Dream Divination 2013-001


I think you had a vision. A vision of something I created. Let me find a place to host the pictures and I will post them for you. ITs just a place I recently created online in a 3d world- "upon this rock" ---meaning I am not building my world on sand or creating sandcastles any more. I go there to relax, and meditate. Its' recently been taking over by someone who seems very at home with it. DO these picture look familiar? Yes inside the cave is very light, there is a light beam shining down from the sky into the cave. Also in my last several interviews I am sure that GAD played a role in me not coming across as a professinal, the first moment things went in the opposite direction, I was done....I was asked a question and I started to stutter and I was done.....smh. I blew the interview and that was sad because I was the first selected to be interviewed of all the applicants.




sorry not been the best dreamer this week! I tried and asked every night for you! had a really stressful week with other people bringing stress into my life! So not remembered anything I have dreamt at all! At least I had this dream!

how interesting with your virtual world!
well I really love "cartoony" computer games like Mario. In my dream it was a little more Mario in graphics if that makes sense, like bright green grass around the cave. However I think it is the same cave but maybe the dream drew up different pictures of it, it did it in the style in my head I think hehe! around the cave was grass and that is like yours. The first picture with the zoom out of the cave is so like it. The waterfall is an exact match! my view in the dream is zoomed in like of the cave mouth and the waterfall. I couldn't see where there waterfall went and going into the cave it felt positive and protective and bright!

I think it is that image, how funny!
never happened to me before :)

hope some of the wonderful dreams people have had this week have helped you!


The Dream Team continues!

Well, I think over all, we've done rather well with our dreams and YDM42 has done an excellent job with her fb too! Its off to a better start then I honestly expected. So, this is great! I think a lot of it is also due to the fact that YDM42 is open for it and it makes it a bit easier for us to dream for her.

If anyone still recalls any dreams for YDM42, go ahead and post it, but be sure to put that the dream was for YDM42, so we do not get it confused with Danieljuk's question--after it is posted. Just in case anyone recalls their dreams for her (YDM42).

So, now it's Danieljuks turn. I've PM'd Danieljuk and a question will be posted here by Sunday, the 20th. So here is a reminder for everyone to check back here for the question. Once the question is posted, you can begin to dream for its answer. Danieljuk, if you'd please provide fb, after everyone's dream, I think it worked beautifully this way with YDM42, and that will be good.



my question for the new week

thought long and hard for my question.
I wanted to do a future question about what is coming up in my life because predictive dreams are so interesting! but its very hard to quantify that! I can't give feedback in a years time! hehe so wanted something I can give immediate feedback on

my question is...

What can I do to bring improvement to my life? how can I cope with obstacles and change better?

just a little background, because of health reasons and quite chronic anxiety problems I'm in quite a stagnant situation. Find change hard to deal with. The tarot readings for 2013 for me indicate quite big forced change (its a Tower type change). change scares me (I'm also a Taurus) and I find it hard to deal with but also I want all areas of my life to improve! I definitely think it will be a year of change which in the end will put me in a better position, just it's the getting through the difficult parts.


Well, I think over all, we've done rather well with our dreams and YDM42 has done an excellent job with her fb too! Its off to a better start then I honestly expected. So, this is great! I think a lot of it is also due to the fact that YDM42 is open for it and it makes it a bit easier for us to dream for her.

If anyone still recalls any dreams for YDM42, go ahead and post it, but be sure to put that the dream was for YDM42, so we do not get it confused with Danieljuk's question--after it is posted. Just in case anyone recalls their dreams for her (YDM42).

So, now it's Danieljuks turn. I've PM'd Danieljuk and a question will be posted here by Sunday, the 20th. So here is a reminder for everyone to check back here for the question. Once the question is posted, you can begin to dream for its answer. Danieljuk, if you'd please provide fb, after everyone's dream, I think it worked beautifully this way with YDM42, and that will be good.

