Dream team divination 2013-002


Thank you ladies! :heart:

I don't have much for you YDM, I might have gone into a much needed deep sleep last night... but I do remember something:

I was in a very tall building, and I remember thinking to myself that it had to be at least 30 stories high. I was pretty far up in the building, but I wasn't all the way to the top. .
Thank you Amanda, I see a theme evolving: extravagance, not being grounded or on the ground, height, ...etc.

Everything was gold and luxurious and perfect. There were lots of people everywhere and we were getting ready for some kind of pro wrestling event. A man was telling everyone about the features of the building before the event began. While it was extremely nice and expensive, he was talking about all the security that was everywhere, and electronics were flipping down and coming out of the walls to show other parts of the building and how basically every square inch was monitored. When this man was talking about all this security, I felt a little smothered by it... and I thought to myself that no one would ever be able to get away with anything in this building because someone would always be watching. I remember specifically seeing a men's bathroom being on one of the monitors and a bare hallway, and I thought at that point that the security was all a bit too much..
This is extravagance, overkill, similar to the objects in Starris Dream about the deck.
I will come back later with symbolism.
I wasn't planning on doing anything wrong, there was just no way I could be anything but on my best behavior, and that felt a bit stifling to me.


Mellaenn I see a theme evolving: extravagance, not being grounded or on the ground, height, ...etc. I want to thank you for dreaming for me, I will be back later to chipper the dream.
Here is a dream for you, YDM42. Not sure of how it connects, however, I gave you some of my thoughts and there may be some symbology here that you or someone in the group can work with.

I was with a group of people watching a troupe of entertainers who performed in a classic, synchronized way, like you might see on the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. :) One girl, however, was different. She was not like the rest; mysterious and even sensuous. You could tell this was her true nature and though she might want to perform with the rest of the troupe, it just wasn't in her. She went off to a separate area, got into a low-slung sports car of some sort and began to do a strip-tease:!:

My real-life spiritual mentor and I were evaluating her and we gave her a thumbs-up for being in touch with the power of her second chakra but urged her to work on self-discipline (looking at her appointment book, she had no boundaries and said yes to every event that people wanted her to do and not reserving any strength and energy for her own requirements.)

Now the dream changes. I'm in an office environment looking for a pen to borrow. I end up interrupting an important meeting of 'higher-ups' to find a pen and they can't believe our system has broken down so much that I can't meet that basic requirement with the help of someone else in the company (lower on the food chain, I assume.)

So, as for interpreting the symbology. In the first part of the dream, I almost get the impression that there is something about you that is too 'exotic' for the average workplace; maybe even intimidating. My favorite dream-interpretation hero, Wilda Tanner, says clothing represents your idea of how you look to others - the outer appearance, attitudes and demeanor that you feel you 'put on', or in this case, 'take off'. So you may endeavor to stay in sync with the crowd, but part of you would rather be dancing to the beat of your own drum. A car is the vehicle you choose in life to move forward; like the Chariot in tarot. Given a choice, maybe you'd rather strip the plastic qualities off that are not you and drive yourself.

In the second part of the dream I wonder if your subconscious might be attempting to say something to the people who are running corporate America "Come on, people, I'm not asking for much here! Just a job!" That's an idea, anyway; it might mean more to you? also - a pen! Are you a writer or involved in communication in any way? Or would you like to be? Just some thoughts!

So that's my go-round so far. Hope there is something that you can use!

Starri Knytes

I received a little message for you while dozing this afternoon. It was in two parts the first was the message the second ties the message together with A_04's dream.
As I closed my eyes I asked my guide to show me the next two months for you.

I saw you with free time. It felt like you were doing volunteer work for a charity or non profit. You weren't overjoyed with the prospect of doing this work for free. It feels like the person you are doing it for is someone you are acquainted with. You have some time, and it would allow you to keep your skills sharp so you do it. A reputable business owner takes notice of the work you are doing for this group and is impressed. So impressed that this person offers you a position at his co.
dream end

My mind wanders I try to pull it back. Thats when A_04's dream enters.

I wasn't planning on doing anything wrong, there was just no way I could be anything but on my best behavior, and "that felt a bit stifling to me."
I felt a little smothered

Feeling smothered and stifled is how you felt doing the pro bono work.

I thought to myself that no one would ever be able to get away with anything in this building "because someone would always be watching."

Someone was watching, they were paying very close attention to your work.

I was in a very tall building, and I remember thinking to myself that it had to be at least 30 stories high. I was pretty far up in the building, but I wasn't all the way to the top.

