Ethics on Where to Read Cards


Moderator note

A few off-topic posts have been removed from this thread.

Please keep it respectful folks, even if you're disagreeing with someone.

Thank you.

Sulis - Talking Tarot co-moderator


le fey said:
btw - my response would be the same as fudugazi (although I'm more likely to pre-emptively avoid the situation) - if a business does not welcome my presence while I am causing no harm, I will simply quietly leave.. obviously, I am not the customer they're catering to. No harm no foul, but like everyone else I like to feel welcome where I am spending money.

i would leave as your saying, only difference is i would tell people i knew what treatment i got, if it was a company trip would tell out travel dept to not use that hotel, and would also use the resources open to me (online hotel reviews etc) to say how i was treated.

'word of mouth' is a powerful tool, even if people dont agree with tarot they tend to agree with being about to let live.

Seafra- i understand your voicing your opinion from your jobs point of view, and this isnt a personal opinion.

back to the original point, in small towns i would go to an out of town cafe if the reading is personal because there will be no surprises of bumping into a neighbour etc


Seafra said:
And thank you for your comment re. my job. I also posted several things wearing my 'reader' hat also. :)

yes i have read and enjoyed lots of your posts, this was simply a debate not an attack.


214red said:
i would like to see attitudes to tarot change in the future and if in a tiny way its made more accessible or took the mystery and myths away from it for some people i think i would be happy.

I'm with you 100% on that. To me, I've always thought I would like to see Tarot taught in school right up there with Math and Geography and whatever else. To me it's a vital life skill that enhances every part of life. And I would sure get a lot more use out of it that the History or Geography we did learn in school.



The bottom line is that hotels or other establishments have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason they choose to. Many of them put up a sign to that effect. If they put up a sign, they have even more on their side. Just like if you see a Beware of Dog sign and you go into that yard anyway, you can't sue the owner for their dog biting you.

But direwolf336, I'm curious. Have you found an acceptable place to read for your friend yet? If she doesn't want a reading done in a public place then I guess another option might be either a friend of yours or a friend of hers offering a place in their home.


Welf said:
Just remember gregory, don't set your tent up too close to the other tents because tents, like humans, also have ears so I'm told... : )

Don't know about you - but I don't shout my readings out loud - they are private ! So it shouldn't be an issue - but if I did, the other tents would have the right to ask me to zip my flysheet.... ;)

I do think tarot is more likely to become more acceptable if we who are using it are courteous and thoughtful of others.


I've quite enjoyed reading this whole thread. I'm with Seafra on this - if your boss says "X", then that's it.

Perhaps I'm a bit of a scaredy cat, but I don't read in public around here, ever. This is a *very* conservative place, home of the infamous Cornerstone Church (of Rev. John Hagee fame), and I frankly don't want to be known for my hobby.

As seafra said, I want to move to Welf's place! Now we'll have two tents and a travel trailer (because I like indoor plumbing) :) What fun.

I'm pretty tired of living in such a conservative, fundie and Catholic place. Of course, there are lots of brujas on the south and west side... but I don't think that tarot is part of that millieau.


playing cards

You can read in public with playing cards, just pretend like you are playing a game or something...many a time I've laid out a game of solitaire....and didn't play, just get the creative....