Dream Symbol meaning: 4 men?


Thank you both on the congrats. :D
I'd keep this in mind though as it could be something that will be coming up for you. I'm also a very simple and average person myself. The type that gets lost in a room, wall flower sort of person. And, though I had readings here on A.T. and by my main go to psychic reader many months in advance about this same sort of issue--I couldn't fathom it coming to be and happening--and yet it did--MANY months later. Hind sight is always the best sight and of course when it occurred to me, I had completely forgotten the 'warnings' through the readings of the many to me - warning me of it.

Dreams are often (I find) about the future--near or far. So, do your best to remember this and be aware for when it begins to occur and hopefully, you will be able to react to it correctly. For me, it was nearly a year in advance--and up to a few months in advance and then it hit hard. I was warned and still so blind when it hit, never recalling those readings w/the warnings. I could've handled it better, had I remembered those readings and been prepared. So, stay alert. Be prepared. You may be getting a pre-warning for something in the future.

Thank you. I wrote it down in my dream log book but not sure how to turn it into a warning. I think there was a list somewhere out that lists the days of the dream and their time predicted outcome. I'll add it here later if I find it.
Maybe I'll draw few cards and see what area in my life would be effected by this. HM...

thank you.


Thank you. I wrote it down in my dream log book but not sure how to turn it into a warning. I think there was a list somewhere out that lists the days of the dream and their time predicted outcome. I'll add it here later if I find it.
Maybe I'll draw few cards and see what area in my life would be effected by this. HM...

thank you.

yes, its hard sometimes--especially as time goes on, to remember *warnings* like this--especially if you are with your loved ones, because you never ever expect them to do anything to you. this includes friends and family. but oh how I wish I could go back many years, being so aware NOW! so, just do your best, bluelagune. that is really all you can do. :)

I would be interested in seeing that list if you ever find it. I don't think I've ever seen such a thing.


pg 464 New Universal Dream Book.
The date counter starts from the NEW MOON!

1st - Dreams on this day fully realized and foretell good things.
2nd – Dreams are empty and have no meaning.
3rd – Dreams materialize quickly.
4th – Dreams materialize after long time.
5th – Dreams of good fortune.
6th – Dreams materialize but not soon.
7th – Dreams foretell of happiness, but you should not tell anyone about them.
8th – Dreams leading to good luck and making wishes come true.
9th – Dreams materialize quickly and foretell good luck
10th – Dreams materialize but lead to some misfortunes and troubles.
11th – Dreams materialize within 11 days and foretell of happiness.
12th – Dreams materialize quickly.
13th – Dreams lead to misfortunes.
14th – Dreams of misfortune and troubles.
15th – Dreams materialize quickly and foretell of success.
16th – Dreams do not materialize and have no meaning
17th – Dreams materialize within 12 days and promise success.
18th – Dreams foretell of rise in profit and new purchases.
19th – Dreams foretell of family quarrels.
20th – Dreams materials quickly.
21st – Dreams materials within 11 days and lead to happiness.
22nd – Dreams are warnings of troubles ahead.
23rd – Dreams materialize quickly.
24th – Dreams foretell happiness and materialize quickly.
25th – Dreams foretell of lies, trickery and deceit.
26th – Dreams of pleasure and entertainment (sex).
27th – Dreams have no meaning.
28th – Dreams warn of minor troubles within 30 days.
29th – Dreams do not materialize.
30th – Dreams are of fantasies and don’t always come true.
31st – Dreams foretell of romantic victories, pleasures and come true within 15 days.


:bugeyed: WOW Bluelagune! that is quite a list. But, now to use that, one needs to keep up with the moon. :laugh: too much work for me! :laugh:

but, thank you for this. I may try it if I recall. :)


Hi Blue..

I think the key here is to pick apart the symbolism in the dream and ask what they mean to you. It's your dream therefore I think it can really only be interpreted by you. Maybe start with numerology regarding the number 4 then figure out four feelings about men you might have. They could possibly represent 4 men from your past you have locked up in your thoughts. The child could be you. What poem might have you recited as a young girl? Is there any significance now?

Good luck..


Hi Blue..

I think the key here is to pick apart the symbolism in the dream and ask what they mean to you. It's your dream therefore I think it can really only be interpreted by you. Maybe start with numerology regarding the number 4 then figure out four feelings about men you might have. They could possibly represent 4 men from your past you have locked up in your thoughts. The child could be you. What poem might have you recited as a young girl? Is there any significance now?

Good luck..

Thank you Goth,

number 4 is not my life's path but I've noticed a lot of it resonates with my behavior. Since a lot of it associates how I work, maybe it has something to do with people I work with. However, I've never met these men or at least I do not remember. Diaries do imply secrets but I've placed them in my bag in the dream. The diaries were not of interest to them. The tape recorder and the child's voice. I'm not a child and I do not have any children in this lifetime. But according to the dictionary the child voices mean I must do something in strict privacy in order to accomplish it. What it is? I have no idea.... as to feelings: I was feeling black mailed by them. And when I looked up the dictionary that said that I'm being forced to make a decision.... and then i typed up what I was thinking here and it was too much personal information ... so had to delete. But it makes absolute sense now!

Thank you!