Hi CN and Dreaming clan :)

This is for YDM42... I was camping, so apologise for my lateness in posting here as I returned home just last night. I came up withn only one very clear image as a dream symbol for YDM42... I don't recall a full dream as such, but had a very clear image of an old-fashioned fire grate, circa 1900, perhaps, with the metal grate sitting in the hearth of the larger fireplace surround. In it, there was a luminous glow of orange-red from coals that were the remains of a fire... It was the light, heat and energy of the luminously glowing coals, YDM42, that held my focus, and which I think was the dream's main message for you... and outside, beyond visual perception, was a wind chime gently peeling, and then quiet rainfall and the hiss of water hitting hot coals... This is what I received for YDM42... Minute details, but hopefully of some use...

ETA: Between now and when I posted, some 8 or so hours ago, I have taken the time to read your question more thoroughly, YDM42... I had only focused on your question itself, as I initially read the question on my iPhone while I was away camping (tired eyes...!!!) Anyway, revisiting it just then, I noted that a sort of post-script after your question read something like... "achieve things that are simple for others, but present such a challenge for me"....

In that light, my dream symbols might make more sense to you. I believe the brightly glowing luminosity is you, your essential essence... Within the fireplace, or hearth, the 'centre' where one feels safe, you glow brightly. Luminously! Further beyond that inner centre, though, outside influences come into play... Whilst some are gently supportive, as in the windchimes which energise and uplift, offering a bright, cheerful, energy, others, such as the rain, quelch your inner glow, stinging you with their ability to dampen your spirit and extinguish your inner light. Just a thought.... :) Many Blessings to you, YDM42.


.............Had a little search online at different interpretation about some of the key parts of it. Caves can represent refuge and protection and almost a "womb" like quality. dark caves can represent the unconscious mind. Also they can represent deep thinking on an issue.
Waterfalls represent "letting go". releasing emotions and renewal and regeneration.
I think the cave was quite light, it didn't seem dark..........

Another post for YDM42 before I can begin on the next dream session for danieljuk... :)

Looking back further through other posts on this thread, I just found this... (My apologies for only partially-quoting you, danieljuk :))

It is interesting that the womb-like cave danilejuk referred to in his dream gave me the same nurturing, safe feeling that the fire place offered to the luminosity in my dream... Interesting, too, was the waterfall = "letting go" etc... I should know that, of course, because a card in my own deck is a waterfall (It is actually named Crystal Waterfall), and ... yes... it is about spiritual cleansing, letting go, and replenishing, in fact!!! :) Whilst my dream didn't star a waterfall, the rain drops were falling in a similar way, landing plink, plink, plink, on the hot coals... so, another interpretation of the same symbols for you, YDM42 (thank you, daniel :)).


Another Dream for YDM42

Is there another thread for the question and responses?

Here goes this is my question:

How can I accomplish / attain the things I want most in life? Simple things for most people that have been such a struggle for me. Any advice would be appreciated.

Finally! A dream for YDM42! I was hoping it would make a difference to have a night where I wasn’t getting up earlier than usual to go into work, and that was the case.

Anyway, the dream starts with me trying to type something in front of my real-life boss, who is very judgmental, and I am doing poorly. I decide to break away from the task at hand and walk downstairs. I am in a sort of hotel/vacation type of place and there appears to be a party going on.

Suddenly I see an attractive man and feel compelled to go right over and meet him, but what really interests me is the car he drives. It’s white, sexy, low-slung and very, very expensive. He hits on me and asks if I’d like to go out for a ride and I say yes, but I need to get my purse.

I run back upstairs where friends of mine are hanging out and I tell them I’m going out with this man in his car, and I proceed to tell them about the car, not the man. Then I whisper to my best friend in the room that I’ve got his number and I wrote it down - in case anything happens. In the dream I’m self-aware that going out with this man in his flashy vehicle may not be the best thing for me but I’m determined to do it anyway. I crave the power and prestige. I run back downstairs and almost pass the guy up as I zip out the door; I’m so anxious to get into his car!

