7 of Cups


Hi everyone :)

For my daily readings I draw three cards, to make a story of the day ahead.....


Beginning: 4 of Swords
Main Theme: Chariot
End: 7 of Cups

I always have trouble grasping the meanings of the 6 and 7 of Cups.

Can anyone help, what meaning do you give to the 7 of Cups, how do you relate it to the day? I would love if anyone has a good example of the 7 of cups applied to their life at one time.

many thanks

love :)


I see it as contemplation or choices. You have these possible outcomes before you, and you gaze upon them, wondering which route you are to take.

In terms of a story, it appears as though you have a decision to make, and the card is advising you to consider your options.



The 7 of cups is the card of many choices, many options. Sometimes having a hard time choosing which one.

It can also signify fantasies, or creative visualization. Sometimes unrealistic fantasies. The surrounding cards can influence the interpretation.

In the RW deck, the center figure of a person is under a cloak, suggestive of something hidden or surprising.

In a recent reading done for me by the very talented napaea, she described the 7 of cups card as meeting a person who was wearing their public "mask", possibly in some kind of market. And that is exactly what happened to me in real life. So, the association with shopping (many choices) and pretense (the veiled figure) is a possibility. Perhaps in this sense , it is a card of getting more than you bargained for - maybe with the aura of illusions thrown in.

Is it possible that on the day in question you decided to make a major shopping or exploratory trip in the car, even though you felt too tired and would rather have stayed home?



the 7 of cups can also represent emotional indulgence or debauchery. depression, indulging in ones addictions including over eating.
it can mean having trouble differentiating between fantasy and reality.


Thank you everyone

I think I can relate it to my day, although the day is only half way (it's now lunchtime)..

I am waiting to hear from the real estate agent regarding my application for a studio apartment I am wanting to rent, I really really want this apartment, it suits all of my needs, including the most important one - my cat oscar. 7 of cups could mean day dreaming about my move, to be careful of illusionary success?


7 of cups means here that your experience with him will pe pleasant. He is really going to make a good impression so much that you are going to want the house because he is so nice.


Emotional interpretation to the 7 of Cups

Hello all~~Cerulean_lotus here again!

I just did an interesting reading --it was a 4 card relationship spread. Position 3 was the past energy of the relationship. As most of you know by the few posts I have put here, I use my gut intuition alot. (I am also working on channeling techniques before really deciding on a concrete interpretation.) My gut intuition told me that this card meant that the Other in the reading felt that his emotions were thrown into disarray because he felt toyed with and in a pit of seduction with his feelings. Basically, the guy felt that his feelings were manipulated somehow and was heartbroken by it. Luckily- Position 4 which is the Outcome showed 2 of Cups, which meant more trustworthy, warm, and lighthearted exchange of emotions in the future.

Any opinions?? All welcome!!