Automatic drawings on offer


I would love to sit how does it work.

I want to know if there is long term future with Jerry?


Hi BrightEye, thanks so much. I look forward to it. Your work is absolutely beautiful.

For some reason, at first, I didn't connect what you were doing with the Surrealists even though it was clearly indicated in your subject heading! :) Friends and I get together from time to time to engage in games that the original Surrealists played - Andre Breton and automatic writing, for example, which is what I've done a lot of over the years. Creatively, there's so much to explore and I enjoy writing. Though I've done a lot of figurative painting and drawing, which I also love to do, I hadn't thought to explore automatic drawing as Andre Masson did. I have an extensive library of Surrealist literature and visual art, and it didn't dawn on me to explore the technique, visually??!! :) Strange. In any case, I've been looking through some of these books...THANK YOU for INSPIRING ME! :)



Did you have a questio

Flames, yours will be ready at the latest tomorrow.

No BE, I really don't have a q. Would you mind just focusing on positive, loving energy when you begin mine and see what comes in? Whatever comes to you..

Thank you much and really looking fwd to what you and spirit together create!



These are absolutely incredible

What a phenomenal gift you have

If you are still adding to your list please put me on there for a general.

So beautiful I'm in awe.

Ella x


Hi BrightEye, thanks so much. I look forward to it. Your work is absolutely beautiful.


For some reason, at first, I didn't connect what you were doing with the Surrealists even though it was clearly indicated in your subject heading! :) Friends and I get together from time to time to engage in games that the original Surrealists played - Andre Breton and automatic writing, for example, which is what I've done a lot of over the years. Creatively, there's so much to explore and I enjoy writing. Though I've done a lot of figurative painting and drawing, which I also love to do, I hadn't thought to explore automatic drawing as Andre Masson did. I have an extensive library of Surrealist literature and visual art, and it didn't dawn on me to explore the technique, visually??!! :) Strange. In any case, I've been looking through some of these books...THANK YOU for INSPIRING ME! :)

I also like automatic writing :) I can really connect with Breton's poetry. For me the surrealist movement made poetry and visual art really reflect each other's qualities. You can read a surrealist image as poetry, in fact if you try to describe a painting, say Dali's well known Persistence if Memory, it cannot help but sound
like poetry.

Have you seen any of the early surrealist movies? There are some on YouTube... They are still trying to work out today how they achieved some of the effects.


I also like automatic writing :) I can really connect with Breton's poetry. For me the surrealist movement made poetry and visual art really reflect each other's qualities. You can read a surrealist image as poetry, in fact if you try to describe a painting, say Dali's well known Persistence if Memory, it cannot help but sound
like poetry.

Have you seen any of the early surrealist movies? There are some on YouTube... They are still trying to work out today how they achieved some of the effects.

I like to think of drawing as poetry, and that's why I like Surrealism and its emphasis on poetry and psychology rather than form.

I've watched some of the movies online. I particularly like the opening sequence of 'Un Chien Andalou'.


Flames 24 May 2014

For you I see an amazon warrior resting from battle. She doesn't seem that comfortable and she also seems very restricted in her movements. It took me a while to figure out why that was. One thought I had was that the rest period is not what she wants. she wants action and movement, yet here she is struggling with an enforced rest. The other thing that occurred to me was that she is in the process of taking off her armor, which may also contribute to he sense of temporarily restricted movement. She seems to be contemplating something. The dark areas below her stomach. The image turned out to be quite sensual as well. So maybe she is reflecting on her femininity and/or childbearing.

I don't know if any of this resonates, but I thought the amazon warrior represented you. Are you taking a pause in some area of your life that you have seen as a battle, in a positive or negative way? Perhaps you're thinking of taking time out from work to focus on something more private and personal? Alternatively, the image may be suggesting that you need to take a break in order to recharge your batteries and to see what really matters in your life. You are a fighter but even fighters need to rest sometime.