Overall this seems to be about the vehicle and about how I think it can get me to where I want to go, but there is an underlying tone of the notion that this may not really be the best thing for me, to beware the ‘flash and glitz’. Vehicles in general can represent your lifestyle or can denote your self-image or self-esteem. In this dream what strikes me is the feeling that I don’t seem to believe I can get to my destination on my own; I need someone else’s powerful vehicle to do it. I'm wondering if what is standing in the way of doing what you really want to do in life is a notion that what you do has to 'look' a certain way to the outside world?

Now, as to the color of the car, which is white - that is about purity, perfection, clarity. Not sure how that fits in. Your ideals, perhaps?

Dream Crystals

As a side note to this dreaming episode I wanted to share that I was frustrated about not being able to catch any dreams, as you guys know. Then I was preparing for the crystal divination class I’m doing today and I happened to note that lapis lazuli aids in dreaming and remembering dreams. I have a nice palm size oval of it and I put that by my bedside; I also felt guided to add my lovely big chunk of laboradorite and a white selenite tower. Not sure if this is what turned the trick or not, but they will now be a part of my dreaming arsenal!


wb, Linnie. glad you were able to dream and post it here. and Mellaenn, I'm glad you were able to dream something. I know it makes you feel much better. I will state that sometimes it is just difficult to do--so if it happens to anyone on our dream team, don't worry about it. I had hoped to dream for danieljuks question last night and I don't recall a single dream at all. maybe tonight will be easier. we don't really 'have' to start till Sunday night, but I wanted to since the question was posted.

better luck tonight I hope! :)


Daniel dream for you

I was having a nap today and asked before falling asleep for advice for you.. was annoyed as last night had a vivid dream yet all I could remember this morning was the numbers 6 and 15, my gut says these were dates but not entirely sure.

the dream this afternoon I had gone back to the UK to my home town and was looking for work thinking how am I going to find anything I don't even have a car then I realised my first ever car a white fiesta was shining smiling at me..(it was sent to scrap yard heaven)then j had a call from the agency saying despite me thinking I was not suitable they had loads of jobs..everything was a whirlwind..

I was thinking perhaps saying that nothing is unfixable sometimes we need to give it a little time or someone' s expertise..also linked to the recruitment agency. sometimes other people see things in US talents we do not so we should embrace these and not shy away which so often happens. the car could have been any but since it was firstly the first car of youth and the second white showing fresh starts and healing energy..especially the sparkles.

am taking a journal as last night so much was going on.. :)


Finally! A dream for YDM42! I was hoping it would make a difference to have a night where I wasn’t getting up earlier than usual to go into work, and that was the case.

Anyway, the dream starts with me trying to type something in front of my real-life boss, who is very judgmental, and I am doing poorly. I decide to break away from the task at hand and walk downstairs. I am in a sort of hotel/vacation type of place and there appears to be a party going on.

Suddenly I see an attractive man and feel compelled to go right over and meet him, but what really interests me is the car he drives. It’s white, sexy, low-slung and very, very expensive. He hits on me and asks if I’d like to go out for a ride and I say yes, but I need to get my purse.

I run back upstairs where friends of mine are hanging out and I tell them I’m going out with this man in his car, and I proceed to tell them about the car, not the man. Then I whisper to my best friend in the room that I’ve got his number and I wrote it down - in case anything happens. In the dream I’m self-aware that going out with this man in his flashy vehicle may not be the best thing for me but I’m determined to do it anyway. I crave the power and prestige. I run back downstairs and almost pass the guy up as I zip out the door; I’m so anxious to get into his car!

Overall this seems to be about the vehicle and about how I think it can get me to where I want to go, but there is an underlying tone of the notion that this may not really be the best thing for me, to beware the ‘flash and glitz’. Vehicles in general can represent your lifestyle or can denote your self-image or self-esteem. In this dream what strikes me is the feeling that I don’t seem to believe I can get to my destination on my own; I need someone else’s powerful vehicle to do it. I'm wondering if what is standing in the way of doing what you really want to do in life is a notion that what you do has to 'look' a certain way to the outside world?

Now, as to the color of the car, which is white - that is about purity, perfection, clarity. Not sure how that fits in. Your ideals, perhaps?

