The Fool clarified by the Devil


as in how he sees me.

(not his feelings towards me, his intentions, not in the position of the relationship status etc).

Greetings, this is my first post. I love this forum and have been a member for months.

I just need some help with this combination because the Fool and the Devil are just soo opposite. My own interpretation is that he sees me as a free spirit, being true to myself and all that but also unpredictable and sometimes clueless. The Devil as a clarifier is adding some strong will and sexual attraction (on his behalf), also me accepting something I'm not aware of (clueless). Maybe he's very tempted by me and my innocence(?) and/or attracted to my physical apparence, any inputs would be greatly appreciated...


If it's about a relationship, it may also be a warning about rushing in where angels fear to tread. The Fool is a free spirit with infinite possibilities. The Devil is restriction, though those restrictions are chosen of free will and can be lifted--though often at considerable cost.

I'd say the cards are telling you to keep your options open. If you don't, you may wind up in a difficult situation that will be hard to extricate yourself from.

If it's how he sees YOU, he may just be a commitment-phobe. He may not want to be tied down in a serious relationship and that's where he can see things going with you. The Devil's practical--the chains he offers can be good things, too. Think about the responsibility of having kids, for example, or making payments on a house. Those are usually seen as positives though they're still restricting. These sorts of things may or may not be what he wants.


I have to agree with the first part of DarkMage's excellent take, here.

I believe he sees you as both naive and foolish, (Fool) and easily led astray (Devil). I don't think his intentions are very looks like he sees you as a pushover for a con job. My take.

Having said that, perhaps also the sexual innocence you mention may factor in as an attractive thing. Regardless, the Devil is always a big blinking red light or flag to me - I would run, not walk!


I'd be more afraid of the con artist angle if the Magician showed up instead. Magician with the Devil is like cosmic-level trouble. The Magician's not here.

Agreed on the red flag, though. This guy may be a control freak. I've known some people who get into relationships for the sole purpose of 'breaking' someone. It's a game to them. Usually, though, it doesn't last long as while people are indeed generally stupid, they're not as stupid as some believe they are. The person trying to be controlled usually bolts as soon as they realize what's happening, which generally only takes a few weeks.

Don't let yourself be manipulated and be quite clear on your needs and boundaries. The Devil can represent this, too.


I agree.
According to me, it depends as well if you know this man for a long time (if he is a social relationship, a co-worker or a friend for example) or if he is someone new in the "landscape" that you don't really know.
If he is a friend and that you know his history (and morality), this card could reveal that he has sexual desires towards you, and therefore that he want to become more than a friend or a simple social relationship.
If you don’t know him because you met him lately, yes... to run away isn’t a bad advice, there is something unclear in the way that he sees you.


I'd be more afraid of the con artist angle if the Magician showed up instead. Magician with the Devil is like cosmic-level trouble. The Magician's not here.

Agreed on the red flag, though. This guy may be a control freak. I've known some people who get into relationships for the sole purpose of 'breaking' someone. It's a game to them. Usually, though, it doesn't last long as while people are indeed generally stupid, they're not as stupid as some believe they are. The person trying to be controlled usually bolts as soon as they realize what's happening, which generally only takes a few weeks.

Don't let yourself be manipulated and be quite clear on your needs and boundaries. The Devil can represent this, too.

Conning someone means manipulating as well as misleading them, Darkmage. I do agree in regard to having the Magician crop up in his used car salesman guise for con, but I meant manipulation...pushing emotional buttons here and there to make his chained puppet dance...or urging the Fool over the cliff more quickly than he might have gone otherwise...and to a less safer landing, possibly.

Decan, you are right, it is largely based on whether or not she knows him well - that would make some kind of difference in determining the answer and end result, for sure.


^Oh, I know about manipulation. I'm just saying that in my xp, I would expect the Magician to still show up. The Devil can also mean straight up abuse, with or without the Magician. The Devil on his own often *won't* make the puppets dance or send them over the cliff, unless they're trying to get away. That's not necessarily manipulation, at least from what I've seen. It's more like an abuse of raw force. Might makes right can get one a lot of places but in relationships it usually gets people nowhere.

The Devil pushing people's buttons rarely shows up on his own. Once again, I'd expect to see the Magician. If he's not there, I'd look for a lot of reversed Cup Court cards. The King of Cups Rx plus the Devil is a hell of a combination. I've seen that and the Queen Rx show up with the Devil when someone's involved with an abusive alcoholic, usually, or manipulative mental illness. Nasty nasty combo there. Wands, too, to a lesser extent. If someone's controlling the purse strings and manipulating via money Rx Coins will show up, and legal issues will have Swords Courts Rx. Fool and Devil? Once again, blind force--it's still not good, but it's also not focused and that can provide a safety valve.

And yes, it does make a difference as to the length of time the OP's known this guy.


thanks for the indepth explanation, Darkmage - and for precise examples! Very helpful to anyone interested in this thread :) I imagine this will be very helpful for the OP!


Thanks for your replies, guys! I added some clarification about the position where the Fool landed. It is in how he sees me, only in that place. Devil as the clarification card of the Fool = the two cards "melting" together.

We have been knowing eachother for a pretty long time, from a big social circle. That's why the combination of the Fool and Devil stunned me a little bit. I mean: the devil after such a long time?

Did some thinking based on your inputs: my uranian "foolish" approach is certainly pushing his buttons.
I can also see him pondering about being "tied down" by an commitment - but that stands for me (the fool) as well!
He also says that I'm always making him happy. Making him feel that everything is possible and "true" - and that's something that I can connect to the Fool as well.

Because the other cards in the spread were pretty good (his intententions, our status etc) I'm still pondering about the Devil-Fool combination in this. I have no addictions (only yoga and coffee, hehe) - he has no addictions that I'm aware of? A healthy "hiker" guy in my eyes. Very well liked.

Any inputs would be highly appreciated...


We have been knowing eachother for a pretty long time, from a big social circle. That's why the combination of the Fool and Devil stunned me a little bit. I mean: the devil after such a long time?

Because the other cards in the spread were pretty good (his intententions, our status etc) I'm still pondering about the Devil-Fool combination in this. I have no addictions (only yoga and coffee, hehe) - he has no addictions that I'm aware of? A healthy "hiker" guy in my eyes. Very well liked.

Any inputs would be highly appreciated...

The Fool & The Devil have one thing in common, a blindspot. In the fool that blindspot is a lack of experience or naivety, in the devil it's denial. So how does this relate to how he see's you? That you are naive, but also that this is quality he possesses and denies within himself. Now I'm curious what were the other cards?