For you I see an amazon warrior resting from battle. She doesn't seem that comfortable and she also seems very restricted in her movements. It took me a while to figure out why that was. One thought I had was that the rest period is not what she wants. she wants action and movement, yet here she is struggling with an enforced rest. The other thing that occurred to me was that she is in the process of taking off her armor, which may also contribute to he sense of temporarily restricted movement. She seems to be contemplating something. The dark areas below her stomach. The image turned out to be quite sensual as well. So maybe she is reflecting on her femininity and/or childbearing.

I don't know if any of this resonates, but I thought the amazon warrior represented you. Are you taking a pause in some area of your life that you have seen as a battle, in a positive or negative way? Perhaps you're thinking of taking time out from work to focus on something more private and personal? Alternatively, the image may be suggesting that you need to take a break in order to recharge your batteries and to see what really matters in your life. You are a fighter but even fighters need to rest sometime.

Omg, BrightEye, this gave me chills. I can't help but well up. The image is extraordinary. Wow, what do I say without getting too personal? I am so moved by the drawing and your words, you sum it up all so effortlessly, with such grace, and you're able to deliver the message with understanding and compassion. I've been through a dark period, yes. I was robbed at gunpoint two years ago, the anniversary was last month and I've had to deal with court dates and confronting him..and then, I had a health crisis and my world seemed to fall apart right in front of me. There were other things, too, one thing after another...and I was forced to retreat. I lost faith in everything and everyone and my own spirituality, which was the worst part for someone like me, because it was a kind of loneliness I have never ever tasted before in my life, up to that point, like THAT...but, I hung on...well, more than hung on.

I truly resonate with the warrior. Even before the dark period, in my imagination, I always saw myself as a woman in armour just coming back from battle! I wore a beautiful emerald green dress up to my knees, my boots are black and solid, my hair long...and nothing and no one can touch me. Why I would have this image with me for the last eight years, now, is quite astonishing to me, and yet I see your drawing and I understand why. My own personal image is what I've drawn strength from and so to see your drawing, feels like you picked it right out of my "atmosphere", my head, my heart...thank you so much.

That's true...I don't want the rest period! I want to move. I feel restricted, confined. It's like I take one step forward, maybe two, and something says, "Hold on, not quite ready yet.." Then when you say that the warrior might be in the process of removing her armour and that's what could be contributing to this temporary rest, I have to smile because that would be true and I find this both liberating and be free, without my armour. I was just telling a friend yesterday that "good" things have been happening and it makes me feel uncomfortable because I don't know how to appreciate it, fully...

Yes, I am contemplating something. I have been getting in touch with my feminine side. That's definitely been a focus, IS a focus. This sensuality for me, represents a softness, a roundness, a gentleness, a kind of beauty void of any sharp and hard edges because I got too much of those kinds of "lines" before..reality was very harsh and unrelenting. It's like I'm trying to recharge, bring balance back to the energies, the forces in me. This is why your drawing and reading is so special to me because she's clearly on her way and doing fine and the best she can, which is pretty good, right?? I am taking time to focus on what I enjoy and that's learning the tarot and ancient wisdom, writing, drawing & painting and I'm hoping to be able to give back to people, to humanity in way that reflects me, (like how you have with your drawings). I'm getting opportunities to explore things I have put on hold for a while and I see that the pause of the past, is good and was necessary, that it's helped me see what's important. But, I wouldn't have been able to say that just a year ago, there's no way I could. Thank you for your hopeful message. We have no idea who we're gonna meet on our paths, how things will turn out, what life has in store for us and so when I meet someone who's touched me in a real way, I am grateful beyond words. I wish there was more I could say..xoxo

Like I said to you in my previous post, thank you for inspiring me.

Let me know what you need from me to purchase the original.



Thank you very much for the detailed feedback, Flames. I really appreciate your honesty and am sorry to hear that you've had such a difficult time. I'm glad to know that my reading and the drawing resonated and struck a chord. I wish I could say something else that's uplifting.

I'm more than happy to part with the original, so if you want it pm me and we'll sort something out.