Method of discovering personality type with Scapini's Symbols

Lady Iron Side

Method of discovering our/others, personality type.

To get more clarity of a persons personality, I turn to the symbols depicted in the card. To see what my minds eye sees first (intuition), that quick glimpses of the raven or the moon, or the witches. Will be my glues as to whom the spread is referring to. Its is those symbols that have the keys/clues, that will lead you to the right individual, without questions.

I have found over the years that I have worked with the tarot, that it seemed to be the sheep’s method, (books – LWB), that the queen of swords means or is interpreted as this (……). Which was to vague, boring, and left me with to many questions. Like; oh I know 5 queen of sword types, hmmm which one of the lady’s is it. Which led to more questions and pulling more cards for clarity. Well I soon threw that method out the door, studied hard on tarot, astrology, numerology, Carl Jung, etc. I created my own method, and the questions stopped, I knew whether the reading was talking about me or someone else, whether I knew them or not.

With my own experiences of interacting with other people, whether they are friends, family, or strangers. I found more and more that these people didn’t all fit into the 16 stereotype tarot personalities, We may have some aspect that are the same characteristics, more or less than another person, but most often enough it could take 3 traits to make it not so.

I link those symbols to other cards in the deck.

I would just like to let everyone who reads my posts to know that I am no expert, I will not claim to be one, we all know that the tarot cards and your intuition speaks differently to you, than the person next door. It all basically comes down to observation and perception of the individual. Ie: 10 people in a room will witness something, but yet what each of them seen it differently and perceived it in a different aspect, so they will share what they saw by different interpretation of what happened. Tarot works same way.

I have added this from the Queen of Swords

If you wish to get an understanding of how I have done this click on link above and scoll down page to 2nd post. PS I am still working on the queen. I have a huge journal to go through to get it finished.