The Fool clarified by the Devil


My "Sunday at 7 am still in bed haven't had coffee yet" brain (which tends to put a more intuitive and creative slant on these things than I might if fully awake) took one look at that combo and said, "Adventurous and wickedly fun." Then it wandered off into images of travel & sex. :joke:

So it doesn't *have* to be a bad thing. :thumbsup: The combo reminded me of a few couples I know who are always out doing things together, and friends who are up for anything--the ones who lead us quieter types into crazy things we might never have experienced on our own. The kind of people you make lasting memories with.

Assuming the rest of the spread isn't handing out huge red flags and your actual interactions with the guy aren't either, I don't necessarily think this is a bad everything else in Tarot, it's very situation dependent.

Lucas Prince of Cats

To me, it kind of means a loss of innocence, that combination, so in his case, he'll be bringing you into new habits or a new kind of relationship, thats tabboo, or you'll get attatched, likely a very sexual relationship.


I am inclined to see the clarifying Devil along the lines as a Jungian shadow. One way of putting it is the typically-obscured other side of you, the side that one must look closer to see.

Since your question was very clearly "how he sees you", I am refraining from conflating the meaning in these cards at all with his feelings about or for you.

So, he sees a freshness in you, openness, adventurous, playful, and as you say "a free spirit" -- but with an impish streak, possibly wayward. Adventurousness can get you into trouble (of varying degrees of severity) at times.

Alternately: you have no idea how sweetly irresistible / irresistibly sweet you are. Or something along those lines. ;)

I'll reiterate, this is distinctly separate from his feelings for you; it very well may be that he's irresistibly attracted to you, but what I'm saying is that you can observe that someone is ignorant of their own magnetism, and that observation is how you see that person.

Leaning slightly darker, there could be some indication here of his objectifying you.

People are full of contradictions, irreconcilable. I'm inclined to see these cards as reflecting that kind of fullness and complexity, and saying that he sees this in you.


The Fool & The Devil have one thing in common, a blindspot. In the fool that blindspot is a lack of experience or naivety, in the devil it's denial. So how does this relate to how he see's you? That you are naive, but also that this is quality he possesses and denies within himself. Now I'm curious what were the other cards?

This was certainly interesting I have to say. Thank you. He denies the naivity(/innocence?) within himself. Me mirroring this is triggering. It confuses him, becuase the Moon came up on what he needs - he needs to rembember what he has forgotten. The needs to connect to true feelings etc. The Two of cups came up as how he wants the relationship to follow (Knight of cups for how I want it to follow) and the Ace of Wands came up as the current state of relationship. These three cards together feels reciprocal with both cup cards offering feelings and with the ace offering "the seed of opportunity". The Moon with Devil shows that there is work to do, on his behalf. And I have some work to do as well, because Four of pentacles came up on my needs, and that shows some controlling behavoir issues and the needs of taking it slow. (if you are interested in the rest of the cards in the spread I'm considering to start a thread in Your Readings. I know that no further cards are allowed in this thread).

Thanks for the input jolie_amethyst - I really like "Adventurous and wickedly fun." - that's a very fresh and sexy description of the combination of the Fool with the Devil I think :)

Lucas Prince of Cats - thanks to you as well, my question to you is: do you see the devil connected to habits only in a bad way? Or could the devil show you the opportunity to make new "good" habits as well?


liveandbloom - I'm nothing but deeply impressed by your interpretation. I will return for feedback as soon as possible, hope that's OK for now?


liveandbloom - I'm nothing but deeply impressed by your interpretation. I will return for feedback as soon as possible, hope that's OK for now?

Thank you! And of course. :)


To me this is more like how you think he sees you.


liveandbloom - I have been thinking about giving you feedback: and what can I say? Your words really made me think. From being focused on the original question to become focused on my own "shadow". Because now, after your interpretation, it feels like the tarot cards was telling that "he sees my little devil". Also when I read "impish" - something clicked. I have all of this inside me - and even if it's in the position of as "how he sees me": there is some kind of "seeing the truth" here. This is a proof of Tarot being a tool of personal development. I thought I needed Tarot to understand another human, but it came back to myself. Thank you, again. Hope I can help you back one day :)

Sixofwands: thank you. I certainly do now, anyway :)


Thank you for the feedback, SpiritualLight. I think it's most certain you will be able to help me back sometime. :)

I have this recurring thought, that tarot only ever tells us what we already know to be true. I find it always coming back to oneself, as you put it, which is why I find it interesting for personal growth as well.


I have this recurring thought, that tarot only ever tells us what we already know to be true. I find it always coming back to oneself, as you put it, which is why I find it interesting for personal growth as well.

Word! :)