Fairy Ring Oracle - Lhianna Shee - 16th Card


Card: Lhianna Shee
Court: Six, Winter Court

We see a young man sitting at a table, quill in hand, his hand is running through his hair as though frustrated. Above him is a transparent green fairy in with wings that seems to be shining down on him.

Her name means “fairy love” and her sole existence is to find a human man to love her. She is very lovely and seductive so that few men can resist her, but her love comes at a high price. Her embrace draws both life and breath out of the human whiles she becomes bright and strong. Poets, artists and musicians seek out a fairy sweetheart to inspire them. When she is absent they can not work but when she is there they become pale and weak and forget to eat. The lovers of the Lhianna Shee are brilliant but die at a young age.

Divination: Pursuit of a mirage, restlessness, recklessness.

Reversed: Lost opportunities, and perhaps a drug or alcohol addiction.


Hello - mr dude that sits at the table in his purple cravat! Quill in hand, pensive look on his face. He writes his little scrolls while he nips on his port. (Oh, oh, the nips are getting bigger - and then the bottle is empty.)

What is the topic of his writing?

Overhead, he has his own private tinkerbell (no offence to ATF's tinkerbell ;)). She has a forlorn and sexy look on her face.

Is he writing to his lover? Is she going to throw a spanner in his works? I would love to see the floor. I wonder if it is littered with many screwed up scrolls.

Books on the table - perhaps for reference?

Hmm, I'm not really sure what this card is about.

The book says:
Fantasy relationship - mirage - affair.....inspiration for poets and that kind of thing.

I think I can only score 1/2 point.

with love


I've never used this deck, but I'm planning to buy it soon when it's possible.

I've saw a picture of this particular card, and the imagery subtext was quite familiar to me: it depicts the cultural myth of absinthe and of its green fairy. I don't want to make a fuss about it, but it was the first thing which came to my mind about that card.


In our world: a warning about online dating sites, perhaps?
The late-night pc addict, lost in unattainable, draining dreams of fantasy-lover(s)?