Automatic drawings on offer


EmpressArwen 29 May 2014

Before I start with the reading I want to apologize for the quality of the scan. I need to fiddle with the scan settings when I have a little more time as the watercolour pictures seem to scan quite differently to the pencil drawing. In the original there is a little more red colour in the bottom half of the kneeling figure and in the little figure behind her, and the red as such is not quite as bright as it appears in the scan.

Anyway, I saw a maternal figure here, possibly pregnant, and passionate about her creative ability or quite literally about being a mother. Perhaps I was thinking of your avatar name when I was doing the drawing.

I also see a very protective female figure. There is a little person, a boy, kneeling behind her. The two figures almost blend into each other. The boy seems afraid of something and he is hiding with his mother because that's where he finds protection and a feeling of being safe and secure.

I feel the kneeling female figure is you, perhaps quite literally in the role of mother and passionate about that role and about your children (in the original the dominant colour in both figures is red).

At the same time, I had the impression that the boy may be having trouble making himself fully understood to his mother. She has his back to him after all. Maybe this is reminding you of your own childhood. I'm not quite clear on this, but maybe the message is to look into the past to understand an issue that may be there in the present.

Overall, I had a sense that this quite literally refers to motherhood rather than creativity in a more general sense.

Hope some of it resonates. And if I get my scanner onto better settings I'll post a better scan.

P.S.: On the theme of motherhood and creativity, both the watercolour paper and the colours that I used for this drawing were gifted to me by my mother - nice coincidence, I thought :)


Before I start with the reading I want to apologize for the quality of the scan. I need to fiddle with the scan settings when I have a little more time as the watercolour pictures seem to scan quite differently to the pencil drawing. In the original there is a little more red colour in the bottom half of the kneeling figure and in the little figure behind her, and the red as such is not quite as bright as it appears in the scan.

Anyway, I saw a maternal figure here, possibly pregnant, and passionate about her creative ability or quite literally about being a mother. Perhaps I was thinking of your avatar name when I was doing the drawing.

I also see a very protective female figure. There is a little person, a boy, kneeling behind her. The two figures almost blend into each other. The boy seems afraid of something and he is hiding with his mother because that's where he finds protection and a feeling of being safe and secure.

Oh my goodness. I have two sons but my oldest has always been very independent, very secure. The little boy in the picture is my youngest. I cannot tell you how many photographs I have where he is behind me pressed up against me just like this. He has ocd...and when he was younger was literally afraid of other people. I am the one he has always felt comfortable and safe with...even when he was 4 years old (he is now 8), he would say that he knew I understood him.

I feel the kneeling female figure is you, perhaps quite literally in the role of mother and passionate about that role and about your children (in the original the dominant colour in both figures is red).

I was born to be a mother. There is nothing I could ever do that would mean more to me. Those boys are my life.

At the same time, I had the impression that the boy may be having trouble making himself fully understood to his mother. She has his back to him after all. Maybe this is reminding you of your own childhood. I'm not quite clear on this, but maybe the message is to look into the past to understand an issue that may be there in the present.

It's not that he isn't understood...we have a complex relationship. I think it's more that he is empathic, as am I and sometimes it's hard to know where one of us stops and the other starts,especially for a child. I think him being behind me, and kind of molding into me show that he struggles with finding his own self, outside of me. We are very in tune with each other. He has called me at work because he felt my stress. We feel each other's emotions.

Overall, I had a sense that this quite literally refers to motherhood rather than creativity in a more general sense.

Hope some of it resonates. And if I get my scanner onto better settings I'll post a better scan.

P.S.: On the theme of motherhood and creativity, both the watercolour paper and the colours that I used for this drawing were gifted to me by my mother - nice coincidence, I thought :)

Thank you so much for this. You definitely picked up on me and the most dominate other person in my life. The painting is perfect. I want it!! Are you selling the originals? Let me know.

***also this could not come at a better time...I'm going to have a very difficult day and this was a timely reminder of who I am and what is really thank you again***

***editing to add one more thing...The woman is kneeling. I pray this way...a lot! My son always would press up against me during the Hail Mary portion of the Rosary. It is his favorite prayer. This looks just like when we were praying together especially when he was younger.****


Thank you very much for your feedback! That is so interesting that you appear on photos like that too!

