Messages in Nature.


Greetings everybody.
This thread is inspired by zorya's answer in the 'Which one do you pick'-thread.

I've been extremely fascinated by Nature for as long as I can remember. Looking to the mountains and the fjords gives me a feeling of harmony that can't be compared to anything else. In the morning, before school or work, I need those moments of getting lost in the beauty of Gaia.

A few times I've gotten a strong feeling of something profound out there, but I'm not very good at interpreting what could be 'messages'. Do any of you experience this?

One time, for instance, I was walking home from the bus, and I noticed this huge tree outside our house. That is, I had seen it before, but it sent out something I couldn't place. This happened last fall. I looked up at it, and it felt so dominating, enveloped in an energy not familiar to me, and I almost felt scared. I stood there for a moment, while the branches silently waved in the breeze, stunned. I felt something was trying to tell me something, but I never found out. I have been thinking about this incident quite a few times later. Strange...

So, tell me your stories! :)



ooooo mountains and fjords! how inspiring :)

i too cannot start my day, without going outside and greeting nature. living so closely with her, i find my changes often occur with her's. and as we know, nature is constantly changing, lol.

don't worry about not understanding what nature is trying to tell you. she often speaks directly to our souls. even without knowing what it means, she can change us in subtle or profound ways. sometimes the meaning may become clear much later.

think of a tree. firmly connected to the earth by it's roots. reaching and connecting up to the sky by it's branches. the roots in the dark underearth. the leaves turning to the bright sun. strong firm seemingly everlasting trunk, yet it can bend and flex with the wind without snapping!

the tree with it's branching roots, also can represent our ancestors, our roots. the branches are our future, our children and their children. all part of one.


I live in the city, so have to really look to see nature around me. But once a year I like to go visit my family in Oklahoma and take long walks through the woods to refresh my soul. I'll take a drink from the medicine waters and feel myself re-connect with the earth.


zorya: I love your portrayal of the tree. :) I want to go outside and hug one! *giggle* Well, it's kinda late, and we live in a circle of houses, so my neighbours would probably think I'm crazy. })

Nature has had a great impact on me, from day One. I've always felt this longing, and Nature has helped me through this. And still does, for that matter. She has been my mentor and my therapist.

I'm reading up on devas now, and it's quite interesting (thank you Diana). :) Anybody else?


Red Emma


The image of the tree was fascinating. Do you suppose that, had you asked, the Tarot could have given you some insights into the message you perceived the tree was trying to relate?


Red Emma: Very good question. Frankly, I don't know. Does anybody else have an opinion on this?



aeonx: If trees and nature try to and talk to you, then I think you should really try and develop ways to understand them and talk back to them. (After all, it would be the polite thing to do, wouldn't it? ;) )

You can talk to everything in nature - even the rocks and the stones. I personally don't know how to do it, but I have met people who are able to communicate with them, as well as with animals. They say it's like having a "normal" conversation with a human being.

Seek. You will surely find. It may not come in a flash - but after all, you have eternity ahead of you.


Well, as I am polite of nature, I really should try to say "hi" back. :) I'm, as you know, reading up on devas, and I hope I find something on the net that can help me develop these abilities. I have an extremely strong connection to everything in nature, and I know I would love to 'speak' to and with them.
And thank you Diana for assisting me on my spiritual path. *hugs*



By the way...

If any of you on Aeclectic have experience with this, or can guide me in some way, I would highly appreciate it. If you prefer, you can contact me via e-mail or pm's. :)


New River

hi aeonx,

i find i have perhaps taken for granted my ablility to commune with nature. this thread is telling me that. but maybe i can help you.

i have had this recognition, as with you and your tree, happen many times. i did not question it but instead gave my thoughts to the tree, flower, creature, etc. at first i may have been astonished when i received thoughts back but i soon became accustomed to it and now i do it all the time.

i have a story for you. one day i was driving my usual way thru the country. a certain dirt road claimed my attention all of a sudden. i have traveled this road all my life and never noticed this particular dirt road. i stopped my car and grabbed my walking stick and began to walk down the dirt road. it was lined with very old cottonwood trees. it was hot, humid and very still out. the further i walked the more i could not take my eyes off these trees. i thought, "talk to me", in my mind and suddenly the leaves began to stir. i thought, "yes, that's it, i can hear you", and the branches began to sway. i stood transfixed. i looked around. i was all alone with these trees. i held my arms out, my stick held high and embraced them. i sent them love and they thrashed around in what could only be described as a Wizard's Wind. so much was communicated between us. i became one of those trees while i was there that day. it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.

i went back often and always the trees would talk to me. and i talked to them as if they were old friends.

sadly, when i went to see them this spring, they had all been unceremoniously sawed to the ground. i screeched to a stop and ran to them. i was already crying. who would do such a terrible thing! i was so angry i didn't know what to do. i felt so helpless. and then a breeze sprang up and i heard the tree spirit's comforting me. they had known it was coming. truth be told, in my heart i knew it too. still, it combined one of the sweetest moments with one of the saddest......

lesson being: embrace nature while we have it. treasure it and protect it while we can. for it is spirit as we are and we are only here for those few precious moments.

love and blessings,
New River