Dream Crystals

As a side note to this dreaming episode I wanted to share that I was frustrated about not being able to catch any dreams, as you guys know. Then I was preparing for the crystal divination class I’m doing today and I happened to note that lapis lazuli aids in dreaming and remembering dreams. I have a nice palm size oval of it and I put that by my bedside; I also felt guided to add my lovely big chunk of laboradorite and a white selenite tower. Not sure if this is what turned the trick or not, but they will now be a part of my dreaming arsenal!

Thank you for this information Mellaenn- I will write more later, I wanted to acknowledge that I have revived it,


Another post for YDM42 before I can begin on the next dream session for danieljuk... :)

Looking back further through other posts on this thread, I just found this... (My apologies for only partially-quoting you, danieljuk :))

It is interesting that the womb-like cave danilejuk referred to in his dream gave me the same nurturing, safe feeling that the fire place offered to the luminosity in my dream... Interesting, too, was the waterfall = "letting go" etc... I should know that, of course, because a card in my own deck is a waterfall (It is actually named Crystal Waterfall), and ... yes... it is about spiritual cleansing, letting go, and replenishing, in fact!!! :) Whilst my dream didn't star a waterfall, the rain drops were falling in a similar way, landing plink, plink, plink, on the hot coals... so, another interpretation of the same symbols for you, YDM42 (thank you, daniel :)).

don't worry I am glad my post inspired you Linnie! a lot of people had similar themes in their dreams for YDM42, very interesting!

Dream Crystals

As a side note to this dreaming episode I wanted to share that I was frustrated about not being able to catch any dreams, as you guys know. Then I was preparing for the crystal divination class I’m doing today and I happened to note that lapis lazuli aids in dreaming and remembering dreams. I have a nice palm size oval of it and I put that by my bedside; I also felt guided to add my lovely big chunk of laboradorite and a white selenite tower. Not sure if this is what turned the trick or not, but they will now be a part of my dreaming arsenal!

next time I buy some crystals I will definitely look out for those to help my dreaming :)

I was having a nap today and asked before falling asleep for advice for you.. was annoyed as last night had a vivid dream yet all I could remember this morning was the numbers 6 and 15, my gut says these were dates but not entirely sure.

the dream this afternoon I had gone back to the UK to my home town and was looking for work thinking how am I going to find anything I don't even have a car then I realised my first ever car a white fiesta was shining smiling at me..(it was sent to scrap yard heaven)then j had a call from the agency saying despite me thinking I was not suitable they had loads of jobs..everything was a whirlwind..

I was thinking perhaps saying that nothing is unfixable sometimes we need to give it a little time or someone' s expertise..also linked to the recruitment agency. sometimes other people see things in US talents we do not so we should embrace these and not shy away which so often happens. the car could have been any but since it was firstly the first car of youth and the second white showing fresh starts and healing energy..especially the sparkles.

am taking a journal as last night so much was going on.. :)

first dream, yay thanks KrystalKitty. I have a notepad and pen by my bed and also have the question at the top of the paper. If I don't write down the dream as soon as I wake up it goes :) so there is frantic scribbling if I dreamt of anything!

6 and 15 are numbers or dates have no relevance to me, unless maybe something will happen on that day in future. I do quite like those numbers though, I think I have said both are my favourite numbers in the past! I can't really see a significance of them at this time. interestingly in tarot 6 is The Lovers and 15 is The Devil, they are opposites!

looking for work is really interesting. I have a big fear about employment and finding my career. because of my health I have not been able to work and it's very scary thinking about it. I hope I will be working in future but it seems a massive mountain currently. Also it would be a fresh start, starting at the very bottom. One of my questions to post here was originally going to be "what do you see my future career as being?". It's a very interesting message and think your interpretation is really right. it will take time when I am ready but perhaps the dream message is a positive omen. or maybe a stable fulltime job is a big desire of mine in the future.

I searched online at some dream websites about what a car means. a car symbolises "ambition". if someone dreams they are driving in the driving seat it literally shows "drive" with that ambition which doesn't really fit here I don't think. its also getting from one stage of life to another. think its a positive message and the "nothing is unfixable" is definitely something I am taking from it :)