Help design a new of find an existing spread?


Here is what I think is a new twist on a relationship spread. I'm fairly new to the Tarot though, so I need some help in designing a spread or finding and existing one that works.

I'm looking for "what was the purpose of this relationship" in other words
who learned what, and who taught what as a result of the relationship. Everything happens for a reason, right? I thought about this one, but it seems redundant...



1*2 ***************3*4

1: What I learned from it
2: What I taught her
3: What she learned from it
4: What she taught me
5: The relationship in general
6: Outcome
7: What was my purpose
8: What was her purpose

Cards 7&8 were added after I tried a reading without them and it seemed
right to add two more. Maybe they should be dealt in a different order (at least before the outcome card???)


I think what you have here is really only a three-card spread:

1. What did I learn?
2. What did she learn?
3. The relationship in general


1. Her purpose in my life
2. My purpose in her life
3. The effect of the relationship on both our lives



Maybe you coul add what "was the purpose of this relationship" some place importent and link your other cards to this one.
So all the positions give you the awnser.

If you still have a question it could help taking all the cards you did the spread with.
Then make rows.

Row 1. Major Arcana's
Row 2. Wands
Row 3. Cups
Row 4. Pentacles
Row 5. Swords

The last thing I do with a friend who has always more questions then one can give her.
It depends on the cards you lay how many rows you get and how long each is.

Each row gives you an underlying awnser.

Good luck with your spread


I only want to comment on the helpfulness of your idea. I was thinking of creating a similar spread for a friend.

I don't have much time now, but later tonight I will contemplate your question and try to create a flexible solution.


Relationship Purpose Spread


(It's supposed to look like a spilled cup.)

Read in the following order:

Card 1. Original Purpose -- What was the original purpose of the relationship? What did "Fate" mean to do when you were brought together?

Card 2. Actual Outcome -- What is the outcome of the relationship? What has the purpose evolved into?

Card 3. Growth -- How have grown from this experience? How are you a better person because of this relationship?

Card 4. Decline -- How has this experience lowered you? How are you worse because of this relationship?

Card 5. Conscious (Partner) -- Why the querent's partner consciously decided to enter the relationship.

Card 7. Subconscious (Partner) -- Why the querent's partner really, subconsciously, decided to enter the relationship.

Card 6. Conscious (Querent) -- Why the querent consciously decided to enter the relationship.

Card 8. Subconscious (Querent) -- Why the querent really, subconsciously, decided to enter the relationship.

Card 9. Status (Partner) -- How the querent's partner is doing right now. May answer "what" or "where".

Card 10. Learning (Partner) -- What the querent's partner learned from this relationship.

Card 11. Learning (Querent) -- What the querent learned from this relationship.

Card 12. Time -- The outcome in three months.

- V.


vernissage said:

(It's supposed to look like a spilled cup.)

Read in the following order:

Card 1. Original Purpose -- What was the original purpose of the relationship? What did "Fate" mean to do when you were brought together?

Card 2. Actual Outcome -- What is the outcome of the relationship? What has the purpose evolved into?

Card 3. Growth -- How have grown from this experience? How are you a better person because of this relationship?

Card 4. Decline -- How has this experience lowered you? How are you worse because of this relationship?

Card 5. Conscious (Partner) -- Why the querent's partner consciously decided to enter the relationship.

Card 7. Subconscious (Partner) -- Why the querent's partner really, subconsciously, decided to enter the relationship.

Card 6. Conscious (Querent) -- Why the querent consciously decided to enter the relationship.

Card 8. Subconscious (Querent) -- Why the querent really, subconsciously, decided to enter the relationship.

Card 9. Status (Partner) -- How the querent's partner is doing right now. May answer "what" or "where".

Card 10. Learning (Partner) -- What the querent's partner learned from this relationship.

Card 11. Learning (Querent) -- What the querent learned from this relationship.

Card 12. Time -- The outcome in three months.

- V.

I really like this one.. I had never seen it on here before and ran across it just this morning.. it's exactly what I need right now. ;)

Thanks for posting... :D


Great spread vernissage! I will try it later :)