Transparent Tarot - High Priestess and Magician


inanna_tarot raised some interesting points about the interplay between the High Priestess and the Magician. Since I have a scanner and she doesn't, I told her I'd start a thread examining the interplay between the two cards.

In the HP/Magician CI, the red dragon appears to be holding onto the crescent moon. The color red suggests confidence, sexuality and love, passion, and power or danger in addition to increasing energy levels. The crescent moon suggests growth and regeneration. Also, the red dragon appears to be absorbing the blue streamers (flares?) of light coming off the moon.

The color white also represents confidence. It also brings spiritual growth and peace; represents purity or virginity; suggests calmness, relaxation and inner peace; and indicates protection, happiness and divine glory. The white dragon touches the crescent moon, so absorbs some of its energy.

Taken together, the image provides me with many potential meanings:
  • Hidden knowledge that's revealed strengthens both combatants, but one more than the other
  • Gaining access to that which will allow one to triumph over an opponent who had been equally matched
  • Something that's revealed that gives one the necessary boost of confidence to meet an equally confident friend or foe
  • Something that gives one the confidence to ask someone else out on a date
  • Becoming impassioned about a subject
  • Charging one's batteries for what looks like it's going to be a long drawn out battle

When you MI the Magician, the white dragon gets to absorb the energy being put out by the moon. So it could indicate getting the confidence to take on a bully, the triumph of spiritual growth over temptation, finding the strength to stay calm when being taunted or happiness in the face of adversity.

When you MI the HP, the image speaks to me of using truth (the white dragon) to combat disinformation. I didn't notice it when the red dragon was holding onto the moon, but when the white dragon holds onto it, the lower tip of the moon appears to be cutting into the red dragon. BUT that's a waning moon, so whatever strength it was giving to the white dragon is coming to an end. If the white dragon isn't able to overcome the red dragon before the moon's help comes to an end, I don't know if the white dragon will still be able to hold his own.

When you MI both cards I see evil (the red dragon) using unfair advantages and disinformation to get the better of good. I can also see a battle between chastity and lust, someone or something trying to rile one's sense of calmness or inner peace or coming face to face with danger.



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I've got the magician and the hps cards on my desk as a CI, and when the hps is mi, it lights the white dragon, and when the hps is the right way it lights the red one. Im not sure what that means to be yet but it feels significant... hmm.
twas what I was thinking which sparked many a thread lol

And I still dont know what it means to me yet. But the MI Magi and the MI HPS makes the red dragon look real sinister..
I mean, both dragons cling to the cresent moon but this way looks really - odd, Like the red dragon is sucking the maiden cresent, its harnessin the energy and not sharing very much with the white dragon yet if the cards are both in SI - the red dragon doesnt look that menancing to me. How odd! In fact there is unity and co-operation.


inanna_tarot said:
And I still dont know what it means to me yet. But the MI Magi and the MI HPS makes the red dragon look real sinister..
I thought it was just me! Glad to know that someone else sees that in the red dragon too!



hmmm! More random thoughts.
Looking at the MI magi and MI HPS, it feels like a dominating ego, someone who doesnt want their knowledge revealed and so is repressing anything that comes from within. Its very egotistical and thinking they know it all. I sort of think of censorship as well, controlling and being a general git lol.

But when we have the the Magi and HPS in SI, I see a free flowing of energy, theres power and direction yet it comes from a place with grace and that good 'gut' feeling. Its when dreams are starting to become reality and you feel like your in your place for the universe. I felt this feeling when I decided to apply for my nursing course and thats what I see there.

Although with the moon held in the white dragons claws, the dragon looks very cold, like ice. So in a reading it could reflect to me that somone is being too literal, too 'scientific' and not opening their eyes. Sort of like a supreme King of Swords that hasnt woken up to the real world. Therefore the red dragon is there to balance to give heat, to soften that hard exterior of the dragon. Freedom.