It's not that he isn't understood...we have a complex relationship. I think it's more that he is empathic, as am I and sometimes it's hard to know where one of us stops and the other starts,especially for a child. I think him being behind me, and kind of molding into me show that he struggles with finding his own self, outside of me. We are very in tune with each other. He has called me at work because he felt my stress. We feel each other's emotions.
Yes, that is exactly what I felt withe the two figures blending into each other, that you don't know where one ends and the other begins, and also that it may be overwhelming for him because he's so small.

Thank you so much for this. You definitely picked up on me and the most dominate other person in my life. The painting is perfect. I want it!! Are you selling the originals? Let me know.
Yes, the original shall be yours. Pm me and we'll work something out.


I'm just checking in to say that I've done the drawing for Little One.

Next I'll be doing strangebrew's and then celticnoodle's. I'll post images and readings when I've done celticnoodle's. The reason is that I'm working on a large sheet of paper which is glued on all sides to the pad. That way the paper doesn't buckle when it's wet since I'm using watercolour. I can fit 4 small drawings onto the sheet. EmpressArwen's was the first, and it didn't scan so well. So ideally I'd like to complete the remaining 3 drawings first before I detach the sheet. Should get that done by the end of Monday.


I'm just checking in to say that I've done the drawing for Little One.

Next I'll be doing strangebrew's and then celticnoodle's. I'll post images and readings when I've done celticnoodle's. The reason is that I'm working on a large sheet of paper which is glued on all sides to the pad. That way the paper doesn't buckle when it's wet since I'm using watercolour. I can fit 4 small drawings onto the sheet. EmpressArwen's was the first, and it didn't scan so well. So ideally I'd like to complete the remaining 3 drawings first before I detach the sheet. Should get that done by the end of Monday.

Hooray! Suspense is killing me :)


LittleOne - 1 June 2014

Dear LittleOne,

Apologies for the long wait, but I seem to have sorted my scanner problems.

Your drawing is called 'The Announcement', and I felt the message is quite simple: if you have something to say that is important to you and that you've been sitting on for a while - now is your time to say it loud and clear. The universe is behind you and the time and energies are right.

I was particularly drawn to the figure's head gear. It seemed like a fool's cap to me and is the focal point of the drawing in many ways. Think Tarot Fool and taking a risk, being free and fearless. That is the advice here. I was also drawn to painting the cap purple. Purple is the colour of power and royalty. I also felt it was indicative of the supernatural and that it was protecting you.

In summary, the message here seems to be that now is the right time to move forward fearlessly and to say what you have to say in a clear and straightforward manner. The universe is on your side.

I hope this made some sense.


Strangebrew - 1 June 2014

Pming you


***also this could not come at a better time...I'm going to have a very difficult day and this was a timely reminder of who I am and what is really thank you again***

***editing to add one more thing...The woman is kneeling. I pray this way...a lot! My son always would press up against me during the Hail Mary portion of the Rosary. It is his favorite prayer. This looks just like when we were praying together especially when he was younger.****

I see from a different thread that your difficult day turned out ok. I'm glad.

I could very well imagine the drawing as a version of the Virgin Mary!


Celticnoodle - 1 June 2014

I felt this drawing expressed a very deep spiritual and nurturing side of you. I see a face here, the face of a woman, and I think it's you. You seem to be protected by the forces of nature (the earth angel in the bottom left hand corner) and by the spirit of god (the bird to the top right). The red kneeling thing inside or beside the head is a soul container as I know it from vodun. This is your self and your life force.

While all this may seem like second nature to you or others, you are also quite in awe, if not a little afraid of these forces. The face seems to express wonder as well as terror, but they are not too different in the context of spiritual ecstasy.

Anyway, you draw on and are protected and 'served' by great powers, and this is what makes you strong when you support others because I also see a maternal role here that you assume. Nurturing like mother earth.

I hope some of this resonates :)