A new de-enabling thread


nisaba said:
<grin> Nice de-enabling there. Yes, I have a round deck, a mini-motherpeace, which I keep around just to remind me why I don't have round decks. the shffling thing is really very odd, isn't it. And as for spreads: well we all can look at uprights and usually you can tell at a glance what card a reversed card is, but when they come in all random angles, it's often very hard to recognise what card you're actually looking at.

But ...

I thought it was round designs on rectangled cardstock? Yes? No?

Argh, I thought I almost caught myself arguing against de-enablement for a second there <shudder>. I'm over it now. Time for a cold shower and two diazepam, I think.
No - it is round. Very round. I hate round to read with. Reversals can get VERY interesting.... I don't use them, but for anyone who does - round decks are a no-no.

I can see it now. The Hermit is placed at a 15 degree angle which means the effect is mitigated by 15%..... or is it increased by 15% - which way goes which way - which way is TOWARDS a reversal and which way is almost back to upright....

My head hurts now. Thanks. NOT.

Watch those diazepam; they can lead you into evil paths.....


I need help! Please tell me again why I don't need the Jolanda Tarot when I've already got the Swedish Witch. Mystical Moose is telling me there's nothing wrong with having two copies of the same deck. Look here.


Theoretically, if I'm medicated enough, I won't be able to key in my card number.


fairyhedgehog said:
I need help! Please tell me again why I don't need the Jolanda Tarot when I've already got the Swedish Witch. Mystical Moose is telling me there's nothing wrong with having two copies of the same deck. Look here.

I looked, and I psychically picked up that you're one of two things: a Tarot teacher who doesn't expect students to own decks, or an idiot. And Mystical Moose - how sad <shakes head pityingly>.

Nothing personal, you understand. Just a bit of tough-love de-enablement.


Drat! You've rumbled me. I'm not a Tarot teacher.


I'm just sticking my head in here to mention that if anyone needs de-enabling from the Universal Wirth deck, I'll be happy to oblige.

I just received it when I was walking out the door for my trip (which I'm still on, limited web capability), and I didn't bring it with me. All I can say is: WEIRD SILICONE-ENHANCED UNNATURAL BREASTS. :eek:

Catch you guys later..

Oh, and the yoga deck? I wouldn't buy it on principle! What the heck does yoga have to do with tarot? I mean!


I have the yoga deck, I like it, but
If you can't describe these poses...and how they might relate to 6 of coins or 9 of wands it isn't the deck for you:

Tadasana -

Utthita Trikonasana -

Ardha Chandrasana -

Utthita Parsvakonasana -

Virabhadrasana I -

Adho Mukha Svanasana -

Chaturanga Dandasana -

UrdhvaMukhaSvanasana -

Setu Bandasana -

Jathara Parivartanasana -

Supta Padangusthasana -

Dandasana -

Paripurna Navasana -

Baddha Konasana -

Plank -

Chaturangadandasana -

Cat-Cow -

Vajrasana -

Bharadvajasana -

Suptaikapadaparivrttasana -

Bhujadhanurasana -

Uttanasana -

Uttanasana -

Utktasana -

Bhujangasana -

Savasana -


Not to mention

sravana })

Which is scary enough for anyone !


I have just looked at the Mystic dreamer Tarot cards and i want it to..


oh dear i am in the wrong thread, mod can you please remove me,, i signed in and it didn't take me back to the tread i was reading.



kiwichick said:
I have just looked at the Mystic dreamer Tarot cards and i want it to..

oh i have to have it,

No you don't. The borders are too big and ugly, and raggedy, and REALLY detract form the images, and the cards all look as if someone had lit them with one of those horrid yellow sodium lamps. Sort of vomit colouring throughout.

And the box is JUST AWFUL. Crushes when you look at it.

ETA OK - so you don't need a de-enable. Never mind - I'll leave it for the next person !!! Mustn't waste it !