The NO-Fear Spread(s)


The NO-Fear Spread(s)

Inspired by Dawn Falbe [Instructor of the 'Tarot for Beginners' class on Barnes and Noble University - 2004]

Fear = False Evidence Appearing Real

Dawn Falbe - the current instructor of the 'Tarot for Beginners' class on Barnes and Noble is a great inspirational source for me.

At first I put the spread in a linear fashion 1 .. 2 .. 3.. 4. But this made no sense to me, and didn't feel right. So I looked at the spread as if looking up from an abyss and put "What is False" at the bottom.

From there it's a ladder reaching, stepping UPWARD to "What is Real"

There are actually two (2) spreads. A basic No-Fear spread which I recommend for newbies to the tarot and the Alternate NO-Fear spread that gets more involved.

NO-Fear Spread Basic Layout (4-Cards)

...... 4 . What is Real
.... 3 ... How do things appear to you?
. 2 ...... What is Evident
1 ........ What is False

Alternate Method - NO-Fear Spread Layout (8-Cards)
(Double Ladder Progression)

...... 4 ..... 8 .
.... 3 .... 7 ....
. 2..... 6 .......
1 ... 5 ..........

The first four (4) positions are the same as in the basic spread version.

Position #1: What is False?
Position #2: What is Evident?
Position #3: How do things appear to you?
Position #4: What is Real?

Position #5: In what areas of my life do I fear disappointment?
Position #6: What have I learned from disappointments?
Position #7: How can I prevent disappointments?
Position #8: How do I convert disappointment into positive change?

I created the spread layouts but the position meanings for 1 through 7 are Dawn Falbe's and Andre Prasetya came up with the meaning for position #8.

Don S.
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This is another "good idea" spread that I want to add to my journal.

You know, I don't look at the Spreads Thread, hardly ever. I see that I'm going to have to change that. :)

Well, it's just that I felt I have enough spreads in the books/decks that I own. Actually, I made a spread the other day for a Reading because I couldn't find what I wanted. That's how it happens, I guess.

Thanks, Don.

Don, sending you a PM.


Very interesting spread nodntap! Though I tend to think of a fear which is based on the "false" seeming to be "real" as a phobia instead. "Fear" is not necessarily based on a false impression... fear can be based very much in reality... however, lingering fear, or phobias, would definitely fit this spread. Excellent.


PM ???

Don, sending you a PM. [/B][/QUOTE]

No idea what a PM is, or how it works.

Don S.




I'm glad you figured it out. Thanks for the info.