Traditional Tarot Sequencing


Thanks Kat and Lil

I'm a "questioner", I'm sure I must have been annoying as a child (and probably as a adult!) always wanting to know the reason for this or that. Nothing at all against standard religions, but I went to a church school for two years and told my mother if she sent me back again, I would quit school (I think I was 12 :). I wasn't rebellious as a child, just wanted answers and was impatient if I couldn't at least get a handle on something. When coming across that link, I was lost and needed clarification, so thanks again, AT folk! Glad you thought link was interesting, and Lil, I can understand your feelings about trying to read through it. It was boggling my mind!




I'm a questioner too, but to be honest I stopped asking The Fool = ? question a long time ago.

Now The Fool = The Fool and I leave it at that :)


I get what you mean, Lil

I get the chair can just be a chair, but if I don't recognize something as say being a chair or a cat, I want the clarification it's a chair :). Seeing that link, I had to know at least basically what it was, even if I didn't understand exactly what it meant.

Cheers to across the pond, LOVE the UK! Lots of great friends there!



GD -

To make any sense of that, you'll need to study up on the Qabalah. My own knowledge of the subject is far too shallow to evaluate the argument being put forth, but offhand I think it's a minority opinion. If you want to get into it, there's a Qabalah (Kabbalah) forum here:



Thanks, David

At this point, just getting used to basics, didn't want to really delve, just wanted a basic idea WHAT they were talking, I was pretty lost. I have studied religions on university level, NO expert, wasn't my major, but a fairly general understanding of most major religions and their more esoteric counterpoints. I know to really understand the Kabbalah, you have to go pretty deep, not a journey I'm prepared for at the moment. What I did learn about it was very interesting though.


I've read Qaballah once (let's see, when was it? About a year ago, maybe), and it got me a little confused. Too much system, and really strict meanings, too.


greatdane said:
I get the chair can just be a chair, but if I don't recognize something as say being a chair or a cat, I want the clarification it's a chair :). Seeing that link, I had to know at least basically what it was, even if I didn't understand exactly what it meant.

Cheers to across the pond, LOVE the UK! Lots of great friends there!



Cheers to Arizona too! :)

Years ago I went into all the stuff.

But with the different attributions for the cards and the tree of life, as no one else could make up their minds, in the end I couldn't be bothered either.

I generally go with fool = 0 because I mainly use the Thoth, so I go along with it's system, but I have to suppose that all other systems are equally as valid for those that use them.

It's a case, I think, where there are many truths, and in the end (about 15 years ago) I decided I couldn't be bothered to choose between them except as a matter of convenience.

But good on you for wanting to look into it.
There are many ways of seeing it, I expect you will find the one that rings true for you.


Thanks, Lillie!

Actually, I don't plan on delving into any thing other than RW at this precise moment. Sometimes I like a little clarification on something else, but up to my nose just getting used to my first deck and basic book. I so get what you mean by finding one's comfort level. If it ain't broke, it doesn't need fixin', right? :) The one thing I really believe if that every deck, every system, doesn't work for everyone and it's about what's inside of us we want to tap into and whatever tools help us is what we should do.

P.S. Lillie, what's it like over there today? Here it's blue skies and about 70F. I'll trade with you for a day if you'd like. Would love to hang out in th UK today!


I know you said you would stick with the RW for now, but the Kabbalah is not necessary to understand the tarot. The site you referred to brings out some of the reasons I left the RWS behind for now.

This site discusses much older orderings for the trumps:

My tarot journey began with the Thoth, Kabbalah based and then the RWS, also kabbalah based, then to the Alchemical Renewed, a different breed, and now I'm using a traditional deck, The Ancient Italian Tarot. I started looking more into the Kabbalah so that I could understand the tarot better, and I found that traditional Kabbalists don't use the tarot for path work. That was when I went to the Alchemical because a I needed a different system.

We all have to start somewhere; I hope you enjoy your tarot discoveries!


And I'd swap with you!

Here in Wales it's been raining all day.

Nasty wet rain that drips.

I suppose it's good because it's been dry for a while and I guess the plants need it.
But I don't!
I don't need watering!