need years destiny spread


i need years destiny spread 12 cards (one for month of the year)
i am confuse make spread card Vertical or horizontal Or another spread any idea
thank you


Hi Mido013,

I have seen year spreads (one or more card per month) configured in a circle (like a clock) with an outcome or overall card in the center.

Just pick which "number" position you want to start with and go around the circle. I have had good results with this type of layout.

Hope this helps you :D



thank you very much valeria i was think to make one Oracle Cards As an extra , outcome or overall as you say ( My favorite one of Doreen Virtue oracle decks ) i love clock spread idea and the overall card in the center i will give it try
thank you again

mystic mal

The CLOCK spread ....start your reading from the 9 O CLOCK POSITION as Where you are now..then anti clockwise.
2. Money and values
3. communication with friends and family.
4. Home
5.Pleasures and interests.
6. Health and employers.
7. Marraige and partnerships.
8.Joint resources.
9. Travel and religion.
10.Hopes and ambitions.
11. Friends, social life and luck.
12. Troubles,illness and loss
13.(middle cards) Highlights of the year.

Hope this helps.


Hi Mystic Mal :D

I like this take on a clock layout - if I am understanding correctly, the spread is used within the context of "what's coming in the next year" so no months are assigned? Lots of detail in this layout!

Thanks for sharing :D


mystic mal

Clock spread starts at 9 o clock which is ARIES then anti clockwise 2.TAURUS
3.GEMINI 4.CANCER etc etc. Cards in these "houses" could either relate to a person of that sign or things will happen in this sign.
ARIES King of Wands
TAURUS Queen of Pentacles
GEMINI Knight of Swords
CANCER King of cups
LEO queen of Wands
VIRGO Knight of Pentacles
LIBRA King of Swords
SCORPIO Queen of cups
SAGI Knight of Wands
CAPRICORN King of Pentacles
AQUARIUS Queen og Swords
PISCES Knight of cups


thank you mystic mal i will giveClock spread try


thank you valeria for sharing