Transparent Tarot - 11 - Strength


In Strength, which is numbered 11 in this deck, we see a woman's hand cradling the jaw of a panther.

  • symbolizes ferocity, pitiless force, courage, pride and speed
  • its skin was worn to show one’s mastery over the demonic powers of the animal
  • was regarded as a symbol of lust and sensuality
  • represents fierceness, fury, impetuousness and remorselessness in heraldry
  • females were known for their superior fighting courage
  • was seen as dangerous, cruel and savage in ancient China

  • represents both temporal and spiritual power, strength, domination and protection
  • transmitter of spiritual and physical energy
  • suggests the laying on of hands as a means of blessing or healing
  • outstretched hand suggests blessing, protection and welcome
  • the left hand represents the passive aspect of power and also receptivity
  • in Renaissance heraldry, hands represent strength, loyalty, diligence, innocence and unity
  • metaphors concerning the hand
    • “to give a hand” is to help out or to show recognition and appreciation
    • “to get out of hand” is to become out of control
    • “to force one’s hand” is to force someone into making a move or a decision
    • “to bite the hand that feeds you” is to turn on one’s own source or supply
    • “to eat out of someone’s hand” is to be totally subservient to someone else’s wishes or to be under their complete control
    • “to keep a hand in something” is to stay involved with or in it

  • represents the ability to reach out to others, or the ability to give expression or service to others
  • symbol of instrumental, protective or judgmental force
  • a symbol of strength
  • metaphors concerning the arm
    • “at arm’s length” mean to be kept at a safe distance
    • “to bear arms” is to be readied for battle
    • “arm in arm” means united together with another individual
    • "the long arm of the law" suggests the ability of the police and courts to force people to obey the rules
