Rune Study Group: The 3 Rune Cast


The three rune cast is most common, and historically known (Tacitus, Germania, 78 CE).

The three runes are laid out from left to right.

Position 1..................Position 2..................Position 3
That which has.........That which is...........That which should be
Option One.................The Issue.................Option Two

You can see from the table, that in addition to past-present-future layouts, other values can be substituted for each position, depending on the needs of the reading.

Here is the trick with Runes. Most folks memorize meanings and ascribe them to the three positions, (“This is your past, this is your future, etc.”)

Think of movement. It begins with three static Runes. You will read position one. Then position One and Two, as a pair, looking at the dynamic of the relationship. Repeat.

The reality of what you are looking at is not three separate things (past, present, future), but the flow in the tapestry of life.

Learn to read between the stones.

Experience will tell you how far in the future Skuld speaks for you. For me it is roughly four days. This will vary from person to person, both sitter and reader.


i'm a little confused about position 3 "that which should be".

is this what the "gods" say, "should" be? or is it what should happen if things continue on their path? or is it more like, what should be worked toward? or is it read more as "the future"?


It is 'that which should be' if events run on their current path.


How do you cast a certain number? Do you root around in the bag and grab the number of runes you want in your reading? Sorry I'm a little fuzzy on casting. I usually dump the whole bag out and read them that way.

Thanks for reading! :)


There are two approaches to reading with 3 or 5 stones.

I like to begin by bouncing the bottom of the bag with my free hand. It becomes a rattle. I rattle until it is ‘right’.

1- Root around in the bag and draw the required number of stones (most folks use this method).

2- Cast all 24 stones upon the casting surface (carpet, cloth, or hide) and while looking upwards, draw the required number of stones.

Historically, method 2 is the most accurate – dating from 98 C.E.


Ah that cleared things up in my head. Thanks Umbrae! :)


Thank you, this helped to clarify the 3-Rune cast for me, right as I'm starting to move on from drawing just a single rune for my daily reading/practice. Very timely!


years ago I started working with the runes, the basic Ralph Blum set and book.

I know the basic meanings of the stones, but when I cast I really have this blankness settle over me.

I've always had an affinity with the Norns, I love their myth, and their names, everything. I now have the rune cards by silver ravenwolf and nigel jackson, still have my stones, and the Freya Aswyn book. And I'm setting out to learn the meanings all over again.

I'll be checking out your group and wanted to know what tips you have for connecting with the Norns and the runes and helping to make it all more accessible.



Hi Umbrae, and rune friends

I haven't used my rune deck in many years, this has given me inspiration.

I will have a little play tonight to aquaint myself with them again and would love a study group on them.


a table of contents, with links to the rune study group threads, can be found 'stickied' at the top of the divination board, or click here.