Spirit Guide Group: Dreams, Volume Three


TOO LATE. I'M IN HERE !!! snittering !!


I had an odd dream...

I dreamt I was offering 50 things on Ebay, something purely physical I can't remember what... Blankets or something...
But together with that I was also offering Spirit Readings or something... A woman wanted to have one, and was mad at me that I was offering it... Something about her deceased father...

I remember being confused... I hadn't even done the Reading yet, and she was already refusing to pay and saying bad things to me...

Then the Alarm Clock went off...


psychic sue

I think this dream shows your intents are of the highest good - blankets - offering comfort to people. The woman could be the part of your ego that is afraid of what others might think about your reading. It is common in dreams to have the ego try and hold us back. Don't let it put you off Khalie - as your intent is so honourable, you will be given the highest possible help to achieve your goals.

Sue x

PS - I was just thinking - 50 I would associate with 50% - maybe its about using the other half of the brain? However, you need to work out what 50 means to you.

Sue x


Thanks Sue. Very interesting ideas!

Today I dreamt that I was in England. I am always in England in so many many of my dreams... it's creepy. At least it wasn't London this time.

I was staying over at a house of a couple (unfamiliar people) and I was packing all my stuff to leave. They were annoyed I was so last minute because I promised I would wake up at 11.00. They had packed half my stuff but I needed to pack even more. I remember crawling under beds.
I packed music casette's (?!), books and I had at least 5 different bags! I also saw laying on a table lottery tickets with wishes/wants from my family on it. (We do this normally every Xmas, draw lots to see who buys something for whom)

I keep having psychic impressions that I need to leave something behind, that I need to let go. From singing a song that is about that, to having Cards that give those indication... So... I wasn't so surprised that I'm "packing up"... The problem is that I can't figure out what it is I'm supposed to leave behind...



Well, besides that packing dream, I had another one...

But I also dreamt something very very odd last night.

A woman was feeding two vampiric small kangeroos blood from her wrist. She was also showing them to a set of people. They were sitting like a jury would be sitting at a court case.
This one man split off and it was as if he had a little electric blueish thingy trickle out of him. Immediately the kangeroos got aggressive killing all the 20+ people in the room, expect the original woman.
She was scared and upset, but didn't want to move to set them off. She couldn't leave because then they might escape too...

Then the alarm went off...

I think I meant have returned to the dream, but I'm not sure.
I remember that people completely in special suits (so they had nothing to bite) were offering the woman a suit too. She denied it, because she said they might attack her while she was putting it on.

Strange huh? Can't make sense of it, but it seems it's very important. I'm also interested that they didn't go 'wild' on blood, but some kind of little bluish stain... Although I thought in my dream that he must have had the smell of blood on him or something, but that was clearly not what happened...


psychic sue

My immediate thoughts are :-

Kangaroos - agressive, nervy animals. The blue liquid sounds like energy. The suit - protection, but you seem to reject it. Is there someone who is leeching off your energy? A psychic vampire?


psychic sue said:
My immediate thoughts are :-

Kangaroos - agressive, nervy animals. The blue liquid sounds like energy. The suit - protection, but you seem to reject it. Is there someone who is leeching off your energy? A psychic vampire?

I didn't know kangaroos were aggressive... I tried looking up their meaning in Shamanism,but I can't find it on the web.

I felt the woman was both protective of her 'pets' as well as afraid of them. And the fact that she was feeding them blood makes me uneasy...

I don't know if somebody is leeching off my energy... Lately, all whom I come into contact with is my lover. I haven't been out much, although long distance it should also be possible. He told me that the other day he felt almost 'possessed'. He was unnaturally angry... that gave me some pause...


psychic sue

Ah - maybe it's connected to him then? Say protection prayers every night before sleep. That should help.

Little Eagle

The Kangaroo in dream time thinking stands for abundence if a Grey or Family and comitment if a Red .It seems to me that the dream was to do with sacrifice for others.The very fact that the woman fed them was a sign that the earth mother sustains us all with her blood. The blue is energy and as we are all just energy and conciousness i would say that the dream was slightly Shamanic. If you do worry about unseen forces there are many books to read but the one i prefer is Psychic Protection by Ted Andrews.

Little Eagle

Too Mant Poeple Worry About Posession And Attachments There Are Very Practical Steps To Protect And Help Yourself. The First Rule Is Raed The Hitchhikers Guide And Obey The Line Don't Panic. Thinks Are Usually Never As Bad As They Seem. Sensitive [people Usually Unwittingly Rub Off On Partners And The Negativity Felt Is Magnetic Emotion Transfer From A Third Party That's All. A Simple Shower Will Suffice To Clense This.