A new de-enabling thread


kiwichick said:
I have just looked at the Mystic dreamer Tarot cards and i want it to..


oh dear i am in the wrong thread, mod can you please remove me,, i signed in and it didn't take me back to the tread i was reading.

Here we go again . . . *trots out the gas masks*

It's had quite the bashing in this thread, and possibly in this thread's precursor. Do a bit of a search and you'll find it ;)

\m/ Kat


We are wasting our time. She didn't want de-enabling; she was in the wrong thread....

Never mind - maybe she will repent ! })


gregory said:
Not to mention

sravana })

Which is scary enough for anyone !
I must be missing something... ??


cardlady22 said:
re: the Yoga Tarot

Now we know where Willy Wonka went after leaving the Chocolate Factory to Charlie!

Hear ye, hear ye! Willy Wonka is on a Tibetan dream vacation. Somebody spiked the wallpaper . . . .
LOL... you're comment had the opposite effect. Now I just want it more.
AJ said:
I have the yoga deck, I like it, but
If you can't describe these poses...and how they might relate to 6 of coins or 9 of wands it isn't the deck for you:

Tadasana -

Utthita Trikonasana -

Ardha Chandrasana -

Utthita Parsvakonasana -

Virabhadrasana I -

Adho Mukha Svanasana -

Chaturanga Dandasana -

UrdhvaMukhaSvanasana -

Setu Bandasana -

Jathara Parivartanasana -

Supta Padangusthasana -

Dandasana -

Paripurna Navasana -

Baddha Konasana -

Plank -

Chaturangadandasana -

Cat-Cow -

Vajrasana -

Bharadvajasana -

Suptaikapadaparivrttasana -

Bhujadhanurasana -

Uttanasana -

Uttanasana -

Utktasana -

Bhujangasana -

Savasana -
I took a beginner's Hatha Yoga class a few years ago. The only ones I remember, though, are Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Savasana (Corpse pose), Dandasana (Staff Pose), Cat-Cow pose, ... and that's about it... >.<


I'm going to need a bit of help, I think. You guys have tried valiantly, but I still find my mind wandering to the Cloisters. Oh, and I'm using my Visconti-Sfortza in public readings recently, but it's a mini and you really don't appreciate the detail so much. So ...

I gotta problem ...


sravana said:
I must be missing something... ??
I thought you'd make a good yoga pose.....

Now the Cloisters - you can't POSSIBLY use it in public. How will you explain to them about round cards and reversals and which way round anything is and what on earth stained glass has to do with anything.

And you'd have to let your sitters get ever so close to see what things are - you know what it's like with stained glass, it's hard to make out the pictures at once.

And I just found a "GREAT" review:

Most of the lines are thin, with an occasional thick one thrown in presumably to enhance the stained glass effect. The effect is more that of a shattered mirror where the pieces haven’t yet fallen out. I find the look ragged, sharp and disconcerting. Much of the symbolism of Colman-Smith’s work, especially her use of color, has been sacrificed to this effect. It is a poor trade off in my opinion.

The backs are a horrendous hodgepodge of swirling purples, pinks and lavenders around a central multi-colored stained glass circle. <snip>There is some scanty advice on reading and the interpretations provided have to be among the worst I have ever seen in such a booklet. There is a short sentence describing the card, which basically tells you nothing, for example: The winged angel of Temperance holds a silver and gold chalice in her hands. And???? The Divinatory Meaning provided for Temperance - A waiting period. The ability to adapt. While some find this deck pretty, I think the stained glass effect could have been done much better and I don’t know why the deck is round. The artist does not enlighten us in this regard. Aside from the novelty aspects afforded by the shape and the broken, er, I mean, stained glass effect, this deck has little to offer.

She says it better than I do. And it's all true.


<crabbily> Okay, okay, Gregory. And I suppose I already have one stained glass deck in the Veltrate. It at least frames its images with sandstone arches, as in a proper stained glass window.

I notice you didn't de-enable my very new wish for a full-size Visconti-Sfortza to replace my mini, as the mini is proving to be uncomfortablefor my eyesight to use in readings. Does this mean I have <<<gasp>>> your *permission*?

<falls over in a faint at the very idea>


Of course not. I thought you were suggesting you'd use the Cloisters instead.

But like Mags says - buy a good magnifying glass. MUCH cheaper than the deck - and it might suggest to your sitters that you are working EXTRA hard for them. Wringing out every POSSIBLE detail.....


Gregory, how did you get to be so good at this when I can see from your profile that you haven't always resisted temptation yourself?


fairyhedgehog said:
Gregory, how did you get to be so good at this when I can see from your profile that you haven't always resisted temptation yourself?
I - er - learn from my mistakes ????? })