This was shown to me as the level of the company. This is not an offer from Donald Trump or Bill Gates but it is a very reputable business non the less.
The dream ends with you feeling very positive about the future.


I'm going to have to catch up with these dreams in detail, just wanted to respond quidkly before I forget. Starri most of my work has been sort of pro bono, It came to me yesterday that being unemployed so much of my work is dated, that what I am going to have to do is create some work with the newest technology for a portfolio, that may mean more pro Bono work. Or work I'm not getting paid for.
I received a little message for you while dozing this afternoon. It was in two parts the first was the message the second ties the message together with A_04's dream.
As I closed my eyes I asked my guide to show me the next two months for you.

I saw you with free time. It felt like you were doing volunteer work for a charity or non profit. You weren't overjoyed with the prospect of doing this work for free. It feels like the person you are doing it for is someone you are acquainted with. You have some time, and it would allow you to keep your skills sharp so you do it. A reputable business owner takes notice of the work you are doing for this group and is impressed. So impressed that this person offers you a position at his co.
dream end

My mind wanders I try to pull it back. Thats when A_04's dream enters.

Feeling smothered and stifled is how you felt doing the pro bono work.

Someone was watching, they were paying very close attention to your work.

This was shown to me as the level of the company. This is not an offer from Donald Trump or Bill Gates but it is a very reputable business non the less.
The dream ends with you feeling very positive about the future.



I have to leave soon to take sis home but wanted to put this down before I forgot it for you YDM42.

I dreamed that I was visiting someones home (in real life I didn't know these people) and it was like a mansion! the husband and wife were not at home, but their son, who was about 20-23yrs. of age and was the boyfriend to either my niece, my friend or someone close to me and the same age as this young man and this niece or whomever, and I were staying in the home.

The home had a large foyer. it was light in color--it had a gorgeous floor of ceramic tile that was light in color. Two of the walls were large glass windows that opened out to a private gorgeous beach with very light colored sand, almost white. the ocean was wonderful too--softly pushing the waves up towards the house.

I remember remarking to the young man how gorgeous a site this was looking out to the ocean. he went and opened the one 'wall' of windows, as it was apparently a glass door, but you couldn't see the 'seam'/division for the door. We walked outside and it again was all ceramic tiled - a huge large wrap around deck with tables and chair set up and an umbrella on the table. When we turned to go back into the home, the 'window' door looked like a huge gorgeous picture--as all you could see was the reflection of the sky and ocean and beach. I remember remarking about that to this guy.

So we went back inside (the 3 of us) and then all of a sudden there were other people inside here too--but they were not at all people known to any of us and yet, no one seemed to be concerned that they were there. It was sort of like being in an airport--because people were all over, (tho no suitcases or anything, just people). Two older women were at a stand they had set up selling something.

It was at this point we noticed that people had done damage to the inside of t his beautiful home. I found a very large 'soldier' (like at Christmas time--the wooden soldiers) that was laying on the ground and broken and glass all around him. Then I noticed the second one was the same way and for some reason these wooden soldiers were inside a large glass container--but was knocked over, glass all over and the wooden soldiers damaged.

The young man & I began to clean it up and the old women remarked no one they saw did this. I remarked back that it looked like a robbery to me - that someone broke into the place and tore the home apart to rob them.

At this point, we noticed two birds flying all over and the birds kept landing on the floor. Everyone was excited and upset about the birds, as they knew the birds should go outside. I grabbed a pillow case and kept trying to catch them, which amazed all there, at my brillance. :p I attempted 3 times to no avail and then finally I saw them again and was able to throw the case on top of them, and gather them up w/o hurting them to release them outside. It was at this point that I realized they were little hummingbirds. one was red, white and black in color and beautiful but I don't recall teh 2nd one. There was also a little kitten who was trying to catch them, and he was coming closer to 'inspect' the birds, under the pillow case, but too late--I got to them first. :D

It was here in the dream I woke up.

Now, glass houses we all know about as Daniel dreamt that for me, too, is about being very open about your life and sharing too much information. it can indicate the need to be cautious about what people are saying to you. You may not like what they are saying.

The water (ocean) is also about emotions, and since it was not roaring out of control - but nice soft waves hitting the beach, this indicates you have a positive outlook in life. It is also about spiritual and renewal. The beach I looked up and htis is what was said at the dream dictionary website:

To see the beach in your dream symbolizes the meeting between your two states of mind. The sand is symbolic of the rational and mental processes while the water signifies the irrational, unsteady, and emotional aspects of yourself. It is a place of transition between the physical/material and the spiritual.

