Major Arcana titles: L'Imperatrice


I suppose that many of the cards have titles which are so 'clear' that discussing them seems difficult.

So let me mention something I have found wonderful for the art of reflection as I consider some of the various titles the cards have.

The next card - which I guess we'll discuss next, L'Empereur, - is obviously not the simple masculine of 'Imperatrice'.

I'll post some of my reflections, not based on etymology, a little later...


A most mysterious post, jmd. Waiting for your reflections.

The triad of the Bateleur, the Papess and the Impératrice, i.e.: I came, I saw, I conquered.

Poor Emperor: not much left for him to do but to consolidate.

But please, I beg you, tell us more about this title "Impératrice".

It is curious, in my mind, that it is an Impératrice, and not a Reine (Queen).


jmd? Hellooooo! Is anyone home?

Darn, he didn't put on his answering machine.....

Well, I'll try and phone later, then.


To return to my post - and apologies, I was called off line and took some days to return and post.

I also did not mean to be 'mysterious' or even suggest a deep reflection on my part. Rather, the comments are somewhat simple.

Firstly, it would seem that 'L'imperatrice' has a clear Latin origin in title, without much due French modifying. If it had, one would, as for her male counterpart, have modified the title to 'L'Empresse' - but the connotations or varied, and not befitting of the highest of Ladies, and one from whose womb the ruler of the land may well be begotten.

With this title, there is also both the royal home and the inevitability of prerogative which are loosely impressed upon the mind through near homophony. The Imperial Palace, and the imperative, seem to fit more with the title as retained for the Empress by this earlier latinized form, than for the Emperor's French influenced title.

These are, as I said, mere reflections...



Woaw, this post is sleeping since 2001... Time to wake it up! ;)

I know the following is not new (I read it in Alain Bocher's book of 1989) but I think it's the most important thing to say about L'Imperatrice's name (if not, jmd, please tell me, I can cope ;)):
In the Conver version the title has no ' (accent? don't know the name in english). This is to give us a clue on the meaning. 'LIMPERA' could be the base of 'LIMPIAR' that means 'purify'. There are other clues about this card to stress this meaning.


Yves Le Marseillais

Imperatrice Job

Hello all and Rafael,

I question myself:
An Imperatrice is Queen of Queens isn't it ?
An Emperor is King of Kings isn't it ?

Half joking Man

Yves Le Marseillais



Hi there Monsieur Le Marseillais,

A man questionning himself always has my utmost respect and attention! ;)

I am quiet sure that you are right with that queen of queens statement.
But what is exactely your point my friend?

With regards,

ps: I have the impression I met you before ;)

Le Marseillais

Queen Of Queens

Hi Rafael,

I have no specific views about this card Impératrice but by seeing this thread I remenbered this statement.
As I don't trust anymore in "hasard" for years now, I suppose it is significant.
Sorrry that's all folks... for now.

May be you met me on Philippe Tourrasse AKA Camoin web Forum or on his 2005 Tarot courses in South France/Saint Maximin.
I should may be look on my pictures taken upon it.

Anyway I like this card on an aesthetic plan minimum, plus three number symbolic signification.

Three means seed, throat, green, revival, spring, voice, expression, extraversion and so on for a Numerologist isn't it ?

27 ° Celsius in Marseille "Tarot City" 21h56 PM



I have no trouble with the L' Imp.... L'Emp... or without the apostrophe as in the Noblet LEMPERATRISE. I reckon it is pretty plain it comes from the Latin Imperatus and Imperialis. I have a problem with ...atrice/atrise at the end. Of course it could just be plain ol' suffix forming the feminine word of Emperor- but Pape became Papesse?
So it makes me laugh to think of the commonly used term to loot and plunder in a flash of the eye......Trisen. Snatch, plunder and carry off.
She might be in terms of card playing the equivalent of the Spade Queen= the black Bitch of the deck, and can plunder all your tricks.