Opening of the Key Spread????


Can someone who knows the Openıng of the Key spread please explain to me how ıt ıs done and how thıs spread works. I have searched ıt and could not fınd anythıng relatıng to how thıs spread ıs effectıve ın tarot magıc etc. and ıs the spread that "breaks" the connectıon between the tree of life/ Kabbalah and the tarot.


Try searching the Thoth Forum using the search words:

key opening

There have been quite a few discussions about this spread.


and of course supertarot. that guy lives by that spread.


I'll make a section and link to those Thoth spreads - I had no idea they were out there!

Thanks for asking the question, Ayla_x, and Marion for pointing out a collection of spreads not in the Index yet.
