Spirit Guide Group: Dreams, Volume Three


Welcome Mingbop, and thanks for asking! I have asked Zorya for clarification...


ming and david,

i see 'visions' as being more of an encounter, so visions would belong in the 'encounters' thread in the spirituality board.


ok ta. I'm not a subscriber so I will keep quiet ! lol


Hi Mingbop - if you've had visions and feel like sending me a PM or email, I would be happy to chat about it. :) - David


Well, I finally am posting here.

I had the most extra-ordinary strange dream last night. I dreamt the Spirit of a Kroatian Woman came to see me, and give me a message. She wasn't older then 25 or so, and died in 2005.

I woke up, and couldn't remember the message *ugh*.

I asked for a re-dream, but instead I dreamt:

That I was flying over the world in a car, and I saw below me something called Huat, which looked like an Island as well as having mountains. I remember thinking there would be an earthquake there. Then I passed over Italy, and went to London.
In London me and my lover got out of the car, and my father and sister took over. We walked towards a shop,filled with curiosa, mugs and cute things. I was mostly looking at stuff with mice on it. (My mother collects that). Coming out of the shop, I suddenly realised I had a bike in my hand. I told my lover that 2 stories up, there was a place where we could put it.
We passed a Tarot Shop and a Fast Food Restaurant. But on the top floor was something I turned around (like a trap door with a bookcase, only laying horizontal, instead of vertical). It turned out to be a museum of an old Girls School.

I have continous dreams about London. Like I have lived there, like I know the people. They almost always involve either the subway, or shops, which I walk in like I know them. IRL I do not know these shops. The shops always have to do with creativity and/or buying of collectors items.
I have no idea how the message of the spirit can have anything to do with the second dream... Ugh...


psychic sue

My dream last night was weird, so bear with me!

I was looking out of my bedroom window, when I saw police cars racing up and down (in reality there is no road behind my garden). I saw an older man and woman sitting in car - it seemed obvious the police were chasing them. They looked at each other, nodded, and drove straight into my next door neighbours house - the noise and mess was terrible.

I ran to the front window and saw the older man running away - the woman was nowhere to be seen.

Because of the crash, the electricity supply to my house had been cut off - I realised something must have tripped out, and went out to the garage, with my mom, to check the trip switches.

The police were there - my neighbours garage was a mass of rubble. I told the police what I had seen.

Here, the dream shifted. I was still outside, but my house had changed into a kind of small maisonette. Each house had an electricity box with a number on - ours was number 32 (I live at No 22 in reality). My mom and I were walking up and down the neighbourhood trying to find it. We were joined by two other women (who were "dream people" - no-one I know in real life) and we were walking up this massive hill. One of the women fell over, and so did I, but she lay flailing on the floor, whilst I got up and carried on. At the top of the hill was a huge ballroom - again, it looked like a Disney version of a palace. We reached the top, and I realised I was back where I had started from. A man came out from one of the houses and said "your box is inside your house". I felt like, God I am an idiot, I should have known that.

I am not sure what the car crash means.

The walk up the hill, I think, is symbolic of my struggles in life - it's kind of telling me, other people may fall by the wayside, but I always get up and carry on. The Ballroom could be the final goal - a lavish and colourful place in my heart.

The man is telling me, that I have been looking in all the wrong places - the answers I seek are actually within me.


Again, during a 2 hour nap, did I dream of a Spirit. Again a woman. Strong sense that this is the same...

It doesn't feel right. My left ear/throat channel feels swollen and painful. It's increasing in pain. Despite Healing Exercises I did on it before falling asleep. (which helped for a while)



Sue, I will ask my freind who does dreams. Give her time to answer and I'll get back to you. xxx


My guide is an indian and I know him well. I used to see him a lot in dreams at first, now I can feel when he's here but dont dream of him. (I think that was a gentle introduction, in dreams). So when I dream of indians, I know its connected to him--because indians mean nothing to me and there's more chance of meeting a unicorn here than an american indian !
-- OK the last 3 nights I have dreamt of indians wearing the full head dress thing with the feathers.No structured dream, just see these older men, different men - looking very grim, with the head thingy on. Any ideas ?
Second night I asked him why I had seen it and thats when I saw it again .


Kahlie said:
Again, during a 2 hour nap, did I dream of a Spirit. Again a woman. Strong sense that this is the same...

It doesn't feel right. My left ear/throat channel feels swollen and painful. It's increasing in pain. Despite Healing Exercises I did on it before falling asleep. (which helped for a while)

I have been very puzzled about the relationship of this spirit of the Croation woman and your dream of London. BTW, I have had several dreams and meditations of London myself, they have almost all been very beautiful, full of romance, wisdom and revelation. But then there was that one and only time I dreamt of the London underground (i.e. subway) there, the morning of the bombings...

In any event, I was just about to do a healing energy session for someone else, and I will include you in that time, starting now...