A spread for discovering someone's feelings


Another spread that follows with my obsessions with spreads that look like something! I made this one up the other day when I was trying to figure out if someone was upset with me. I shuffled, cut, then thought to myself how does this person feel about me. Then I started making a spiral clockwise, the furthur I went, the deeper the person's thoughts and feelings. I made a small spiral because I didn't want to pry with the cards - I do that in person - but to really get under someone's skin you'd make a big spiral, laying a card for each part of the spiral. Don't be worried about which way the card's facing, and let them touch! The deeper you go, however, the more you learn, and it's up to the reader's discresion to keep going or not.


Hi Teranar,

The spread doesn't appear on your post and I can't quite picture how it would work.

However I was puzzled a little about the process. Mind you, in some fearful moments I've wondered what other people think of me but I know how mistaken such sspeculation can end up being. I think it would be hard not to project one's own fears and feelings onto someone else in such a reading. It's sometimes hard enough to figure out what I'm really feeing myself :laugh:et alone someone else.

I noticed that in the current series of reading that Umbrae did he asked the querents' consent to look inside them and that seemed a very ethical thing to do.

I know you indicated that with your spread the reader would use his or her own discretion but there still seems to be a privacy issue as well as a tremendous chance of seeing through the glass darkly.

Another thought, the knowledge gained through such a process would mean that I don't act authentically with the person; I would react and that can create further communication problems. Far mores positive, I think, to be thoughtful about the messages you get from the other person but then to be simply who you are. Be sensitive, negotiate, persuade, whatever, but it is a positive projection not a negative one.

My best wishes,