To dream that you are on the beach and looking out toward the ocean indicates unknown and major changes that are occurring in your life. Consider the state of the ocean, whether it is calm, pleasant, forbidding, etc.

To see a mansion "symbolizes your greatest potential and growth. You may feel that your current situation or relationship is in a rut."

To see a nutcracker in your dream represents power, strength and stamina. You can achieve anything you want if you set your mind to it. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on a powerful or tough woman.

To see broken glass in your dream signifies disappointments and negative changes in your life. Alternatively, it could be symbolic of an aspect of your life that is in pieces. A relationship or situation has come to an abrupt and untimely end.

To see hummingbirds in your dream suggest that seemingly small ideas and concepts can possess much potential and power. Alternatively, it symbolizes your flighty thoughts and frivolous ideas. The hummingbird may also be seen as a metaphor for your inability to commit to a relationship.

To see a kitten in your dream represents a transitional phase toward independence. You are ready to explore new things that life has to offer. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes innocence and purity.


just not getting the chance to add my thoughts to my dream for you YDM42.

I do think that with the glass house it indicates that you need to be cautious with what others are saying and not to take it too personally. Instead accept what they are saying and learn from it--use it somehow, (not sure what type of business you do exactly), to improve upon your skills. Overall, you are a powerful and strong person and you have a good outlook in your life/career and yourself, though at times you generally get down and out (possibly because you're looking for a job that you can really enjoy and have yet to find one). Looking for work is a major undertaking and I do recall you saying you have been looking for awhile-so I imagine this is a bit upsetting. However, I think once you find the right job, you will also see a lot of growth for yourself. Again, you are a very strong individual and the term "tough woman" that I found for the symbol of the nutcracker keeps standing out to me. I bet you are a tough nut to crack! :D At any rate, you don't give up or give in easily, and you can and will achieve what you want to!

along the way, you may continue to experience some disappointments and you may have to re-start things. But the restarting of new things could help you to find exactly what it is you need right now in your life, and though you'll sort of be starting over, it is something that you can grow with and really 'explore' like that kitten at the end of my dream. Something brand new for you that you didn't quite think of before. Perhaps you need to consider this--and find something new that you can explore, develop and grow with!


got it.

just not getting the chance to add my thoughts to my dream for you YDM42.

I do think that with the glass house it indicates that you need to be cautious with what others are saying and not to take it too personally. Instead accept what they are saying and learn from it--use it somehow, (not sure what type of business you do exactly), to improve upon your skills. Overall, you are a powerful and strong person and you have a good outlook in your life/career and yourself, though at times you generally get down and out (possibly because you're looking for a job that you can really enjoy and have yet to find one). Looking for work is a major undertaking and I do recall you saying you have been looking for awhile-so I imagine this is a bit upsetting. However, I think once you find the right job, you will also see a lot of growth for yourself. Again, you are a very strong individual and the term "tough woman" that I found for the symbol of the nutcracker keeps standing out to me. I bet you are a tough nut to crack! :D At any rate, you don't give up or give in easily, and you can and will achieve what you want to!

along the way, you may continue to experience some disappointments and you may have to re-start things. But the restarting of new things could help you to find exactly what it is you need right now in your life, and though you'll sort of be starting over, it is something that you can grow with and really 'explore' like that kitten at the end of my dream. Something brand new for you that you didn't quite think of before. Perhaps you need to consider this--and find something new that you can explore, develop and grow with!


sorry been suffering anxiety and it's been messing up my dreams! interesting in your post here about the first dream circle earlier in the year it was much easier for me too but life is more crazy currently and I am more stressed! But had a dream for you YDM! yay! was worried! these were two small dreams and hope something more comes along. I've not read back on any of the other dreams. these both happened last night and asked your question about employment

Dream 1 -

I dreamt of a landscape. The area was unspecified but it made me think of those American great plain type areas. It was a big flat area and in the background there was mountains all around. It was like in those tarot cards with the mountains just in the background and they are rocky. The flat area plain is the important part. in the middle of that area was a brown mud large square of ground. It was dry brown earth and almost cracking. Around that square was loads of crops and plants. it was a flourishing harvest of huge amounts of crops. fruit, veg and just pretty flowers! in that square area it felt "barren" but I don't know why! I was not sure of the reason of the square area, maybe things couldn't grow, maybe it was a space of planes to land like a runway? (it wasn't a narrow strip though) I don't know but the important symbol was the square, then the fertile areas and then the mountains in the far off distance! In the dream I couldn't work out the purpose or reason for that square!

