Celestial Tarot - Judgement (Pluto)


Judgement ~ Pluto ~

Elemental symbol - water
Astrological ruler - Pluto
Astrological correspondence - Scorpio
Hebrew letter - Shin

Pluto - in mythology, Pluto ruled the underworld and was the first kidnapper. Pluto rules work behind the scenes or in isolation, death and disappearance, retirement, the urge to tear down and rebuild, secret obsessions and it influences sexual behaviour.

Scorpoi are frequently in touch with the bright and dark sides of themselves simultaneously. One of the hardest things for Scorpios to accept is that they are not master over all things. In fact, destiny, fate and fortune all play an enormous role in their existence. They cannot have power over your destiny and so while they may like these forces of fate when they work for them and they're on top of the world, they curse them when they get in the way of their well-laid plans.