ~ cycles, hidden mysteries


Yes, I'd agree with amethyst, rose quartz and clear quartz. But be careful not to put your amethyst too near your computer . . . it can disrupt it!

And yes, I'd agree with obsidian or haematite for grounding.

I'd also suggest some Chinese fluorite which aids your intuitive abilities.

But the most important thing is to find a good crystal shop. Are the energies good in there and does the shop owner or assistant know about the properties of the various stones? I'm very lucky in having a shop like that locally . . . but it's a bit far for you to come!!

And then, just walk round the shop and see if there are any stones that call to you. In a good shop, that will happen. Put your hand over them and see if you pick up any energies . . . tingling, heat or cold . . . that suggests that they want to work with you.

The owner of my local shop always stresses that one should choose crystals intuitively. Have fun!!


Thank you everyone! These are great suggestions!

Netzach you mentioned to keep the Amethyst away from the computer. Is there anything I should know about storing them?

and as for programming I was told to put them under running water (preferably the sea or a natural stream) if that fails soak them in water with sea salt then leave them to soak up moonlight or sunlight for a day. Does anyone suggest anything different, or anything to add to it?


Amethyst is a great cleanser and can be used to cleanse your other crystals if need be . . . just sit the two together for a while. Or, yes, you can cleanse crystals by washing them in salt water or burying them in the garden or leaving them out in full moonlight. However, do remember that some crystals are soluble in water, so do check before washing them!

I don't know what it is about amethyst energies but - perhaps because it's a cleanser - it can disrupt electrical equipment, especially computers.


some cautions about methods has a good overview of some of the various methods. I like the brown rice or flower methods. You don't have to worry about whether the stone will be damaged.

You can also create an energy grid out of citrine and clear quartz points. (4 of each) Then place the stone you wish to cleanse/clear in the center.

Chrissie Sheldon had a website and series of books (Crystal Arcana) that said to direct the points outward to release; directed inward to charge or draw energy. You can experiment with various types of stars or shapes.


Hi lmf! You have picked some important crystals to start with. Other good ones would be, jet, red jasper, carnelian, tigers eye, and sodalite, Pick any stone that makes you happy to look at it. Often, a person will end up choosing crystals that they need to help them with problems, without realising it. There's so many beautiful options! You could try a site called or They are some of my favorite ones with great selections and prices. You can get some good crystal books at, such as The Illustrated Directory Of Healing Crystals by Cassandra Eason or The Illustrated Guide To Crystals by Judy Hall. Alot of people, including myself, love collecting crystals, and you will, too! Their colors, energies, and shapes, and to know they're natural gifts from the earth, comfort us. Welcome to the wonderful world of stones and crystals! Lea


Starter kit

Oh! dear, I was advised to place my large amethyst near my computer to assist in keeping me positive and grounded now 'm confused!!!!!!