Dream 2 -

I was with you in this dream, even though I don't know what you look like (I've only seen your gaming avatar :D) but it was definitely you I was with! weirdly you lived in a house in London in a street I knew. Everything was very typical of this area, but I think this was my mind creating what I was familiar with. I don't think London is a symbolism, just a house was created that I would know. It was a terrace house. you have streets of them here all pressed together and quite narrow as a house with many floors. I walked through your front door with you and out to the back and the garden. You picked up a saucepan and we went out to the garden. There was steps down from the door to the garden. The gardens in that type of house are like a narrow strip for each house. To the right down the steps there was some cages with animals. There was 2 cages and the right one was empty (not sure why) and on the left there was a sleep covered area. two rabbits came out, one was white and one was black. in that saucepan that you took out (that was covered) there was lots of salad scraps! like lettuce. so we were feeding the rabbits.

the rest of the garden had vegetables growing and grass. The house and garden were really traditional of the area.

I feel from the dream that the rabbits were a real good luck symbol of things to come! you loved both colours of rabbit!

these were both very short dreams and just a few seconds of each and there was nothing more :)


I have to figure out the black and white theme, it came up recently as a panda? in the forum anyway. Also i recently found black and white feahers outside, almost and entire lower wing...i think it comes from a wood pecker, but only one the loose one id dotted, the others almost have the pattern of hawks tail...I;m sure its a wood pecker by the size...

will be back with responses to all the dreams, I do have a lot going on.

sorry been suffering anxiety and it's been messing up my dreams! interesting in your post here about the first dream circle earlier in the year it was much easier for me too but life is more crazy currently and I am more stressed! But had a dream for you YDM! yay! was worried! these were two small dreams and hope something more comes along. I've not read back on any of the other dreams. these both happened last night and asked your question about employment

Dream 1 -

I dreamt of a landscape. The area was unspecified but it made me think of those American great plain type areas. It was a big flat area and in the background there was mountains all around. It was like in those tarot cards with the mountains just in the background and they are rocky. The flat area plain is the important part. in the middle of that area was a brown mud large square of ground. It was dry brown earth and almost cracking. Around that square was loads of crops and plants. it was a flourishing harvest of huge amounts of crops. fruit, veg and just pretty flowers! in that square area it felt "barren" but I don't know why! I was not sure of the reason of the square area, maybe things couldn't grow, maybe it was a space of planes to land like a runway? (it wasn't a narrow strip though) I don't know but the important symbol was the square, then the fertile areas and then the mountains in the far off distance! In the dream I couldn't work out the purpose or reason for that square!

Dream 2 -

I was with you in this dream, even though I don't know what you look like (I've only seen your gaming avatar :D) but it was definitely you I was with! weirdly you lived in a house in London in a street I knew. Everything was very typical of this area, but I think this was my mind creating what I was familiar with. I don't think London is a symbolism, just a house was created that I would know. It was a terrace house. you have streets of them here all pressed together and quite narrow as a house with many floors. I walked through your front door with you and out to the back and the garden. You picked up a saucepan and we went out to the garden. There was steps down from the door to the garden. The gardens in that type of house are like a narrow strip for each house. To the right down the steps there was some cages with animals. There was 2 cages and the right one was empty (not sure why) and on the left there was a sleep covered area. two rabbits came out, one was white and one was black. in that saucepan that you took out (that was covered) there was lots of salad scraps! like lettuce. so we were feeding the rabbits.

the rest of the garden had vegetables growing and grass. The house and garden were really traditional of the area.

I feel from the dream that the rabbits were a real good luck symbol of things to come! you loved both colours of rabbit!

these were both very short dreams and just a few seconds of each and there was nothing more :)

Starri Knytes

Black and white is a hard combo to find the meaning of for some reason. I've borrowed
Zolar's Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Dreams from a library online so I'm going to add as many of these references as I can.

Zolar's Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Dreams

It has this black and white reference sorry that its goats:

Black and white spotted goats: Use caution in own affairs.

Having rabbits in your back yard: Great friendship.

Dry Pond: Poverty (i thought this might be the dried muddy patch Daniel saw)

Dry parched field: Another person is enjoying what you hope to win.

Beautiful garden: Increase in fortune

Flower garden : Impending matrimony

I'll try to add a few more tomorrow.. If there is anything any of you would like me to look up while I have the book please let me know.